Gentlemen, how do we fix the Flashlight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Poorform

  2. SquattingPig

    Make it turn off ZOE for 30 seconds.
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  3. MikeJackson

    replace old batteries.
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  4. cd5696

    Make it extremely bright, and blind those who look at the user (especially those who have turned up their gamma).
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  5. Kociboss

    Make it always available despite other weapon attachments?
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  6. AzureKnight

    Get rid of it as i've never had to use it.

    Or actually make it work correctly causing shadows and illuminating objects.
  7. Pikachu

    Make the light cone really warm so it makes allies perform better at Esamir and enemies worse at Indar. :D
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  8. SpaceKing

    First, make it work on low settings again without having to change your settings and change them back each time you bring out your weapon.

    Second, makes any infiltrator within 15 meters shimmer brighter.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    Make it autospot targets.
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  10. Alarox

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  11. Sen7rygun

    - Make night time seriously very dark (not a blue version of daylight like we have now).
    - Make flashlight work like tac lights did in BF3 (probably not a great idea though, i value my retinas).
    - Make flash lights reveal infiltrators by messing with their optic cammo and creating some sort of reflective feedback (my fav idea so far).
    - Turn the flashlight into some sort of auto spotting device that "Q" spots enemy targets you aim at automatically.
    - Turn the flashlight into some sort of laser designation device that can lase targets to improve the accuracy of other weapons (like dalton shells from high altitude or standard HA missile launchers at long range) or provide a non LOS lock option for certain launchers against certain targets.
    - Turn the flashlight into some sort of infantry based shield diffuser that will allow the infantry owner to pass through some shields they normally cant.
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  12. Pikachu

    In other words turn it into some kind of multidevice. I'm all for it. Make it detect mines too.
  13. Sen7rygun

    It's more a list of ideas or suggestions of things they could make it do. lt would be a touch OP if it could do all that lol. They have to do something with it though, at the moment its the proverbial teets on the proverbial bull.
  14. Pikachu

    Bullsh**! :)
  15. MangoPunch

    Make it a direct counter to IRNV. Shine it directly at a player aiming with NV, their scope flares up.
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  16. SinerAthin

    Give us underground bases that can be completely blacked out by turning off the light switch/blowing up the generators.
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  17. Nephera

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  18. Themagikz

    Best idea I've ever heard. Imagine, a ZOE max with it turned off lurking the halls, you turn the corner and you see his bright pink glow flicker up, he turns, you try to turn off your flashlight but it's too late!
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  19. SpaceKing

    It needs to work at all first :/'
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  20. deggy

    Attach it to the Beamer.

    You now have the single most overpowered item in the game. It oneshots ZOEs, twoshots non-ZOEs, has the AP damage type and can pierce the Vanguard shield from the front in one hit.
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