Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by MercesOpes, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. SeanFree

    The Bandit is still pretty piss poor for midrange IMO, velocity is crap and damage drop off is ugh. Cyclone for CQC, Merc for midrange :)
    • Up x 1
  2. cruczi

    Yes, if you compare the Bandit to Merc, the Merc is better for mid-range. That has nothing to do with whether Bandit is considerably better than Cyclone for mid-range, although it is a good reason to choose what you want to specialize in. Where Cyclone is all CQC and Merc is all mid-range, the Bandit does both but doesn't really excel in either. It's a bit like the NS-7 PDW but leans more towards carbine style than SMG style handling, with better DPS.

    In terms of damage dropoff characteristics, the difference between Bandit and Merc is nowhere near as great as the difference between Cyclone and Bandit (SPA equipped on Cyclone and Bandit):
    Cyclone becomes 9SK 10 meters before Bandit becomes 8SK, while bandit becomes 8SK 5 meters after Merc becomes 7SK. Thus the damage output between Merc and Bandit is rather comparable, the differences lie in controllability. Meanwhile, the damage output of Cyclone is far worse at range than that of Bandit, and isn't any easier to control, while being less accurate.
  3. SeanFree

    Yeah, I guess it comes down to if you're an all or nothing person or someone who enjoys versatility. I'm still not sold on Bandit for midrange though because the bullet velocity makes me want to cry :)
  4. cruczi

    I've been playing around with the PDW a lot and the bullet velocity is manageable up to 30-40 meters. 380 m/s with SPA. Bandit is a bit better at 418 m/s, I think it's not a problem if you're used to the PDW, but if you're used to 500+ m/s carbines, then it will definitely take some time to get comfortable with
  5. SeanFree

    Very true, I find the PDW to be a good little gun which allows for crazy easy headshots with it's minuscule recoil. Some guns don't look great on paper but you play around with them a bit and they feel good.
  6. Trollensw

    Gd-7F is amazig. Destroys in CQC, and if fired carefully (brr - brrr - brr - brrf) usefull at mid range.
    If you are a LA you'll most likely engage only 1 enemy at a time so the reload won't be a problem.
    I ran it with: 1x, forward grip and (or not) SPA, Awesome gun
  7. Casterbridge

    I'm in the minority here I prefer the bandit over the GD-7f, someone called it a crappier cyclone above, and maybe that's right, but I'd prefer a slightly crappier cyclone than the GD-7f for my CQC carbine. Both are going to kill up close and I feel I have better control over my ammo flow with the Bandit.

    As far as I can tell the bandit has slightly lower RoF than the cyclone, but still very high for a 167 damage gun, and does decent damage a bit further out before drop off. I usually run the bandit with the ALS, 1x (or NV if necessary), and lots of time with no soft point, unless I'm exclusively fighting in doors, the extra velocity from not having the softpoint really helps at times, and I don't need the soft point to reliably kill targets at closer range.

    I should point out though that generally play engineer, only recently starting to get into LA.
  8. SeanFree

    You can notice a 5% difference in velocity :O
  9. Casterbridge

    Don't know what the difference is, but I feel the difference when shooting at range with and without SPA.

    Also where are the stat differences with the different ammo types all I know is it's different with each gun and I can't find the stats?
  10. cruczi

    With SPA equipped:
    Cyclone = 342 m/s
    Bandit = 418 m/s

    22% difference
  11. cruczi

    Those were only recently uncovered by VanuLabs' data mining, available here:

    In summary:
  12. SeanFree

    I was talking Bandit with SPA VS. Bandit sans SPA.
    I'm surprised, most people just leave SPA because it increases max damage range with a barely noticeable change in velocity (to most people).

    Not the same as a suppressor atleast, suppressed bullet velocity is lol-worthy.
  13. cruczi

    Right, I misread Caster's post. 5% is definitely not noticeable, although statistically it will have a little bit of significance. Extra 5m to max damage range (and a few extra meters to intermediate damage thresholds as well) is far more important - when SPA is available, it's a no-brainer.
  14. SeanFree

    Exactly, that's why it surprised me a bit. It seems like the payoff is much greater than the small downside.
  15. Casterbridge

    I do run with SPA don't get me wrong, but if most of my fighting is outside I just don't bother with it, I do feel a difference personally not sure why as your right 5% I shouldn't but eh.

    Suppressor ugh I have some guys in my outfit who always run with it and I can't function with it at all unless target is like 10m in front of me heh.
  16. cruczi

    Placebo effect. Happens all the time to almost everyone, we just don't notice it.

    Depends on the weapon. Plenty of weapons have 400+ m/s suppressed velocity which is fine for mid range.
  17. GrandpaFlipfox

    Light assaults shouldn't be getting in anyone's face so grab an ACX11 instead. Much better ammo economy, laser accuracy, and it can comfortably take two to three people per lightning fast reload. Plus it's only 250 certs.
  18. cruczi

    Light assaults shouldn't be getting in full frontal 1v1. That doesn't rule out CQC altogether, in fact it has nothing to do with whether or not you CQC. Weapons like GD-7F are perfectly valid weapons for Light assaults. Even though you'll be facing Heavies and Medics who tend to have better survivability in direct fights, you can quite easily outplay them even in close quarters with positioning, clever use of cover, flanking and ambushing. In fact, if you keep your distance, you're much less able to force an enemy to take a fight that's unfavorable because you don't have the fast TTK to deny their escape, and they have more routes to take and more cover available.

    Much of the time you'll kill them before they can respond, even in close combat. What better way to maximize your ability to take down targets before they spot you or damage you, than using a weapon with as short a TTK as possible?
  19. lilleAllan


    IMO the only thing the bandit has going for it is the 0.75x ADS move speed - which is great. But that's it. Downsides are 3 tiers damage drop off, slow velocity and a glacial reload. And it's not even that great at CQC.

    So I think a GD-7F or Cyclone is a far better use for 1k certs than the Bandit.
  20. minhalexus

    Upsides for Bandit:- Fast ADS speed, Easy to land headshots, more DPM.

    So I just mentioned 3 upsides for the Bandit. Personally I often prefer this gun over the GD-7F in many places especially in those "big" rooms in Amerish.

    In small fights i usually prefer the Bandit over GD-7F. GD-7F is better when your enemy outnumbers you and you quickly need to assassinate as many targets as possible.