With Libs becoming more vulnerable and their ammo more situational (and the duster still sucking), Gals have become the go to vehicle to shut down infantry. I've been on the ground a lot in the past week and also up in a Lib (as I usually am). The amount of battle Gals flying around is impressive. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... I'm just noting the increased use of them (as a side effect of the Lib nerfs, no doubt). People realize that the Lib is now a significantly more vulnerable vehicle to fly and the Gal now has exactly what the Lib once had: The ability to absorb ludicrous amounts of damage and throw out 1 and 2 shot kills from a safe platform. Any Lib pilot will tell you that more than anything, their resistance was what made Libs broken last patch. Most people will agree that Libs are able to be taken down (fairly) easily now. So... people move to the next best option... the battle Gal. Like the previous Lib, they are a pain to make go away. They absorb tons of damage and, because are usually 3-5 man crews, are able to be repaired and back on station quickly. They are mobile spawns and their bulldogs can dish out 1-2 shot kills against infantry. For infantry, dying to Gal Bulldogs is common place now. I've noticed that once the fight enters a base and Gals can take up residence in the area, the fight ends quickly because so many infantry are getting eaten up by Bulldogs. On top of that, it takes so much to scare one off, let alone kill it (all 4 of my decimators won't scare some pilots away)... As a Lib pilot, I like Gals. Pretty easy targets. But here's one more point to add to this: When we killed certain Gals today, we got tells from people telling us that we killed their 100+ kill streak. And this wasn't from a single crew... this kind of message about not being taken down by anyone but us came from multiple crews. They simply aren't dying unless jumped by a Lib (which there are fewer flying now days). So... do we now have a similar problem as the Lib now that the battle Gal is trending? Is the Gal too durable? Is it dishing out too much damage for the damage it can take? Do people feel that Gals camping spawns are fight killers (like Libs were last patch)? Personally, I like the idea of more team oriented vehicles flying around. But I'd also be lying if I said that it's a bit disheartening seeing 2 Gals sitting on a spawn and knowing there is almost nothing to do to get them to move (even if you hit every shot) and stepping out is suicide. On top of that, even if you get out and killing some people, they'll be back via Gal in 10 seconds.
I didn't say they needed a nerf, I was just observing something new that has happen in the last week. Gals do need love and attention from SOE, but they need more interesting support roles and abilities, not to take over the AI farm role from the Lib.
Simple. Here, we observe a certain lack of high-damage air deterrent killer, like vehicle-mounted SAM's or something along these lines. A tanky vehicle will always be the best for "infantry-farming", because you cant make it go away with a fart. Infact, nothing that 1 man can do scares off a galaxy - you need 2 men and some coordination. Is the galaxy broken? no. Its the lack of effective counters here that is broken.
The lack of effective counters yes, more so, the lack of coordinated teamwork inside the faction player base. With outfits, they will usually mount coordinated fire, if they have any sort of intelligent leadership an a player base that listens an responds. With pugfits, you will receive some but rarely enough coordination. Bases that are simply defended by random pugs who are part of undermanned squads are complete solo pubstars, will have next to nothing for coordinated fire on a target like a galaxy.
The problems with two Galaxies sitting on a spawnshack are as follows: - Spawnshack is set completely in the open and doesn't allow players to leave it without crossing a stretch of open space in any direction, for whatever reason. - Galaxy squad spawning is a piece of nanites that should never have been introduced into the game. I don't think there is anything wrong with Galaxy itself as it currently is; I would move the current Liberator guns like Dalton or Zephyr to a Galaxy variant that sacrifices transport capabilities in exchange for more firepower, if anything.
I'm OK with galaxies being slightly better at AI than libs atm: 1) Duster needs to be fixed wich gonna made duster + bulldog libs>Galaxies. 2)Libs are still far more versatile (AI,AV and AA) 3) libs are much more agile and fast.
Well Gals are pretty much in the same spot they have been two years ago, just that its possible to spawn in them now. So they are not OP, even though the nerf of the Libs and the increased use of Gals which startet months ago will lead to some forumside crying about them. There will always be people who will complain about anything air related but as someone who doesnt fly them i think they add to the game. Good thing is they dont have a natural counter. Lib s most effective against them, but i run with my Lib from full manned battle Gal. ESF need to gang up too which i think adds some nice objectives to air game. Since a air squad or two Libs will take them down quick. And they are also a easy target for dumbfires, flac and AP so they are always getting damage from somewhere. I would even give them some new weapons as long as it isnt more lock on ****.