[Guide] Game play-Style help

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragonold103, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. WTSherman

    Mhrm, and your dog ate your homework. As has been stated, if you were good you wouldn't be here asking why you can't earn certs, because you'd be rolling in certs. All this excuse does is tell us that you're a kid, probably in his early teens, who has no idea what he's doing.

    Well that's fairly obvious. :D

    See, you're definitely having an issue with this ego thing. It's the real reason you don't want to play support: you want to see yourself as a hard carry KD monster and frankly, that's not what you are.

    It's why you're lying about how long you've played. It's why you're trying to pretend to be a good player in a "help me learn how to play" thread. We're calling you a liar because that's what you're doing. You're lying to us, and you're lying to yourself.

    And that's the first thing you're going to have to get over before you can improve. Everyone was a kid who had no idea what they were doing once. But until you can be honest with yourself about where you are, you won't be able to see where you need to go.
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  2. GothicNightmares

    You first need a utility... medkits are the #1 go-to rejuvination heals more over time but the speed you die in this game is overwhelming.

    Your nanite shield is **** and since your "go hard or go home" then go resist or adrenaline or go home here are the situations you need either:
    You are a good first person shooter player and you are capable of getting double kills consistently in big fights -> Adrenaline Shield
    You are a bad first person shooter player and need that extra mileage of durability -> Resist shield
    You are fighting AC or DA by yourself and you have no back-up and your allies are in the wrong part of the map and dont know wtf is going on -> Resist Shield.
    OK now for the weapon! have your choice!
    Default weapon of TR and VS is gravy Orion is the god T9 carv is good... msw is amazing, la1 anchor is amazing, gaus saw is good, and if u dont like LMG's you can battle rifle or smg your way to victory (if NC Cyclone OP)
    Nanoweave is really the best and more realistic option.. however... its damage reduction is really ****** until rank 4-5 but thankfully its super cheap to get up to that point. grenade belt can be useful for chugging vehicle grenades or maybe even conc's but its very situational.
    Ok... you also need Battle Hardened to reduce infantry flinch when your shot and 1v1ing someone. It may not seem like a lot but even the rank 1 is a huge deal... If you fight someone who is using it and you dont have it you are at a major disadvantage. It is the difference between a headshot and a body shot... also argued the difference between you killing them or them killing you.
    rocket launcher imo the best is the ground to air that can be dumbfired.... useful for pesky air and yet still dumbfireable for max's and tanks. However a decimater is just as good but have fun aiming that thing.
    GUNS!!! ok... Field of View imo should be set to max... LMG's that offer high velocity, soft point, or advanced grip or forward grip should be highly valued. if you are in 1920-1080p please feel free to use 2x scopes but imo do not use the x4... too much rattle and shaking there are even situations where the 1x is superior.. usually in closer proximity fights. advanced lasers should be put on guns with already high hip fire accuracy. flash lights are never needed except on your pistol.

    steps to being good:

    1. if you cant get 400-500 spm as a heavy you are below average imo and you need to keep practicing.

    2. Make it a habit when you play to say to yourself "aim for the head aim for the head" to increase your accuracy.
    Right now you have a 20% accuracy with your main gun but a terrible 7.4% HSR (headshot ratio) (30% accuracy and atleast 20% HSR is where you want to be)

    3. LOWER your MOUSE sensitivity if it is not lower already.

    4. Stop rushing into a room only to be blown up by the 40 people camping in that room. You are not useful to your team.. infact you're a liability... feeding the enemy team free certs.. how dare you. Seriously though on your killboard you have 14 deaths in a row. That is absolutely garbage... bottom of the barrel... practice staying alive and playing smarter.

    5. Rocket primary is for ******* nubs spam it at your own risk big fights just fireing it off with the delay it has can get you killed if your trying to iron sight aim it.

    6. I used to think the conc grenades were the go to for infantry.. but more and more I have come to the thinking that I really only have problems with max... so anti vehicle and rocket primary can 100-0 them quite well.... and throwing the grenade it bounces now so conc grenades are avoidable... those magnetized anti-vehicle grenades will stick no matter what if u throw them right. So either conc nades or anti vehicle.. i find the AV nades to have more use though.

