Friendlies deliberately attacking then getting mad when you TK?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. DashRendar

    Not talking about accidental IFF or strafing into a fire line, I mean actual deliberate friendly damage. This happens sometimes and I find it very odd. Spawned a tank at a base a few territories back from the fight, there was nobody there except for me and this one other guy. He spawned behind me and put a shot into my rear armor. I know it was him because I heard the Vanguard shot audio. I looked back and fired a warning shot on him, repaired and got moving. Then at the fork I took a left and he took a right, but he also hit me with another shot before turning, and I could see his turret pointed at me. I turn around and light up his rear with AP/Halberd and he blows up. Next thing I see is a tell message asking why I did that. I don't make a habit of doing these things, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but it boggles the mind that someone would wonder why retaliation is taken after provoking.
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  2. Konstantinn

    He probably didn't even know your name when he shot you, didn't notice shooting, or simply has anger issues. It really sounds like it was an accident/misunderstanding. Who knows, maybe he was the phone or otherwise distracted while playing.

    Main thing is not to do anything about it when it happens to you. Just let it go. No warning shots. No retaliation. When driving it's bound to happen that you occasionally run over someone or your cannon round hits a friendly instead. Sometimes it might not even look like an accident even though it was. On a rare occasion I forget I'm in a heavy suit instead of engie and and pull out rocket launcher instead of repair tool to repair.... Even rarer that I actually shoot it, but it can happen.

    I sometimes get twitchy when on point by myself, have been known to occasionally shoot an ally that walks around corner. Usually stop myself before killing, feeling pretty foolish afterwards. Most people won't retaliate especially if you do "i'm sorry" voice or if it's really blatant and you have time to do it send them a tell.

    Once it happens often enough and once you do it often enough to other people by accident it kind of becomes natural just tuning it out without giving it a second thought. It might not feel like an accident, but then you might not have all the facts either. For example: you might be oblivious to a C4 faerie hovering around your vehicle while a friendly tank is trying to save you and instead hits you by accident or you might be driving straight towards a landmine and friendly is trying to shoot it before you get to it making it look like he's shooting at you. These things happen every day.
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  3. Pokebreaker

    Better be careful admitting that you TK people on the forums. The MAN is watching, and might not write off reports of TKs as an "accident", because they know you do it intentionally as retaliation ;)
  4. Cz4rMike

    Did you spawn and stop RIGHT in front of the vehicle pad? I hope not.

    But if you did, I totally would understand why he shot at you.
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  5. Haquim

    Well sometimes people are just warpgates.
    Just had a guy shoot me with a commissioner to get my attention because he wanted me to heal him.
    I'd have killed him anyway, since the only message that conveys to me is "I'm an *******, take me down before I cause serious damage to something important", but the fact that I was actually in a firefight when he put ******* 450 damage into me definitely didn't help my willingness to heal him.

    I developed the habit to kill anybody that intentionally shoots at me. After killing the guys a couple times they usually get the message that I don't take **** from anybody. Not even the "chosen one" (which an astounding number of them seem to believe is themselves).

    Is that nice? Is it polite? No - but it sure helps more than telling them that I don't approve of their not-nice behavior. Just accept that there are people like that, get rid of them, and carry on fighting the "real" enemy.
  6. The Red One

    I was playing TR and I was fighting vanu then all of a sudden I get killed by a guy in our AMS I told him to be careful what you shoot at, later I get killed by him again so I give him another message asking him to check his fire, once again he kills me again so I ask the sunderer owner to lock his vehicle which he did and I guess I wasn't the only guy getting TKed by this guy cause the moment he got kicked out about 10 other players blasted him, I never saw him again after that.
    I check his killboard he only killed 4 enemies and all the rest where friendly kills
  7. The Red One

    And another time I was playing with my brother and a friendly came in and shot him to death he then looked at me and reloaded he began to shoot be so I put a pump shotgun shell into him then revived my brother
  8. DramaticExit

    I've had a similar situation, except I was the guy who was the annoying d bag who got the warning shot and eventually got TK'd.

