Since the update today, my friend and I have experienced numerous game crashes at random. Has anyone else been having this issue since the patch and will there be a fix soon?
Yeah mine crashes after every 10-15 minutes of play, no error. It just says "Planetside2.exe has stopped working" and quits to desktop.
Yep, crash every 10 minutes now. I thought we were beyond this SOE. The best part is the game will likely be left in this state until after christmas and probably into the new year.
Yep, now I started to get crashes as well well as the unplayable latency toward evenings. Everything only after the last patch. The weird thing is that 96+ battles in daytime work fine what comes to latency, but the same battles shoot up to 20000ms in the evenings.
I was not crashing until this morning 12/20, crashed twice now within an hour. 1st crash I had joined a platoon and left, instant crash, 2nd time i was made squad leader in a different platoon, 10 seconds later crashed. No error codes, just straight to desktop. OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i7-3930K Hexa-Core Processor CPU @ 3.2 GHz Memory: 16 GB Installed RAM DDR3 1600MHz Hard Drive: 512 GB SSD (167 GB free) Video Memory: 2 GB Video Card: GeForce GTX 670 Sound Card: DirectX compatible