    This is subjective to my personal opinion. Have a good day
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  3. Jedesis

    Haha oh please! Treat yourself to Light Assaulting, my KD is 6 overall with it and I have above 7-8 on Carbines. Managing 120 kills an hour is great for certs, 7k banked up.
  4. Dudeman325420

    "Guys, I need help. I do X, Y, and Z and end up not doing very well."

    "Maybe you should try doing something besides X, Y, and Z if they aren't working for you."

    "OMG I am really good at this game because I do X, Y, and Z."

    Do you really want help, or just validation?
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  5. Crator

    I usually play HA class and medics scare me. If I don't shoot first they can usually drop me quick.

    To the OP, they made this game so you can play any class you want at anytime. You can stick to one single class all the time but you should diversify in many different classes. You'll be able to handle different situations as they come up better using multiple classes.

    Don't take our word for it, go try out the things people are suggesting for yourself. Or have you already done that?

    Also, it's not all about the type of class you are playing. The main thing (especially if you are new to the game) is learning the different bases/maps. Situational awareness stuff. You learn all this the longer you play and it gets better. Speed up the process by joining squads/outfits with good leaders.
  6. NoctD

    Its a good thing you like flunking cause you've totally flunked in this game as a heavy. And pushing the enemy back? They're killing you and laughing over your dead tryhard body.

    But do continue. There's those that kill, and those that get killed, we need plenty of the latter to feed on.
  7. Goldmonk

    I love those people. They sit well in my crosshairs.
  8. Dragonold103

    Here is game play that I almost just made and it is in two parts because I have a limit of 15 minutes.

    This will let you guys tell me, what I'm doing wrong.

    Part 1/2:

    Part 2/2:
  9. Goldmonk

    Like we have all said before:
    1) Stop with the rocket primary. You're given a gun for a reason. Use it!
    2) Play different classes. You barely played Medic and Engineer, yet you immediately declare you suck at it. Play it for an hour and the results will differ. If not, go back to your heavy charging attack. I'll make sure to send my sniper round through your skull. Always works.
    3) Stop acting like you're a PS2 veteran. We all know you're a noob, its too obvious. Here's what made me so mad I almost didn't help you (which, mind you, is very tough to do) : You acted tough and tried to play us off as fools. But when we called you on your bluff, you got defensive. If you had admitted to being a new player, we would have been more than willing to help you. But now that you tried to trick us by claiming to be "a 5-year veteran", I will have no mercy. Becky and Mickey will love you.
  10. Hammerlock

    try engie and you drown in certs because of the famous ammo pack + nice weapons that are good as a orion
    they have access to mines too ... and if your opponent not aware to look the path he is moving you get a kill with a proxy mine for sure
  11. Goldmonk

    We've been trying to tell him that, but he won't listen. I say let him be farmed.
  12. Crator

    That base is hard to take if defened. Only real issue I see you doing is constantly sticking your face in the same spot where a sniper is camping along with other enemies aiming at your spot too. The LMG you are using isn't as effective at the ranges you were trying to use it compared to what the enemy was using against you.
  13. Dragonold103

    hey, I asked what I can do to make my heavy assault class better and more effected but for the most part, all you are saying be a support or different class to earn certs.

    The only people were helping me are, GothicNightmares and Crator (thank you, guys very helpful)
    I will try not to use my RPG as a primary.

    I didn't ask how to get certs faster in this topic, I didn't ask to be a different class and I didn't ask for theses attacks being called a noob, newbie or anyother words that mean the samething.

    So if anyone want to say I'm a noob, I killed a galaxy by getting in a Scythe and crashing into the galaxy and getting lots of points including a revenge.

    So help me get my heavy assault class better or don't post at all.
  14. LtSqueak

    Edit: What were your original character names? You're on Emerald. If you've played since the beginning like you claim someone's bound to have heard of you.

    I'm incredibly tempted to not give any feedback, but I'll be that better person here and help a new kid out.
    I only watched the first 4 minutes of the video, but here's what immediately popped out.

