[Suggestion] Give all 75-100 round LMG's extended magazines.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    LMG's are the supportive suppression weapon. Giving the higher capacity LMG's extended magazines would only be logical
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    Nah because bias lol.
  3. Hegeteus

    To be honest, almost all of the posts on these forums seem heavily biased anyway. This idea sounds maybe a bit ludicrous and rash honestly, but I wouldn't throw it out of the window just because Scr1n has messed around with Gauss Saw more than most people

    Doing stuff in planetside 2 leaves stats, but what can he do about it? One day you dabble with something, the next day you dabble with another. I consider it all just a plus, using Gauss Saw extensively doesn't discredit his usage time on other types of weapons

    I admit that this short explanation to why this would be needed sounds silly and could use bigger detail though
  4. Geddes

    gauss saw would be a good example of an lmg that wouldnt benefit terribly from extended mags, its got a massive amount of damage per magazine already, and recoil that makes it hard to use without a foregrip, so adding ext mags to it wouldnt be in my opinion bad for balance, but moreso good for flavor.
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    Sorry, i meant "nah because my bias".

    Sounds like a good idea really but that doesn't mean i like it lol.
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  6. Littleman

    Let's consider giving extended magazines to classes of weapons that could actually USE additional bullets... like ARs and carbines. And I mean more than +5 or +10 bullets.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    I wish extended mags were on ES Pistols aswell.
  8. Littleman

    Know what? Why not? Except the revolvers, because well... they're revolvers. Pretty sure if one were to actually empty the magazine on the Inquisitor though, they're shooting at a wall.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    Yes I ment ES pistols.
  10. AlterEgo

    I believe that should be a TR thing. They are the guys who stick to centuries' worth of battlefield tactics, so having three times the magazine size wouldn't be so bad.
  11. Hegeteus

    Oh dammit :oops:
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  12. FateJH

    Which is similar to:
  13. Eternaloptimist

    Apart from the GD22S I never had a problem of mag running dry on a LMG. Or on pistols because ammo belt for Stalker. I can see how extended ammo on carbines would be good for my LA. But this idea threatens to put my Engie out of business - far and away the most certs I earn are from ammo resupply! Not sure I'd give up one of the current attachments for extended ammo, mind you (would that be SPA or something like that? or fore grip or laser sight? - can't remember offhand)
  14. AxiomInsanity87

    It was me that fked up. Your point was still a valid one lol.
  15. Liewec123

    i don't think they're allowed to buff heavy in any way without creating a s%%t storm of QQ XD
  16. Reclaimer77

    There are no stats that support such a change. If anything HA and LMG's need nerfs, not buffs.
  17. Azawarau

    This is one that i actually think would be pretty ok

    Took you long enough
  18. Reclaimer77

    Except his justification is straight up dishonest. If LMG's were "suppression" weapons, this idea would have merit.

    Except look at the stats. LMG's are actually the PREMIERE 1v1 weapon class in the game. Bare none. Hands down!
  19. Hegeteus

    Giving extended magazines to LMGs wouldn't raise their 1v1 power unless their user has a legendarily bad aim :D
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  20. Littleman

    Or they all operated like the MCG - always crappy CoF, both ADS and hip fired.

    ...Except they don't - they're essentially a hybrid mix of the AR's damage range + carbine's recoil (entirely countered with the ever popular foregrip and compensator) + extended magazines. Stack this on top of their shield, and you have the premier infantry unit in game (and just ONE of the many nails in PS2's coffin.) Some people would say this is fine. The stark population drops and server merges since release, plus the very common sight of the heavy assault over any other class say otherwise.

    LMGs will never need a buff before anything else. If anything, everything else needs a buff to compensate.
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