Genuine Military Experience

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by RemingtonV, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. RemingtonV

    "God rested on the Seventh, for He knew we would not fail"

    Want a military experience in a tactical military game? Then Join the 7th NC Airborne Ranger Unit. We are a Outfit founded by current US military servicemen and we are currently looking for new recruits to bolster our ranks.

    Our Mission: To keep the skys of the NC safe, and to provide tactical troop insertions anywhere on the map.
    These are not the boundaries of our ability, we change depending on the mission parameters.

    Contact your local ARU recruiter, or reply to this message for a Outfit invite.

    1. Be professional, we do not tolerate "trolls"
    2. Be able to follow orders, if he is a higher rank than you, what he says goes.
    3. Listen and learn. If you need clarification of something ask, we may speak in military jargon.