Hmmm I have noticed since GU4 that while my FPS is way down, people however are incredibly less laggy Before even in low pops peoples movement would be twitchy as hell and hard to follow at times, now since GU4 everything I see moving around is far far far smoother and more fluid, I don't see people teleporting when moving anymore. The patch fixed the FPS issues slightly, but ping/peoples movement remains just as fluid. Perhaps that's why all of us is having such low FPS's, they tripled the amount of packet requests/sends the server is making to you, thus your FPS is tanking.
Well Im back were I started, Got a new system after release and after a few patches I was getting 60fps. Now I'm back to the 10fps-20fps that is unstable as hell. I don't know why and I can't play this game like this especially when only half the players are suffering this way then how can one who is compete.
That could be the case, but if so, SOE is seriously ********. Since more people have hardware issues instead of internet connection issues, SOE just ****** a lot of people over.
Performance still BAAAAAD compared to GU3. I have 35fps while flying above a Bio Lab! With no battle going on!!!!!!! Never had this before. It was always at 60 (when flying!! battles fps always goes down tough).
Well its better after the hotfix thats for sure , but its not perfect . Atleast its playable for now i guess =) I think you guys should focus on optimizing the game for once and for all .
Also seeing major framerate drop from GU04, in the area of 1/3 fewer frames per second. I have been CPU bound forever, and must have some motherboard bottlenecks because my framerate has always been poor. But ~10-15FPS in battles qualifies as unplayable. Hotfix didn't make things better, as far as I can tell. And for the first time since beta, my game hung up ("not responding") on a load screen. I've been crash-free since release, so this is disappointing. i7-920 GTX670 6GB VistaU64
Anyone else's frame rate get lower and lower over time while in game since GU4? I have to restart my client to get the game back to a playable state. Overall though, a definite drop in frame rate regardless of how long I've been playing. i7-3770k GTX-670 16 GB ram
Was running at 80 in WG and 40-50 in battles. GU4 had me doing 30 in WG and 15 in battles. This "fix" is chugging along at 50 in WG and ~20 in battles. i5 750 HD 6870 8 GB DDR3 Win 7 64
Went from getting btw 80-100 fps in warpgate to 50-60 fps Big battles i used to get 50ish & now around 30 Earlier i even hit a low of 19-20fps on Amerish.......hotfix hasnt really made much of a difference tbh
Its always happened for me , i get nice gameplay for half an hour then it just degrades and i gradually lose 10fps on average after an hour or so .
Hey, did the hotfix return the FPS rate to what it was before GU4? I heard the hotfix didn't work and I don't have time to open up the game to check for myself. I heard some people were missing attachments, what's with that?
Almost zero improvement from the hotfix, please try again. Still getting about 10fps less than pre-GU4, and just driving trough a large facility (even the empty ones) makes the game stutter like crazy, this also affects the audio. Looks like I won't be enjoying the double xp-weekend, nor the Wounded Warrior event. Thanks SOE...
Really? Yeah I'm really hoping they fix the framerate issue soon. Hopefully GU5 will actually optimize the game.
No not really? hmm .. so crazy it could be true? you never know with whacky crazy Smed and gang when they get up to their tricks!
Don't get your hopes up. Pre GU4 I was getting a avg of 60-110 FPS. Never went below 60 with Ultra ini file tweaks. Now, I cannot even break the 50 fps marker, and I'm bouncing around from low 30's to mid 40's. Maybe folks who are used to crap can play with 30's. But I can't remember the last game besides (PS2) that I've played with less than 60 FPS in atleast 5 years. It's a shame, they got close with the final tweaks post GU3.
I don't trust that SOE will fix the major performance issues at all. They probably know that it can't be fixed and they will just act as if it can, because enough people will believe and will pay money trusting that "it can't be that bad because it can't be that bad, it just can't, surely it will be fixed". I'm betting it won't. The best they will do is they will make it worse and then will make it as it was before.
I think they "can" sadly, I don't think it's skill related though. They have bounced off the edge of "optimization" a few times since beta. I recall Nov 2012, week 2 update was very decent. I never dipped below 80 FPS on max settings. Then Dec's update came and it made a nearly 70% drop in performance. GU3's final optimization "hot fix" Also brought about a more stable experience for alot of folks. Bringing up FPS close to the 60's for anyone with a acceptable rig. Those far below the curve still suffered, but that's clear why. They just can't do it "consistently". They edge us close to what I'd call a optimized experience, then a Major GU happens and it crushes it. We spend the next 2 weeks getting "hot fixes" to resolve issues, and it nears a acceptable limit, and it's gone again. Notice I use the work "acceptable" Not perfect. I don't think they have the team for it, or it's a limitation of the game engine that they are consistently trying to modify to cope with the issues we are facing. I don't know, but currently there update history has shown a lack of competence in this department...Sadly..
It is bad devs , the performance is the worst it has ever been . Please , get this game back to how it used to perform before all these updates .