Galaxy Rammers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrMackey, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. NC supporter

    Anyway, devs don't care about your thread or any other thread for that matter. They stopped taking forumside seriously as people started complaining 24/7.
  2. Coffee Hound

    Ramming damage across the board is fine one way... it just needs a slight correction so damage is done both ways. For example, I see ESFs ramming several MAXes on a hill, killing the MAXes but taking no damage itself. Killing the MAXes is fine, but the ESF should take some massive damage too. The same goes for every other ramming/mowing collision - both sides should take serious damage, but the more massive objects do more damage.
  3. Hegeteus

    How is galaxy ramming a problem? No matter how much health you think galaxy actually has, it's quickly spent when a lone Galaxy user starts to whale around. Even with full crew galaxy is always exposed to all nearby anti-air threats because of it's massive profile.

    Sometimes skywhalers are protected by teammates, but then they might just be somewhat useless circus show at the scene or a nuisance even. I have, embarrassingly enough rammed a few of my own too, by accident :rolleyes:. All things considered, liberators are far bigger threat than Galaxies as aircraft.
  4. NC supporter

    I can agree with that, but saying that only one side should get nerfed. That makes no sense in terms of having a balanced game. It gets even worse when he/she starts screaming, comparing disney movies, and also uses bad grammar.
  5. MrMackey

    forumside.. lol those that only come to discuss problems are not the forumside ppl . you sitting on this forum 24/7 your the forum warrior. if i dont see a problem why would i come to the forum. thats what the forums are for. to discuss balancing and game play. not to sit here and troll me cause i have a different opinion.
  6. Scr1nRusher don't get it do you?
  7. NC supporter

    You don't learn do you? Someone should get the channel videogames from youtube on this. Good content for their next video.
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  8. MrMackey

    how do you agree with that but have nothing but negative things to say about me... thats exactly what i want.. both sides taking dmg.
    and yes the ESF mowing is a problem too. ive seen it. been hit by it. ive done it. its a problem. but galaxies and libs not taking the ram dmg that they once did from ESFs is the same problem. just slightly different situation.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    the galaxy does take damage when its rammed.
  10. NC supporter

    Yes guyz nerf everything dat I deemz unwroth of chawllenge caus I says so.
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  11. MrMackey

    i obviously dont.. so lets stick to the issue. im growing tired of you trolling
  12. NC supporter

    We can't stop.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    this may come a shock to you, but I'm not trolling you at all.

    You do not understand what forumside does and what you might have unleashed down the road.
  14. NC supporter

    Basically, your the highlight of fox news.
  15. MrMackey

    not as much as it once did before the ram nerf. and it is unclear what does that dmg. either way. its not enough. it should really hurt the gal to hit an ESF. or any aircraft. again. more than just 5% that gets reped anyway from fire supress
  16. NC supporter

    Totally makes sense! I mean a jumbo jet should TOTALLY explode from a bird! OMG WE FOUND SOMEONE SUITABLE FOR MICHAEL BAY TO HIRE. Dude go blow some stuff up in transformers 5, since I want to see megatron blow up when a rocket launcher hits him.
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  17. MrMackey

    i do understand. you dont want the gal nerfed into the ground. i get that. i dont either. but certain things about it can change. making it easier to kill without being a deathtrap. it doesnt need SO much hp.. it can be just as good with a little less HP and ESFs getting ramming back.

    if 4 guys are willing to lose their ESFs for 10 mins. why shouldnt they be able and allowed to ram a lib or gal to death.

    i get ppl get mad when rammed by noobs. ppl also get mad when warpgate campers kill all air at the warpgate. so should we make that impossible? just because some dont like it doesnt mean it was such a bad thing.

    "just because some dont like it" nail in my own coffin right? wrong. all i want is the ram dmg back.. why is that such a huge thing to ask for... so stop bringing it back to the Gal. do i want it nerfed?. yes. is that what this post is about?. wasnt intended that way.
  18. Hegeteus

    If you really insist upon ramming galaxies, then pick up a galaxy and I'm sure it'll do proper damage ;) Or ram them from above and hope landing debris will do your dirty work.

    E: On the other hand, ESFs doing damage to Galaxy a bit and ramming it do make sense kind of, at least with the Auraxis rebirth system. Maybe the damage could be increased a bit, but it'll never quite sound like a sane idea to me to have it as a valid tactic against a galaxy.
  19. MrMackey

    that would require me to get out of my ESF and grab a Gal to ram a Gal assuming its still there when you get back. the tactic of shooting a gal till it smokes then ram kill is not as noobish as you guys are making it out to be. it used to happen all the time. why? cause gals have a crap ton of HP

    ram squads used to be a legit tactic in this game. and its not like its unrealistic. the japanese did it in WW2
  20. Akaan

    Ram squads? Please. Real men go solo-ramming. In a Galaxy.

    That being said, ram damage depends on the vehicle, the relative speed of all parties involved and the location of contact on the hull. Also, freak debris.

    In essence, buff Gals! Make them take absolutely 0 damage ever from ramming ESFs or Libs, i.e. less than they take now. Thanks!