This is something I have only noticed in the last couple of days but lock-on launchers (Annihilator & Grounder tested) are hitting vehicles without the vehicle getting a lock-on warning. 1: Flying a reaver with rank 4 flares, get lock warning, pop flares while burning for cover, lock on warning ceases, 3s seconds later get hit by 3 simultaneous Annihilators resulting in an unavoidable, firey death. This happened to me several times yesterday and has occured 3 times today. 2. Flying the same spec reaver, just won a close dogfight and am about 20% health and maybe 400m in the air, get lock warning, pop flares, 2 seconds later I get hit/killed by a grounder with predictable results. 3. Sat in an AP Lightning on the crest of a hill facing TI Alloys, get lock warning and pop IR smoke, get lock warning again 10 seconds later, reverse behind the hill, breaking the lock and lock warning stops, peek out from the hill to re-engage, get instagibbed by a ton of annihilators with no warning whatsoever. These are just examples of what I have experienced in the last 2 sessions, but having tried to replicate it with some TR buddies, as far as I can tell Flares are not breaking locks for more than 3 missiles, anything extra is continuing as if you had not used flares. It is bad enough to have included a one gun for all occasions, lock anything missile launcher, but to have the one defense to it not actually work is unacceptable.
I do know that the lock on stays for maybe 5 seconds? with a rotating green box,if the target is blocked from line of sight.If the target comes back into view it relocks either instantly or much shorter than the regular lock on time.. cant remember which. Also I think they reduced the lock on times to aircraft,so that could be it. Or hell,it could just be another hack for all i know.
I've had a situation where I was flying near the warpgate and when pursued I would retreat for repair. Get well inside the shield and then get hit by something with no warning. I thought it may be some kind of cheat but could have been 'lock-ons' that had gotten through the shield and were giving no warning.
Flares are supposed to break lock and prevent a relock for 5 seconds, so being hit by multiple lock on missiles immediatley after popping flares is in theory, impossible.
Yeah, is a bug or a new hack.... not sure which right now. Has been happening for about two weeks now, going by older posts/threads, so not related to newest patch.
It is technically possible I suppose to still get hit after popping flares. If the missile was already going straight for you and you don't evade after popping flares, it might hit you dumb even after breaking lock. Likewise it is possible to get missiles to hit tanks just out of sight if you already have a lock on since you can fire at an angle that the missile will curve down on. Whether this actually happened to you, or whether it is a bug, no idea. If you're sure that you wouldn't be making a frivolous ticket, put in a bug report about it.
I don't fly much, but what happens if the guy with the launcher is out of your render range, or indeed culled because of large numbers of players? Do you still get hit by the rocket without ever getting the lock-on warning?
I had issues last night with he Crow G2G launcher . When I would lock a target but not fire the tracking box (normally the red rotating square) would stay on the target after I stopped aiming (let go of the right mouse button that is) and would be green and follow the target. Also I would get that same rotating green square on allies occasionally after healing or rezzing them after I switched to my medic. It followed them for quite some time (even after I died). It would disappear eventually, possibly after they died, but I was in a pitched battle holding a base so the rest of my platoon could push forward, so I was unable to gather a lot of details. Seems like the rocket tweak in the last patch caused a couple bugs though.
There is another Lock-on bug aswell, it can completly stay on you forever even if your behind cover, or drive 2000meters away from the fight the lock on will be there and constant bip bip sounds. exiting and getting in wont help, only dissmanteling or someone that kills you. its quite annoying