You know those wonderful little upside down triangles that denote who is friendly and who is hostile? Those are not appearing when I am piloting a reaver. I can see them perfectly fine while on foot or in other vehicles.. but not the reaver. This is especially stressful because I have no idea if the people in choke points are friendly targets or hostile targets.. even with scouting radar utility cert equipped. There are times where I see ATVs and I don't see the highlight until after I shot the thing.. to which I get an annoying buzz about attacking friendly targets. .. and doubly so when unleashing a rocket barrage on a target sunderer, only to find out it was friendly. Don't say 'restart the game', because that does not help, no matter how much I try.
Still having this issue.. sometimes the hostile indicator will pop up but as soon as I put my target reticule over the target it will disappear. Spotting does nothing to change it.
Okay.. I am STILL having this issue- and I am personally getting peeved that no replies have been made. I was in a reaver squadron tonight and they all said in voice chat that they can see the hostile target indicators. So why the heck can I not see hostile target indicators? I can see ally indicators and hostile turret indicators, but not any other hostile indicators in my reaver. On foot or in any other vehicle I am just fine.. but NOT in my reaver.
Images for you all. First one shows VS infantry that I spotted on the ground.. obviously. The second is a Scythe in the air which I also spotted. ====================================
quad bump thats hard core! I would love to know exactly how the triangle indicator thing works myself, sometimes you get them and sometimes you don't, depending on the situation and possibly other factors. lol a penta-bump while i was posting, you win teh interwebs!
Lately I've never gotten it when I'm spotting the enemy. I sometimes get it when someone else does it. Most of the time I do get friendly targets. So, if I see someone without it, I will shoot him/her/it.
Sometimes the indicator for a hostile will pop on the screen, but it soon disappears when my aiming reticule goes over it. This is a big issue for me because I love to use rocket pods with hit and run tactics.. and I can't get the scope of the battlefield if I can't see the hostile targets unless I take the time to hover around in place and spam Q to see what I get.
Okay.. I tried deleting several files [useroptions, inputprofile, soundprofile, etc] as suggested on another thread where someone was having reaver UI problems, and it didn't help. I also tried verifying game files and it didn't work. I still cannot see hostile target indicators while piloting my reaver.
I have the same exact problem. I stopped trying to spot targets while flying because it never works. I also checked to make sure my indicators are on. Unfortunately, it's been this way since launch. Beta targeting was working for me oddly enough. My experience comes from using the Scythe on the Vanu.