Gatekeeper in a nutshell. Narrated by an ECUS player.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oberchingus, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. oberchingus

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  2. xMaxdamage

    I don't get the difference with what lancer/ravens players have done allday since forever o_O
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  3. Anonymous Qwop

    How is the gatekeeper on the lockdown prowler?
  4. Isokon

    Looking at the platform should give you a hint.
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  5. xMaxdamage

    VS can do that with no need to pull an harrasser or a MAX unit, is that the hint?
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  6. _itg

    Gatekeepers have unlimited range and zero performance degradation, while Ravens are hard-capped at 350m. Gatekeepers are useful on a solo Harasser, while Lancers need a large, coordinated squad to be truly effective.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    Oh boy, here we go again Forumside.
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  8. Cynicismic

    That's the point though. The Gatekeeper is a vehicular based Lancer with the accuracy, (provided you can aim) of the Raven mounted on something that is faster, has more health, and can deal significantly more damage to enemy vehicles and infantry alike than standard infantry can; these vectors for the gun, for want of a better word, are better known as the Prowler or the Harasser. Sure, if the NC had vehicular-based Ravens and the Saron was brought up to the level that the Gatekeeper is now, relative overpower would diminish as far as the Gatekeeper is concerned. Though at present, this is most definitely not the case. The Gatekeeper excels in its role compared to ground units and vehicle units alike. While the TR may not have had this in the past, (which is albeit a justification to its apparent potency), now, what the Gatekeeper can do dwarfs what the Raven can do, (the only viable long-range NC AV weapon there is, really), and what the Saron is able to do now.
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  9. Mongychops

    Why don't you try telling everyone how the Prowler AP is super low DPS compared to other tanks, and that the GK is just a Basilisk again... :D
  10. WetPatch

    Ravens have a max range and you can take a Lancer out with a single bullet.
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  11. WetPatch

    Don't go getting Salty again and delete you're moronic posts.
  12. lothbrook

    Exactly the same but with more damage.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    Wasn't salty.

    And those posts were trying to fight the idiots that don't want to think.
  14. WetPatch

    You mean think different to you.
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  15. Flag

    I don't like being that guy, but ... Seems I was right after all fodollah. :/
  16. Crayv

    Unless the Lancer is at long range at which point it becomes invulnerable due to it no longer rendering.
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  17. Scr1nRusher

  18. oberchingus

    Which guy and right about what?
  19. Flag

    Me, about what the GK actually would be if it hit live in the state that it did (I faced a ****storm for daring to say it was too good in some areas, most of all accuracy).

    Although I did that mostly on reddit.
  20. Scr1nRusher

    Holy crap dude......

    You haven't even seen the preformance of it(stats are actually showing it getting inline with the Enforcer & Saron), nor the niche role of it.