    1. You used instant action. There is no veteran that's played more than 6 months that will hardly ever use instant action. especially since it's so easy to just pull a suicide ESF to get anywhere you want to go. If you want to improve, then you need to start choosing the battles where you can actually make a difference (hint: it's not in a 96+v96+)

    2. You're running nanite shield, but you're popping it off and on for no reason a lot of times, leading to it not being fully charged when you need it. You can take a couple of hits if people are taking pot shots at you from a distance. You'll have to learn to tell the difference between a lucky stray shot and concentrated fire in order to conserve your shield for the right moments.

    Which leads me to:
    3. At ~4:00, someone gets a headshot on you and takes your shield down and part of your health. You have a wall, a medic, and multiple other friendlies right beside you to cover you while you got your shield back up. It didn't get you killed this time, but it will in the future

    4. You keep talking about how you love "flunking" (flanking right?), but you just kept pushing up the middle from what I watched. Yes, the base you were at doesn't treat flanking very well. That means in order to be effective it's time to find a different fight.

    As other people have said, if you want certs, go support. But if you are going to force the issue and be an HA, well at this point we can't really help you. You are ignoring fundamental FPS tactics like throwing yourself into a meat grinder in front of an enemy tank force that's being spawned.
    This is a L2P issue, that honestly we really can't do much for short of spelling out what should be common sense for a guy who's played a game "for 5 years".
    • Up x 2
  15. Dragonold103

    Thank you, for your help I will start using your tips right away.
  16. Dragonold103

    OMG!!!!!!!!! I was so lucky, There were lightning tanks near me, that didn't shoot me, a sniper couldn't hit me, guys jumping out of vehicles to come and kill me, I got 5-7 kills with a turret plus a guy trued to flunk me but I flunked him and the only way I dead was being ran over by a flash with clock on.

    Also I was an engineer doing a solo.
  17. Ronin Oni

    We're saying this for good reason. It's effective. You'll make more impact. You can still kill just as easily. It will leave you alive long enough to see what's happening in fights so you stop being the meat jumping headfirst into the grinder (what you're doing)
    We only called you a noob because you're claiming years of experience you obviously don't have.

    You're asking for help, be humble about it.

    As many of us have said, including the better written out more in depth reviews following your video (which contradicted what you claimed your gameplay was like, but we'd already figured that by your stats anyways) the problem is simply you need to be better at the actual FPS, and positioning/moving yourself in relation to the fight going on. You need EXPERIENCE that you simply don't have.

    How do you get it? You play. A lot. You learn the different bases and you recognize where kill/farm zones are, potential flank routes, what classes can flank where and how, when to pull HA and when to pull something else, etc etc etc.

    You'll have a much easier time seeing battleflow if you stop rushing headfirst into enemy blobs.... and the best classes to sit back and see that is as support.

    You can learn all the gun skills and battle flow knowledge you need to be a better HA player easier, more effectively, and with FAR more cert gain if you practice as support classes first.

    I still play a lot of support. I use a lot of HA but mostly just because I like fighting vehicles. For infantry fighting it's probably my last choice.

    If you want to be a flanking Infantry killer, then you might want to try LA or Infiltrator. They're generally more effective at getting into good flank posisitions.
  18. TechMechMeds

    This guy actually makes me feel leet when my 3rd most successful weapon for kills is the claymore.

  19. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm sorry I cannot take this statement seriously.

    The only XP boost I've ever used is the Heroic I got with the 2nd Anniversary pack (the one I have now). And I don't intend to buy another afterward. 400-500 SPM while being primarily a heavy would require a constant heroic boost and require you to be a beast at killing people at the same time. For the vast majority of players, 400-500 SPM, even while playing as Medic with XP boosts, is ******* impossible.
  20. Cz4rMike

    Didn't watch it all, however:

    1) Seeing as noone wrote this, I'm gonna tell you first:
    Your FOV is really, really low. You're losing a lot of important information around you and playing in tunnel vision. Make it higher in Video settings. I think max is 85 Vert Fov.

    2) Lower your sensitivity, I think your current sens is too high, when you shoot at someone you make a lot of big jumps when aiming.

    3) Go to VR and practice shooting infantry at different ranges. Practice bursting and try to miss as little as possible! Try to keep your crosshair on the enemy chest/head while bursting! Also try shooting rockets at tanks and see how much bullet drop there is on different ranges.

    You need to work on your aiming / shooting skills!