From Your Friendly Neighborhood Engineer...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Linedan, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. CokeDemon

    1. Our job is to dominate. Your job is to serve. We will run around if we want to cause were the masters and YOUR the slaves. Got it? Good! Now get back to repairing my MAX like a good little slave!

    2. See #1

    3. See #1

    4. See #1

    5. See #1
  2. f0d

    umm how can i send a tell and press v8 if im busy and dont even know you are there (because im looking at map/afk/typing a message to someone)

    and again we can ignore you all we like (if we wanted) we are not your personal repair slaves - if an engineer isnt repairing you go ask another one or go to the spawn room and equip nanite auto repair because thats what i do

    i have loads of game time logged into a max (you have 16h and i have 99h) and never ONCE have i thought it was a good idea to shoot an engineer for repairs
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  3. Akeita

    And I can shoot you if I want, this is a game :) Let's end this conservation if your respond is "I can ignore you because I can".
  4. f0d

    and i can shoot you if i want (to defend myself) - thats what i said in my first post
    shoot me and i will respond in a similar way

    dont shoot me as an engineer and i wont shoot you back
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  5. DeadlyPeanutt

    Remember that name all you engie mains. He gets NOTHING.....

    ----> NOTHING

    (except our laughter when he dies... brother medics, i suggest you leave him laying there as he probably has the same attitude towards you)
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  6. DeadlyPeanutt

    It amazes me how scared SOME big guys in iron suits are. especially when I'm in the pocket repairing them. some maxes are great... they step out of cover, kill a few bads, step back into cover, get some ammo (which i have at his feet) and get repaired, rinse and repeat. some maxes take a little damage, yell 'i think i broke it' and run for the hills. i sigh, pull out my carbine and do the job the scary guy in the iron suit just ran away from.

    maxes, keep in mind you're the infantry tanks, your job it to be a target, kill a lot and have a team of techs and medics keep you going. in order to do that job, you have to stay near cover so your team of techs and medics can keep you healthy. If you're running away doesn't accomplish that.

    i've seen it said that one good max takes two techs and one medic to keep him going. I love a good max who takes care of his team and stays near cover. I get lots of sniping kills while folks are shooting at my max.

    btw. BIG thanks to all the medics who revive me (and my max) multiple times when i'm in the pocket and i never have a chance to say thanks.
  7. RealityWarrior

    Ok here is MY 2cents of advice to a damage max...

    DON'T STAND THERE AND STARE AT ME! While you are being repaired look at a door the enemy might come from. I am defensless and MUCH more squshie and ... here is the big difference... I DON"T HAVE ANYONE CONSTANTLY REPLACING MY HP!

    I know you are damaged that is why I have magic glowing attracter of bullets spraying its love nanite juice all over you. However with me repairing you, you still have twice the survivability I do if we come under fire.

    I don't understand why Maxes don't realize if the engie repairing them dies their life span is much shorter than if they take a few bullets for him while he is repairing.

    Also, If i just repaired you from a sliver to full, My repair tool has over heated. Yes you can step back out the door at 95% and I will keep repairing you while they shoot at you but 1 or 2 seconds later I over heat then suddenly that which makes you invunerable is now gone. I can't keep that up forever.
  8. Gustavo M

    Your post reminds me of this.
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  9. FieldMarshall

    If at any point you poke me with your bullets to get my attention for repairs/ammo... I kill you!
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  10. Xien

    I had a max shoot me one time. I stopped giving him reps. It was glorious when he lost his Max suit. :)

    Protip: You can't play hard ball with someone who you need more than they need you. Just sayin'. :)

    Oh, so you're one of those dumb maxes who insists on standing directly in the doorway then spams for reps and shoots engis? lol...
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  11. SuperLexatron

    If we are in a situation where my MAX suit is in dire need of repairs, there is a very good chance he is getting a healthy benefit from my Aegis shield/covering fire and by leaving them on half health - they usually don't last long without that benefit. Works both ways;)

    It is also more enraging to the engineer to be killed by the enemy due to your team-damage. It's a fight they could have won, if it wasn't for that jack-*** MAX unit!

    You consider a mine in the doorway to be more effective? I won't take your 'dumb' comment to heart then... :)
  12. Klypto

    I drive away if I feel safe, the damage is less than 50%, and I have nanite auto repair equipped. To be courteous I usually tell the guy over proxy thanks, but I have NAR.
  13. RasFW

    Love the post and the sense of humor. I have to disagree with the tank thing though. My buddy and I will usually run engineers when we're driving around so we can repair ourselves. And what you might think is relatively safe isn't for us, because of the big mean vanguard chasing us. And nothing is more infuriating than being surrounded by allied engineers trying to repair us while we're strafing forward, back, left and right to give the enemy tank a hard time shooting. We will run you over. And we will not regret it.
  14. ncDieseL

    Couple of things, not sure if they've already been mentioned.

