[Suggestion] Get Rid of the Magrider!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malebranche, Jul 27, 2018.

  1. Tr34

    Magriders easily climb hills and rain down shells from there.
  2. Jbeasty

    But it is still insanely easy to hit them from anything below and it makes them even more vulnerable to aircraft.

    While still an advantage being able to climb, I think the magrider could use a buff on its boost, probably a rather large reduction in cooldown with a slight increase in strength/speed. The boost is so weak now, it just doesn't compare to TR/NC MBT abilities. And if you ever try to maneuver with it during combat, it often involves exposing your backside, where one shot pretty much just ends it all.
  3. CplRDaWiggy

    Don't forget its propensity to spontaneously explode... wait, Magburn.. I get it now!
  4. Scatterblak

    I guess I do, if that's how you want to interpret it. By 'everything right', for us, that means 'not in the desert near Mao, and not on the frozen rivers on Esamir'. I also play Inf almost exclusively - I'm regularly at the top of the leaderboard, and don't have any problems generating streaks of 10 or more, but I would argue that the inf is even more 'situational' than the mag.

    The mag is much more specific than a prowler for sure, but it's in a 'North Vietnamese' sort of way, as in how they often held their own and even won battles in the deep jungle. It's not a match for a prowler or a vanguard, pound for pound, but going toe-to-toe isn't much fun anyway.

    Life ain't fair, but it's a great time - same with PS2. :)
  5. Smoo

    Yeah, the Mag is 2/2 more often,

    Because it NEEDS to be 2/2 to compete.

    It has less damage than 2 Prowler shells, or a Vanguard primary. BOTH other tanks have specials that affect combat stats. Magburn is only useful when you want to move fast, and that is either on a road out of combat, chasing, or running.

    Running happens most often, and if you magburn away from an enemy tank, you expose your rear WHILE YOU ARE ALREADY DAMAGED. This is idiotic.

    Also, it's the one tank that a Lightning can drive under and past, swivel their turret and get rear hits.

    Mobility? What use is mobility in close quarters, or near a bunch of other tanks all crowded together? You know, like at MOST bases?
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  6. Smoo

    First off, it should be somewhat smaller. Just scaled down, the other stats should be mostly fine. That would provide mobility, and justify their lack of other stats, while providing the significant buff of a smaller hitbox.

    Second, make Magburn directional- burn while backing away from the two Vanguards that just rounded the corner, and you back up quite fast, while keeping your front armor pointed towards them. For whatever good it does.

    Alternately, an actual combat ability to replace magburn with would be nice. Heck why don't ALL the tanks have a versatility skill (like magburn) and a combat skill (barrage/shield)?
  7. Scienta

    As much as I hate to say it, I think this is more of a skill/crew issue. I mag a lot, every play session almost if I have a gunner I trust, and I win my 1v1s against mbts on an equal basis, its all about positioning and maneuver with the magrider. Side and rear armor will close the armor and dps gap by a lot, I find that the Mag is best at a medium to close range (not to close or people like to drive under you) where you can magburn and strafe for better armor than any other MBT can manage. I run stealth and Magburn pretty much all the time too. FPC, Sauron
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  8. Exileant

    :(While I will wholeheartedly agree with you that they are pathetic at best against the other 2 tanks, I will never say just dump them.
    They need to be smaller and/or Magburner should not require a slot, if they are going to continue with the lie that Magriders are the most mobile in the game. ;) Or hey, leave them like they are and just add 50% more health to account for them being 25% bigger of a target. o_O They are garbage against other tanks, however if used right you can hold off a Harasser that decides to fight you fair, by not running directly under you.... maybe.... if you are veeeeeeeeery skilled.

    :D Personally, even though they are useless, I have always enjoyed the fact that it is something that is not supposed to be. :eek: A tank.... with Jet-engines. I mean that is neat. :p I often pretend I am the most powerful thing ever when I play with mine. :( It is a lie, :) but hey, how can you NOT get that delusion of grandeur hitting the afterburner off a small hill and flying almost the length of a basketball court..... :confused: before landing and fighting for your life as it attempts to flip over...

    o_O Beef it up? :D Sure. o_O Get rid of it? :( No.... Vanu just is not Vanu, unless we have a tank that can come at people sideways.
  9. Exileant

    :D I still prefer not having landing gear. Nothing worse than landing and then realizing the thing forgot to deploy them so you land on an uneven surface hop out and :eek: *BOOM* :confused: (Flinch) :mad: There went 280 to 350 Nanites...

    :D It is such a large target, it should not be punished for anything. Any time I am in a Jet-blimp, I absorb damage from just about anything that can fire. Just adding defense to the back is not going to help. :( Thanks to the tanks gun being fixed it is hard for enemies to get and stay behind it, that is great, but it lacks the firepower to kill anything major that decides it wants to fight back as soon as it is attacked. o_O They never should have weakened the main gun on Magriders. They were not worth much, even back then. They are too big and too slow. A burst of speed every 25 seconds is not going to help you evade much of anything DURING a fight. Especially when you must turn sideways in order to add the boost bonus to your strafe.. :confused: Effectively presenting your target with the absolute largest surface area seen since a Galaxy. ;) It definitely does not help that it is hovering a full CAR height over surface areas effectively stopping it from being able to hide in pits both of the other tanks can.

    :rolleyes: The thing needs a set of automated turret systems like a Halo Wrath tank to make up for what it is lacking at the moment. Clearly this is exactly what a Magrider is supposed to based on, why not take some tips from what actually made the tank a threat. :confused: Arching Plasma is not for distance use.... but it is supposed to be a distance tank.... :D Why bother with having a bio for things if they are not going to adhere to at least SOME logic. So much for no Bullet Drop, right? This is why almost everyone swaps to T.R. When you have a tank that can glitch fire up to 3 freaking rounds full auto, what do you need with a gunner. OH BUT WAIT you can also equip a GATEKEEPER.... or a Vulcan. I do not see a soul complaining about that. Hahaha! :p Trust me. A back end boost is not going to help against a tank with 2 main guns that can toggle shot 3 rounds just about every 3th burst.
  10. Exileant

    :eek: Maybe a defense shield buff can be applied to the magburner. Like the Aphelion accidental discovery Charge Shot. o_O Using the Magburner forms an unstable energy rift that lessens damage by 80% while it is in use. :p A thought.

    o_O And for those of you who do not think a Magrider BEING a Magrider is a disadvantage, rifts and shields tend to glow brighter than a search beacon on a cloudy pitch back night in this game.