    Story goes a little like this;

    I was at the crown with an HEAT lightning, before it had the hell nerfed out of it. My cat was sitting on my desk. He pounced on my hand, and therefore the mouse - My turret swung around, mouse button clicked and instakilled a friendly infiltrator.

    Tried to send an apology and an explanation for what just happened, while laughing at the insanity of the whole thing, but while I was typing, I got a rocket to the rear armour from the same guy that my cat had just killed... He didn't fire a second rocket, so I forgot about the whole thing.

    A minute later, I had to reverse due to a prowler shooting at me. Rolled backwards straight over the same guy. tried to send him another message, but the prowler was still shooting at me - My lightning exploded. I respawned and started typing to that guy I'd just accidentally TK'd twice in a row, but he'd respawned right next to me and just emptied a mag into my face instead.

    tl;dr - Weird **** happens. Can't know what's going on for the other guy.
  9. TechMechMeds

    There's nothing worse than getting tk'd, getting an apology and telling the player that sht happens and I really dont care and then accidentally tking them not long after.
  10. Jawarisin

    no clue, the only people I do that to are friends of mine. if I'm in an ESF and there's no danger, I might try to land 1 bullet just to make them look my way or freak them out.
    Some people are wierd, THOUGH. I did do that sometime because I tried helping a friendly. For instance, there's a LA with c4 trying to get him. yeah, I might miss the LA and hit him, but it's for the greater good!
    The other cause is sometime friendlies don't see tank mines. So shooting them can sometime make them stop, look at you and give you the time to warn them.

    There's also idiots who do it for no reason. Who knows.
  11. Draconas

    If im in a firefight and I get tk'ed, I pass it off as an accident, unless the same individual has done it to me 3-5 times, then he dies.
    If im out of a fight and someone deliberately TK's me, he gets one warning and a witch hunt the second time they do it.
    If someone shoots at me to get my attention, they will not be repaired/healed, you ask for it using the voice macro or a /tell
    If someone tk's at me in a 100% safe spawn room, they will die, no questions asked, no warnings, and everyone in the vicinity will be told what the individual has done.

    I have my fair share of accidental TK's, and I will ALWAYS apologize to the person that ate the bullet, but the intentional BS will be met with a understandable and easy message.
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  12. KnightCole

    LOL, was his name Horeratio?
  13. Oogbar

    While playing my NC char on con., I've had some d-bags from COLG or some outfit close to that, fly in with Reavers while I was in my lightning, shot it till it caught fire, then got all but hurt cuz I lit them up in return. This happened 4 times before I just started wiping them out. There is no need to be trying to kill friendlies, especially when they fixed your stupid aircraft, and other vehicles of your outfit.
  14. Prudentia

    Yesterday my skyguard was parked 50m behind a sundy, suddenly an allied Harrasser rams me from behind and pushes me across the sundy spawnzone, killing 4 friendlies and hurting a bunch o_O needless to say i got mad and removed that threat to our faction (skyguards are suprisingly effective against Harrassers)
    tough thinking back, he was standing still right next to me, so he might have been busy typing a sorry... which, i guess, is an indication that you should never TK in retaliation. but after playing public arma3 for some time, i find this game to be suprisingly free of TK'ers...
  15. qquqq

    If your in some ones way and they shoot at you in a tank, you don't gets to kill them while under no real threat. especially at the spawn point, that is way to annoying, people spawn a vehicle and clog up the works. they end up dieing to collision or surprise attack,

    You (both) displayed alpha dominant behavior.
    (Example) How dare some one else think they can step on MY TOES?
    (he should have shot the ground to say move on, the second shot uncalled for)
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  16. Pelojian

    If someone hits you with small arms while in a vehicle immune to it overlook it. they prob want your attention so they can get in your gunner seat. if someone fires a rocket on foot at you deliberately with no margin of error kill them with your vehicle.

    if someone is shooting an allied sundie with rockets/TK spawnkilling hop in the gunner seat and kill him.

    If a tank driver fires on my tank with no enemies around he's getting one in return.

    If you damage a friendly or his vehicle expect to get killed. you are a detriment to the team in your attention seeking behavior (which is less efficient then a tell or voice callout)