    Engineers can't use the repair tool while sprinting, we physically can't use it, if we start sprinting it stops working. Next time you're a MAX, think about that before you sprint away while I'm repairing you, because I'm not going to chase you.

    An engineer repairing a MAX is always going to be a priority target, they are just too easy to kill compared to the MAX. So MAX users, defend your engineer!

    This one is for medics. Next time you see a dead engineer and a dead MAX, rez the engineer first, so he can be ready to repair the MAX as soon as it's up. I know it's tempting, but don't just farm the MAX.
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  15. Icedude94

    PSA to Engineers:

    1. Unless your repair tool is max level, stay the hell away from my vehicles. My nanites repair faster than you can. By staying stationary so you can get points, it opens me up to being C4'd or being hit by a flanking shot. It pisses me off how many engineers with level 1 repair tools send me angry tells because I ran away from them when there's multiple enemy MBT's firing on me. As the person who spent the resources and certs on the vehicle, if is safe to stop for repairs is my decision, not yours. Remember that it's your fault every time you tell somebody over proxy to stop for repairs and they're dumb enough to listen, only to get C4'd or killed by AV mana spam.

    2. If I run over you while you are repairing me, don't be offended. I need to move quick to avoid being destroyed. My vehicle costs lots of resources and has a cool down timer to spawn. You don't.

    3. When you place your mines, don't place them in doorways. The enemy is more likely to see them and will even shoot them to kill your allies who may be standing in the doorway like MAXes. I've killed plenty of MAXes as an infiltrator by sniping the mine left in the doorway. Mines cost resources so use them as a last line of defense. People shooting out the doorway with medics just inside can get a lot better resource-to-kill ratio than your mine. This way if the main defensive line falls, your mine is there to get the enemy, often enough to finish off a damaged MAX, and especially that cloaked infiltrator who sprints in while everybody else is distracted.

    4. Again, if your repair tool isn't MAX level, don't think that you're going to keep my MAX alive. All you are doing is making MAX players think they have sufficient support to advance, only to find out that the engineer behind them has a level 1 tool and you, the engineer, caused your faction to lose a MAX and those resources at a critical moment.

    5. If my vehicle or MAX needs repairs, you'll be able to see a health bar above my name tag. If you don't see one, stop lighting up my vehicle or MAX like a light house beacon to invite enemy fire.

    6. Ammo: Put friggin' certs into your ammo supply pack. By not leveling it up and having the smallest radius, you are forcing players to leave their firing positions to get ammo, lowering the rate of fire of the group and making everybody vulnerable to AOE weapons and snipers. It also disappears rapidly so we have to keep spamming our "Need Ammo" quick key at you to remind you to put down another one.

    So many times I've seen a bunch of people killed by an AOE weapon because everyone had to literally stand on top of the supply pack to get ammo.

    For people who operate proximity repair sunderers: If it isn't max level, don't pull it. My nanites + my max level repair tool is way better than you. Your mediocre repair sunderer behind will block friendly vehicles from retreating and it's your fault they get killed.
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  16. GaBeRock

    One other thing for you vehicle jockeys/max suits. If an engineer stops healing you, and you still have damage, they're not being cold heartless bastards. They're just waiting for their tool to cool down. Srsly people, if you want to be repaired, running from an engineer is literally the opposite of what you want to do.
  17. DeadlyPeanutt

    no worries, i never repair tanks anymore. just give them a wide berth when they're smoking so i don't get any splash damage when they go up

    as for the rest of your requests, i'll take them under advisement
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  18. Xien

    lol Here, here!

    I only repair tanks under three conditions now:

    1) You're in my Outfit, and
    2) You're in my Platoon, or
    3) It's my tank/I'm your gunner

    As far as Maxes... again, if you're a dick I won't repair you or drop ammo. The fact is you need me more than I need you, as evidenced by the fact that I won't even notice if you die, but you're standing there begging me for reps. You notice when I'm gone, but you can get C4'd and I'd never even know it unless someone told me, and even then I wouldn't care. Oh and if you want to shoot me cuz I'm not repping you... I promise I'm respawning as a Heavy and I know which door you're camping. Just sayin'.
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  19. Yasa

    Its lag. Both of you are lagging, and both of you are walking towards each other.
  20. JesNC


    I'm usually a very sharing player when it comes to ammo and repairs, but if you try to TK me to get my attention while I'm playing Engineer I'm going to kill you, teabag your corpse and C4 your ride just to make 100% sure you got the message.

    Consider yourself amply warned.
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