From a Concerned Engineer

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by FateJH, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. FateJH

    I lay down Ammo Drops. Ammo Drops for anyone who asks. Ammo Drops where there are big groups. And sometimes I predict that those who don't ask may need them. When I see a friendly Infiltrator, he's usually a blue dorito up in its roost, 'sploding heads; but, whenever I do see an Infiltrator in one of these spots, or an "need ammo" glyph over his head and he's not just idling around with a group of people, I get rather uncomfortable about my job.

    I feel like I shouldn't approach to put down an Ammo Drop for him because I might expose his hiding spot to the enemy, being less stealthy than he is. Even worse, I worry that if I give him a dedicated Ammo Drop, others on our team will see it and inconsiderately expose the sniping nest in my place. There have been posts before regarding this behavior, that less than savvy players will start crowding around a place where an Infiltrator is camping out, and start drawing it undo attention and how that's bothersome for them.

    All the same, you got to get ammo to those who need it. What kind of situational etiquette should I practice?
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  2. jm20

    /tell name i have ammo to your south if you need it
  3. Ack0n

    Your very considerate to the sniper :D

    I agree, whisper him and tell him ammo is nearby. eventually the sniper will go away to find ammo and head back to his spot. Dont worry. Glad your helping the sniper out :D

    i never get an engy to think about that lol
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  4. Cynosure

    Aye, you sound like an excellent engineer. In this case, I'd simply plop it down whereever (without approaching them) and let 'em find it. As an infiltrator, I seek out ammo on my own once I've emptied my clips.
  5. ScorpDK

    Most Infiltrators would love you for your consideration. The amount of times someone walks up to me with an ammo drop and suddenly everyone's firing at my location has me worried about the engie's teamplay logic. But as said above, just place your ammo pack in the vicinity, in a location that isn't exposed. An attentive infiltrator will see the icon on the minimap and consider backing off a moment to restock their ammo supply. Sure, there's some who will not back off until they're completely out of ammo, but those are usually the guys that die holding a pistol when they cross an enemy along the way to the nearest terminal / sunderer. :/
  6. PaperPlanes

    Just drop it near him without exposing your body to the enemy, when he runs low or out of ammo, he's going to leave his position and see your ammo drop. If he doesn't, then he's an unaware fool who probably is not a good sniper anyway. Ammo boxes show up on the minimap so it's not like you can miss them.

    Besides if you drop it right by him it encourages him to camp in that one spot. The hallmark of a good sniper is changing positions frequently, so if he is a newer sniper, it might be best to purposely let him run out of ammo so he can learn better movement and position changing tactics. The thing with sniping is you never know if an enemy spotted you before you killed them and reported your location to his friends, before you know it you might catch a slug to the head when you thought you were well hidden, that is why snipers should change spots often and never camp if they want to be truly effective. Giving them unlimited ammo encourages staying in one spot.
  7. Mustarde

    Any good infiltrator realizes that his roost is limited by the ammo he is carrying - and shouldn't be expecting an engineer to resupply a lone player. The first thing I maxed on infil was the ammo belt for this reason.

    You are very considerate. I would say that the best place to drop ammo is nearby but not on top of him.

    If I am in a roost that is good enough for me to run out of ammo without dying, I am either behind enemy lines or in the middle of a big open field battle. It is rare to run out of ammo otherwise, and if I do, your nearby ammo pack is more than adequate for me to run over and reup.

    The most important thing about this post is that you are very correct in avoiding dropping the pack near the sniper - exposing him and drawing other friendlies to that spot. That is really what needs to be avoided.

    Also in response to paperplanes, the concept of moving positions is not an absolute. If you find a great spot and no one is able to find you - stay there! Otherwise you will get caught with the shiny cloak running around and someone is going to pop you. Maybe this applies more to "behind enemy lines" sniping. Either way, sometimes I shift spots, sometimes I don't. No right answer.
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  8. Ghostfox

    My typical practice in those situations is to place ammo behind them in cover.

    Close enough for the sniper to get easy access but far enough away that random people running up for ammo wont highlight the nest.
  9. Whateverworks

    You sound amazingly considerate - thank you! A lot of good suggestions here; I'll just toss in that if you do need to approach the infiltrator, do it from cover while crouching.
  10. zijin_cheng

    Wow, you're very considerate, such a boss engineer! You can just put it down anywhere nearish to infiltrators, we will see it and run to it if needed (although I usually die before I can finish off my clips :))
  11. Mishkel

    When I'm prowling around on Mattherson most of the NC snipers are either...

    1) just scattered around in the lines


    2) so far out that you wouldn't really be close enough to drop ammo

    There is this one paticular area I like to sneak around because I find a lot of enemy infiltrators in the rocks there. Now and then I do find a friendly so I drop ammo back behind them .. which I'm using to reload but they can sneak back to it if they need. My idea is if they are taking shots when I move on people might think it was me and thus not go looking for the sniper.

    Which sometimes gets that sniper a kill or two because of the people that expose themselves up above to shoot at me. Sometimes its me shooting the infiltrator I saw pop out that was moving towards the "nest" I just passed.

    It at least makes me feel like I'm trying to be helpful/useful or even thoughtful.
  12. PieBringer

    I see two things wrong with this thread:
    1. "Clips"... They're magazines and/or batteries.

    2. How dare so many of you make such posts, restoring my faith in humanity! Now what am I going to complain about for my daily doom and gloom?
  13. ArcKnight

    okay 1

    2. if you want doom and gloom try to improve the infiltrators viability/capabilities when compared to PS1 infiltrators
  14. illgot

    I lay down ammo, resupply them, then move on and lay down that ammo again further away so it no longer marks the infiltrator.
  15. M4L4CH1TE


    I use that method as well.
    I drop ammo for an infiltrator/sniper first in a run of dropping ammo. Once I've dropped my limit that first one goes away when I drop the next. They've had time to refill and then the marker's gone.
  16. MittRackRObama

    You're too nice to people. Give ammo resupplies when you can, but typically only in large groups of "stranded" allies.

    Otherwise, hop in a tank, a liberator, or an ESF and be 15 times more helpful to your allies.

    Oh no! They ran out of ammo! That's ok because now you can rocketpod, zepher, or 1 shot kill anything with your tank to cover for their lameness.

    You play NC right? Just tell them to whip out their pistol snipers. Those things are solid side arms for mid range combat.
  17. Ticee

    Personally I have a compulsive urge to keep everyone stocked up, so I tend to run up and drop it in front of them so they can't avoid it. No one shall die by lack of ammo on my watch ^-^
  18. Bloodmyth

    I'm impressed you actually put thought into your gaming and class, I admit there are times I'd love a pocket engineer when I've found a great spot, but that's just my laziness speaking, its not too hard to jump down and find some ammo tbh, the best thing you can do is drop it near if you get the chance, don't hang around the spot.