Game Crashes as of 12/18/14 patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by GunGood, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. GunGood

    Since the update today, my friend and I have experienced numerous game crashes at random. Has anyone else been having this issue since the patch and will there be a fix soon?
  2. Wizard0fOz

    Yeah mine crashes after every 10-15 minutes of play, no error. It just says "Planetside2.exe has stopped working" and quits to desktop.
  3. Joay

    i had like 3 CTD's all after having died just a moment ago.
  4. PresidentFreeman

    Yep, crash every 10 minutes now. I thought we were beyond this SOE.

    The best part is the game will likely be left in this state until after christmas and probably into the new year.
  5. fdykn

    CTD every 5-10mins, sometimes after a few secs.
  6. Fauxpas

    Yep, now I started to get crashes as well well as the unplayable latency toward evenings. Everything only after the last patch. The weird thing is that 96+ battles in daytime work fine what comes to latency, but the same battles shoot up to 20000ms in the evenings.
  7. TheFamilyGhost

    Me too.

    Core i7
    16gb Memory
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Nvidia 480

    Merry Christmas. :)
  8. Bovox

    I was not crashing until this morning 12/20, crashed twice now within an hour.

    1st crash I had joined a platoon and left, instant crash, 2nd time i was made squad leader in a different platoon, 10 seconds later crashed.

    No error codes, just straight to desktop.

    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: Intel Core i7-3930K Hexa-Core Processor CPU @ 3.2 GHz
    • Memory: 16 GB Installed RAM DDR3 1600MHz
    • Hard Drive: 512 GB SSD (167 GB free)
    • Video Memory: 2 GB
    • Video Card: GeForce GTX 670
    • Sound Card: DirectX compatible