[Suggestion] Friendly Fire Punishment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eldarfalcongravtank, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    let's be honest, this has been neglected far too long and the night of july 26 has certainly demonstrated what is wrong with the current system. in no way can SOE deal with every single friendly fire complaint that is being submitted. i am not even sure whether they deal with such complaints at all -- see? that's the problem. people don't even know whether SOE takes the player reporting tool serious

    so i came up with some stricter punishments for teamkills that are enforced by the game automatically. it should replace the current (and very lax) system in place:

    - killing 2-4 teammates within 1 minute should give a weapon lock for 2 minutes
    - killing 5-9 teammates within 1 minute should give a weapon lock for 5 minutes
    - killing 10+ teammates within 1 minute should give a weapon lock for 15 minutes
    - killing the same teammate within 5 minutes twice (e.g. for revenge) should give a weapon lock for 10 minutes
    - killing the same teammate within 10 minutes a third time should boot the player out of the game with a temporary ban for 1 hour

    either way, there needs to happen something. this current punishment system is clearly not fit enough to deal with all the trolls out there. and just switching FF off is no option
  2. ColonelChingles

    So if my Squad Leader crashes their Galaxy as they tend to do by accident every now and again... that's 11 instant kills for a 15 minute weapon lock?


    Though some incidents of FF are absolutely ridiculous... we have someone in our outfit with a 52% teamkill rate... he literally is more dangerous to us than he is to the actual enemy!

    But according to this site, many of our outfit's best SLs have TK rates well above 10% (again, mostly I would guess due to a combination of outfit shenanigans and crashing squad transports into things). I mean I tend to be very cautious when it comes to TK's (I'll even halt my Lightning if I see infantry crossing the road), but even I have a 3.82% TK rate.

    FF punishment systems also disproportionately punish new players (who haven't quite yet worked out silhouettes). The people in our outfit with a 15%+ TK rate are all relatively new players.

    I say just leave it out for Wild West justice to take place... if there's a terrible TKing player, get your whole squad to teach him a lesson. :)
  3. cruczi

    Pretty sure those are all self kills.
  4. ColonelChingles

    No, not at all. If you're in a Galaxy and it crashes into a tree with everyone on-board, the pilot gets all the kill credit for all the passengers that died. There was definitely an incident that I remember where our SL was flying a Galaxy over Hossin... flew too low and clipped a tree, and the kill notifications were filling up the top-right of my screen as I watched the flaming wreckage of it all.

    I still make fun of him for that. ;)
  5. cruczi

    Well... that's pretty stupid. It's not the bad pilot's fault that the passengers didn't bail out and save themselves.
  6. ColonelChingles

    With him we're a pretty disciplined squad... at the time we were doing operations that involve everyone coming in as a HA and popping out over "targets of opportunity". And those targets can change on a whim as the PL might direct us to engage more important targets.

    In other words we jump when he says to jump. :p Not before, and not after. No cowards allowed here!

    That and the Gal just suddenly exploded... to those of us checking out our maps en route to orient ourselves after the drop, it was quite the sudden surprise.
  7. qquqq

    Actually maybe weapons locking some one for crashing a plane with 11 people in it is a good idea, he has 15 minute to think about what a bad thing he just did was, lol,
    I'm not sure that there is an acquitted way to solve these problems that people would find acceptable in all cases, on one hand when some one blows up my sundie to put their sundie there, I blow up there sundie with them in it, that's wild west justice, I would not expect SOE to fix that, in face I wish it would tell you who killed your vehicle in the log so you at least knew for sure who to blame, this happened today to me, I have also had people habitually kill me on sight for a miss-concept and harass me, they were reported and I have not seen any thing since then, I would think this is a sign SOE does do their job,
    if some one killed me by accident most I brush it off complain a little, but if they blatantly killed me on purpose, i get them back. i had a flash run over me once in a open field, I ran over his flash with a sundie, a satisfying squish,

    One problem with the proposed idea is if I accidentally place c4 / anti personnel mine and it is triggered by friendlies. or if my tank mines are triggered by an enemy rocket when a full sundie passes over them. I would be weapons-locked and considered a griefer, for collateral damage, this does happen in game, and even the best players friendly fire by accident, check YouTube, most videos have ff incidents,

    In modern war more is lost to collateral damage than to intentional action, those are the weapons in hand,
    I have to say that the system currently in place is one of the most balanced concepts and implementations of any feature i have seen in a video game to date, (at least an this hard to control) the system measures the number of incidents and time spent with friendly fire, it warns the player to stop, even giving a final warning, o the player knows not to tempt fate, is there flaws in this system? of course, but the flaws are the intentions of the players are too hard to account for not that the system is not well implemented, a big point of contention is sunderers, after the xp patch there had been so many more suderers come out, although the best xp you get from sunderers are the ribbons for some reason they gave 3 more xp and people realized hey this is a good idea, to be honest AMS shouldn't give xp, I get tons of free certs from this so I would take a hit if it was gone but this would probably reduce the roughest friendly fire incidents drastically.

    Another is that You lose k/d for being run over by a friendly vehicle, this might seem reasonable, but if people didn't feel they lost much when some one ran them over they might not c4 them,
    as for infantry friendly fire incidents,,,,,stop standing in the doorway, if you are standing in a choke,,,, you will die the question is how many of your team mates will die before some one shoots through you to get the guy standing in the door?
    this could be solved by adding infantry collision, or reducing the number of explosives lobbed at choke points from vehicles, as they serve to complicate such areas of battle,

    To sum it up, I get your idea, but the only part I would indorse is the killing the same teammate inside a time limit would weapons lock you, and I would add killing the same team mate too many times would weapons lock you on the first bullet fired at him always. For example, killing the same player 20 times inside a week, unless they forgave it for some reason like a squad mate or what ever.
    For the random troll or griefer this system works great, it is only the harassers, the hunters, the more malicious players that would slip through this system.