Fun With Jackle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armcross, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Armcross

    TLDR Jackle=Assault PDW /w UBSG. Good spread. Friendly sensor is big help.

    Today I play the Jackle extensively and have found good use of it. For me it excels as assault weapon. Meaning attacking enemy point/firing position. From mid range going in to your target area I use regular firing mod, aim head. At CQB I switch to BX mod. BX mod excels firing from corner especially on offence. BX can be use defensively if you know the enemy position. Just do a quick sally and retreat to you defensive position. I don't even wait to finish the volley before retreat. I like BX mod accuracy true volume, eventually you hit something, especially the head.
  2. Liewec123

    I too find the Jackal to be the most fun of the three SMGS
    Gladius doesn't feel like anything new to me because I play with ACX11 a lot
    Canis is a bit interesting because it's a cyclone with fat ammo
    But Jackal is fuuuun, the BX attachment to be exact!
    Precharge it, pop around the corner and pump 1503 damage into the poor guy on the receiving end!

    The standard gun is fun, but the BX attachment takes fun to new heights!
  3. Prudentia

    Canis actually has the same playstale as the Boombox.
    due to the spinup having a friendly sensor around that tells you when someone is around the corner means you can prefire and skip the first few ultra slow bullets and get higher DPS when he rounds the corner and great him 550rpm that'll almost climb to 600 by the time you killed him. and if there are more people behind the first guy even better as they now recieve bullets with a DPS that'll rival and outpace that of their guns.
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  4. Liewec123

    canis is quite fun and i've been playing with it a fair bit on my vanu, but is not too dismiliar to standard smg play, just that you can be lazier with accuracy :p
    popping round the corner and firing off 9x167 damage shots at 1000rpm though is something totally new to infiltrator :D
  5. Armcross

    That smile.
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