I know fps tends to fluctuate. But I've just changed graphics cards and whilst I'm getting a higher fps I seem to be also getting bigger drops. It was a more level frame rate with less extreme drops with my old gpu. The in game option for smoothing doesn't seem to prevent these drops just knocks off my peaks. It's not really a problem as such just wondering why this may have happened. If it's relevant the old card was a 560ti the new one is an r9 270.
Leave smoothing off, try radeon pro software to limit fps or try dynamic vsync control. Have you cleared all the old Nvidia drivers ?
Smoothing is off. Yeah think I've gotten rid of all the nvidia stuff. I went through the installed programs list in control panel and uninsulated everything listed. I'll have a look a vsync. Wouldn't limiting the fps just stop it getting high but not prevent huge drops? Same as smoothing does in game?
That is normal man, I have a GTX 780sc. Fps goes from 120 [GPU bound] to 30[CPU bound] in huge battles at amp stations or biolabs. FX 8350 @ 4.6Ghz 16Gb ram Its not you PC, its the game.
There is also an issue in Planetside 2 with the new NVIDIA drivers 335.23 I believe. I hope this gets lined out, PS2 is the opnly game I have that has issues with them.
I had huge FPS problems with the last two minipatches and SOE Support helped me with the following hint. In my case, it was mVidia experience, wich was active twice in the background. I deinstalled everthing but the graphics driver (332.21) and PHysX and now PS2 runs very smooth nearly 90% of thetime i have constant 60fps (locked via userini).