I think that it is vitally important that the FOV slider can go past 70 fov. I have been using PS2FOV for quite some time know simply because I cannot physically play the game at 70 FOV for more than 10 minutes without vomiting (seriously it's that bad). The problem though is that the application runs in a 30-bit environment and with the recent addition of a 64-bit client it will no longer work. This actually worries me a lot for my own physical health and the health of many others. As TotalBiscuit says it is really important to have an FOV slider. It should go up to 110 if I am honest. I play at 100 FOV as it makes the game much more comfortable. Also please don't ban me for using an unsupported application I find it stupid how indie games have fov sliders and AAA games do not. There is an FOV slider in the game but there is only one setting in my eyes and that is 70 FOV. It is vital that this is done quickly because I can't play the game otherwise. There has to be more out there not just me either.
Really does this really not affect anyone. I would actually like a reply from an SOE employee on the reason why they capped the FOV to a max of 74. Why not higher.
Just for the record: On 1080p 74 vertical fov = 106 horizontal fov (the one people talk about in general sense when mentioning fov) The problem is that Planetside 2 vehicle fov is really low (the reason I considered using that fov fix you mentioned).
That isn't the problem. The FOV for infantry gameplay and vehicle gameplay is far too narrow. I am actually considering not playing this game ever again. It is a big problem for me. For any game that I buy I always check to see if there is an FOV slider that is adequate for me. If it isn't then I simply won't buy it. I have invested time and money into this game probably about £100 and something like 14 days. I would hate to stop playing this game because I think it is easily the best FPS ever made. But if this isn't fixed then I have no choice now do I. It makes me upset if I am honest because it is such an easy fix. So easy in fact that if SOE ignore this post I will probably boycott every Sony game. If a single guy can pull a fix out of his as* why can't a team of 100 people do it in a day/
Horizontal FOV is what most games use, that is what you prefer having 110 in (as do I). This game uses vertical FOV in the settings and as already said the max setting here equates to 106. As somebody who does get nausea and headaches from low FOV I can confirm that Planetside 2 has never given me an issue at all, I feel just as good with 74 vertical FOV as I do with 110 horizontal FOV.
I set it to 74. Game looks insanely fishbowled but I can see more. Why would you need it higher? 74 is already unnatural. What are you? a budgerigar? Why would you need your FOV so high? And so what if you cant? If you dont want to play because you cant go beyond 74, then you have bigger problems.
Are you one of them old school Quake/UT players who's used to bunnyhopping/straferunning around the maps with obscene fisheye?
Not 100% sure on this one, but is the FOV hard capped or soft capped? meaning: If it is hardcapped, you are screwed. If it is softcapped (visual sliders) You can go into your useroptions.ini and just change the number (just like getting your render quality under 50%, or render distance under 500, etc)
No it is hard capped I have tried in the past. But the PS2FOV fix that is available on some forums work's just fine so it would be nice to know how that application works. Like I said it might not be a problem for most people but for me it is the biggest problem with the game because even if the game doesn't crash I will vomit after playing for more than 10 min ish. How do you think it feels to be ill all the time when playing a game. Not very nice I can tell you that. Which is why this is such a serious problem.
How big is your monitor? Are you like sitting with your nose pressed against it or something? It's only a serious problem because you have it. Everybody else is fine. If the game makes you vomit then stop playing it. It is free-to-play, or free-to-not-play, after all.
I sit about 3 feet from my monitor. It's a 24" monitor. maybe there is something wrong with my Client then because my FOV on 74 is really small. Maybe someone from SOE can actually read the forum for once and try and help me out here because it is a problem and we are nto sure if it is just me or it is just Planetside 2 for me.
I sit 1' from my 15.6" 1080p screen and 2' from my 24" 1200p screen and 70 vFOV in PlanetSide 2 feels perfect. Probably something wrong with your game. Does TF2 make you nauseous as well? The maximum FOV in TF2 (90 hFOV 4:3) is identical to the maximum in this game.
On this link is the 74 FOV what it is like for you because if it is that is too narrow for me. Also the game makes you feel like you are moving faster with a higher FOV, seriously when you run with a higher FOV it feels like you are actually sprinting but with the 74 FOV it feels like you are jogging. I think it has something to do with not being able to see objects either side of you as much so you can't judge the speed of the character. You brain needs to be able to see things either side of you properly to calculate the distance from you with the object or something. http://pcgamingwiki.com/images/5/54/Planetside2_fov.jpg
H Looks about right. Here's what my 70 FOV looks like: And yes, extreme FOV will appear to increase movement speed. In the meantime you can keep using PS2FOV since the 64-bit client had a second false start. After that, well, just hope that the tool is updated to support 64-bit PS2. You seem to be in the minority of players who enjoy playing with higher-than-normal FOV. I personally won't go above 70 vFOV (this is what I also have set in BFBC2, BF3, and BF4 in addition to PS2) because it makes it to difficult too spot faraway enemies.