Get rid of continent locking already!@

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Maddens, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Maddens

    I'm sick of 2 continents available only at EU prime time; it's like every fight is 96+, you soe makes us play at 10-25fps.
    I want to have a choice, there is a whole bunch of ppl preffering smaller fights 24-48 or so.
    First bad decision was implementing lattice, majority loved hex system yet you dont listen to community. It's not PS1. Then turning the game into ONE HUGE ZERG FEST. Will it get any better? CONTINENT LOCKING SUCKS!@
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  2. OldCuban

    I love huge zerg fests!

    And I love the ability to lock continents!

    So nope, keep continent locking in place. It forces people to play on continents that aren't empty.

    You want smaller fights? Pick ANY other online FPS. :p
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  3. Ztiller

    Continent locking is a huge plus for this game.
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  4. gibstorm

    People want the zergs. Even when there is a locking, There are TONS of empty lanes people could move to for smaller battles.

    People head straight to spots they know they will see action in video games. People don't want to stand around for 30 mins and hope someone shows up
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  5. BDKM

    Continent locking would be perfectly fine if they did it properly, it is currently as it is now because the one dev not on H1Z1 can't figure it out, and just left it like it is.
  6. breeje

    when i started with this game everybody that wanted 96+ fights played on indar
    48+ fighting on esamir and 24+ fights on amerish
    dump the continent locking and leave the choice to the players
    i don't know what would happen to hossin
  7. CipherNine

    Hence server merges.
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  8. Whatupwidat

    I think it's good - anything that lets me get a good sized battle to play anywhere other than ******* Indar is a win for me.

    Have you played large battles on Amerish? They're bad-*** :D
  9. Voodoooooo

    I agree with the Opener, i also was offline last 3 Month and my Computer was not one Time active. Last 5 Days i tested PS2 again. No Problems in Game with FPS or Lag(most Time).

    But Esamir and Amerish was locked often and long Time. I love Snow and Green Landscape. I not happy to see Hossin with its 50 meter foggy view. Indar Overpopulated, so you crash in your own Flyboys.

    Primetime still 2 Continents locked!?! You die because of random bullets, no need to think, only be fast. Not acceptable.

    So i am not OK with Paying for a Game with closed Content. I pay, SOE deliver Esamir and Amerish. SOE dont deliver, so i see no need to pay.

    Make open Vote for and against Continentlock. Not counting Forumuserpost only. And make VRTraining offline Aviable for Downtimes.
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  10. Ronin Oni

    If by "evasion tactics" you mean heavily promoted players to actively avoid fighting.....

    then yeah :rolleyes:

    Hex was great in theory. In the hands of real players, it was a travesty.
  11. Voodoooooo

    Suggestion: Lock Latice Lanes 3/4 but not hole Continent
  12. CipherNine

    Why would players avoid fighting, whats the point of playing then?

    Is it possible that players were actually avoiding fights in which they were outnumbered? Then that would explain a lot because currently, as someone on forum already said, population chart in most battles looks like a pacman.
  13. Ronin Oni

    You capped more territory by not fighting.

    Far better to have a bunch of small groups that cap everywhere that can be capped, and just flee before real forces.

    There was some skirmishing, but it was mostly whack-a-mole and merry-go-round base capping.
  14. libbmaster


    Let 'em leave!

    That's not what PS2 is about. If there isn't a population to support large team fights, then this game will die out. But if there is a market for this, it will thrive as the devs add more features.

    I am completely at peace with this.
  15. Tuco

    There's plenty of empty lattice lines the zerg doesn't use, why not go there.
  16. Makora

    Cont locking is something that can be annoying but is also useful for the meta of the game. Especially duing off-peak hours to keep people more concetrated.

    However what I don't like is the 50% discount on stuff. Simply because in the current resource system that makes it too powerful of a perk to have. Also there's the problem of peak hour locks as the WG's will simply rotate but the winning faction will be left without any kind of a perk.
  17. Disconsented

    The lattice system is the issue here
  18. Achronos

    This game was advertised on the premise of large fights, what did you expect during prime time? I prefer the smaller fights myself, just look around or start your own.
  19. Mootar

    I don't want to go to f*ckin Hossin no more! The novelty has worn off, it's terrible!
    Get rid of alerts while you are at it.
  20. Tyrant103

    Are you sure? Prime-time for Cobalt = 4 Servers unlocked.

    The continent locking needs work, even when population is low, there can still be 4 open which is stupid and it ends up with 2 continents being ghost capped. At night-time everyone spreads too thin leaving us with poor and short battles.

    Cobalt needs 3 unlocked max during prime time, the fourth is useless.