Game did NOT need another OHK mechanism

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Waratorium

    If I was a heavy with an LMG I would just conc them + start hammering away rather than pull the knife. I only find the OHK mode of the knife useful as an infiltrator or if I am behind a single completely unaware enemy, and against the unaware enemy I only knife them because knife kills are harder to get/for the fun, because shooting them with the gun would kill them much quicker and without my own survival being threatened.
  2. LT_Latency

    The knife is better, if they don't know you are their, it kills way faster and makes less noise.

    Every one will notice the nade and you start shooting you
  3. MarkAntony

    You have obviously never played CoD if you think this is anywhere near as bad.
  4. radrussian2

    if you die to a guy with a knife while your holding a gun then you are doing it wrong. the whole idea behind activating the OHK mechanic makes it very well balanced.
  5. Problem Officer

    It's boring and difficult to balance.
    The concept blows, it shouldn't be focused on damage when
    the purpose has always been readiness, availability.
    • Up x 1
  6. Milspec

    Hang on, I need to link this to the other thread where someone responded "omg do you really think professional game developers are so stupid they'd make one faction OP?" :D
  7. Tyrant103

    There wasn't a problem with 2HK, why'd they change it?