Game-breaking Server Lag since weekend

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by BeyondNInja, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    My ping is stable between 50-80ms, my internet connection is fine and I've recently upgraded my PC.

    Despite having a stable ping I've been constantly getting killed multiple metres around corners and trading kills with noticeable delay the last few days. This is happening much too often to be purely a product of client lag on my opponents' sides.

    There are other clues such as being able to survive walking over proxy mines due to them triggering late (often only denting shield without flak armour) and I've also occasionally been getting kills on opponents after losing line of sight. I don't seem to be the only one experiencing these things on my server. Hit detection is also inconsistent.

    Can this get fixed? It defeats the point of using cover and undermines any sense of tension in face to face 1v1s as both parties inevitably trade kills.

    I play on Briggs.
  2. henrickbr

    The game is horrible after the last update, latency, stuttering, crashes and high consumption of CPU + GPU
    Strange that there has not been a game update, this is strange ...