Future of Construction? (In depth)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by karlooo, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. karlooo

    It seems like the devs want to keep construction in the game.
    As they said there are some ppl who enjoy it and yeah sure keep it in the game if so. I personally wouldn't mind if it just completely got removed but it would be a pity to do that. I would be fine with a removal because it doesn't feel like it's part of the game for now and I just do it because I'm invested in it and want to find a way for it to be useful.

    Lets start off with the simplest things: Why do some players do construction? It's because they want to defend, build and support in a unique way.
    Construction is segregated from the objective by the 'no construction' zones, some are large and some are small.

    The problem with the large zones is it forces you too far away from the objective and if you're in the middle of nowhere you just won't receive support and will lose pathetically with lots of time wasted.

    The small zones around lattice bases are very fun to build at. As an example: Wokuk Ecological Preserve, south west of Mao Watchtower, Rashnu Watchtower, east of Rashnu Bio Lab...have perfect flat land where you can fit everything necessary.
    Why it's so fun to build near these location is because you're pretty much supporting the objective by adding a second spawn and defending a particular location. When you support an objective you receive support and the PMB starts to have full effect.

    To construct a base it takes a really really long time. During all that time I could have gotten resources for 4 or 5 MBT's and it's a really good and mobile vehicle.

    Construction is immobile.
    Something I see a problem with are the defenses, this is mainly why people do construction - to defend. Currently the strategy in taking down bases is simply by tanks. The AV tower is the only construction weapon that can defend against this but it's just not good because of the AI being easy to counter.
    It's nearly impossible to defend from multiple tanks and almost always you have to prepare to defend, with your own infantry weapons, which most lack range and all lack damage. Best weapon you can defend with is an AV MAX but that's something I have a bit of a problem with, it costs as much as an MBT. If I think of the MAX as an MBT: to defend my base I have to take out an MBT to defend off the enemy MBT's....Like if you get me, what was the point of designing every detail, resupplying, if at the end I need to defend it with an MBT or MAX which I could have gotten 5 times and directly used it in the objective.

    But I do like the MAX defending. It's fun, my base design allows me to purchase one easily. I just don't like always having to purchase it when I get attacked by more than one tank because I know that my AV tower will fail.
    Instead I want to purchase the MAX when I know it's time to defend with everything I have.

    This problem can be solved in a simple way. Basically add new defensive structures, very similar to the Engineer MANA turrets but a bit more advanced and they will be construction structures so a Silo would be required.
    Turrets like the AV laser guided weapon but with more range and zoom, and maybe some 20mm auto cannon (like the Flash has). Teammates should be able to use these weapons too, so if they spawn in they can have a chance to help you defend because 90% of the time their guns can't do it.

    Another thing that should be thought about is if defensive towers/turrets should share numbers. Currently we can place 1 AV, 1 AI, 1 AA tower/turret. Should all the towers share numbers, allowing us to place any up to 3 times?
    For example lets say say with the towers sharing the max number, now I would be able to place an AV turret on as an example defending the 'Vehicle Gate', an AV tower defending all around, an AI tower defending my 'Vehicle Terminal' from infiltrators.
    I'm not sure if an AA tower can damage the massive fleet carrier that was showed on stream but lets say the player decides to put 3 AA towers up to defend against this massive air force.

    What this will do is allow more unique options and base designs.
    With the type of limit we have currently, I noticed that I'm only able to stick to one base design, and I just can't move to anything else: change it, improve it....It's always this general base with everything.

    This is something interesting that could give an idea.
    It is possible to place the default walls down at a height where the AV turret's gun can be above and the rest covered.

    No one does this because it's not rly effective. It's easy to hide from the turret and mainly the AI, and just one armored target can cause a lot of problems where if you had the AV tower, the enemy wouldn't be able to do.
    I personally stopped using low wall strategy after 'construction reconstructed' update because the vehicle gate shield change and the unshielded walls caused huge complications.

    This low wall placement gave me an idea of how the Glaive IPC could possibly be remade. I rly disliked the idea of aiming the weapon with a dart. It would just feel much better to shoot the gun from my own base rather than driving like 800 meters somewhere into hostile territory to aim it.

    I always thought the Gaive IPC would be a much better gun if it was a manually controlled, multi purpose weapon like for example the German flak 88 gun


    but with less HP that the regular defense towers.
    This is where the low wall placement can come into play, which will help defend the Glaive IPC.

    To be even more creative maybe this can even share numbers with the defense towers idea I had above, so if the player want's to be extreme he can place 3 Glaive IPC's in one PMB, which maybe can be used to damage the giant fleet carrier.


    Lastly what needs a change are the directives. Some are impossible to complete, ridiculously hard to do
    or just doesn't happen often.

    I would suggest a change like this to the current directives:

    Harvesting ribbons
    Deposit Cortium Ribbon
    AI Turret Kills
    AV Turret Kills
    AA Turret Kills
    -Turret Kills (Lower number)
    -Pain Spire Kills

    Construction Spawns
    -Spawn Tube
    -Router Spawn (These are completely different spawns)

    -Repairing Construction Ribbon (Lower number)

    OS Kills (I hope the OS is getting removed finally lol)
  2. karlooo

    Want to add one more thing about the Tactical structure that supports allies - the 'Routing Spire'.
    Construction and regular Platoons don't work together normally but the Routing Spire allows this to happen by building a so called 'Router base', which requires little, enough for you to be focused on following your squad.
    But if you make a base specifically to defend something, the Routing Spire becomes an almost useless structure (using it in your own base is useless too). If you want to defend the last thing you want to do is constantly leave your defensive position.

    This is something I have a problem with - your base cannot specialize in anything. You always have to build this general base with everything.
    I'm suggesting a lot of things that would over complicate balancing. To make it nice and simple Construction should have different types of Silos, which will set the rules and restrictions for players that want to build:
    -Defensive bases (Solo)
    -Supportive bases (Solo)
    -Mix of both (Solo)
    -A combined base with multiple players (Coop)

    If the player changes to a different Silo, the last structures placed that break the limits and restrictions of the new Silo will deconstruct....Not sure how this will be done, maybe make it 3 random structures.

    I suggested 3 designs for only Solo players, which means only the owner controls his Silo. Why? Because that's what almost everyone does and to cooperate in designing a base with someone else requires the players to know each other pretty well.
    Random players taking structures out of your Silo and placing it down is not supporting. 95% of the time I have to deconstruct what they built because it's not in a good position and is blocking something.
    One player has all the structures to build a perfect base.


    I mentioned in the topic that I enjoy building mostly defensive bases next to small no construction zones. This can give an idea for a new supportive tactical structure - a Radar, which can work in a similar way as the Shield modules, where you have to manually activate it for a short duration.
    The Bunker has a big flat space on the top and some odd looking platform in the middle. Maybe the Bunker would be required to build special structures like this and it would give new players a chance to build something useful without extreme investments.
    Speaking of the bunker, it's impossible to perfectly connect with the Solid Wall in a way where infantry cannot fit through. Easy fix would be by remaking or just simply adding a box with flat, perpendicular edges.



    I didn't finish the top box because that can be an interesting shooting position.


    Remove the OS...