It's called faction traits/preferences, if you get bored with your faction's equipment, play one of the other factions as well, you will find yourself in situations where you have to fight differently with different weapons than you're used to. It will also give you more perspective of the game itself. The point of faction specific equipment is simple, replay value. When I see people complaining about how they're bored or find their faction's equipment not diverse enough to their liking it really sounds to me like they just want to be the faction with all 30 flavors of ice cream so they can have a cookie cutter beat all to any situation no matter whom they're fighting. The whole idea of "I only want to play one faction" as an excuse will not fly.
Yeah, its stuff like this though that creates the ludicrous pop imbalances atm. TR is generally underpopped and NC is overpopped for this exact reason. TR blows atm so lets all jump ship to other factions -_-
Don't assume all servers are the same, I've seen pop majority on all three factions lately on Waterson, presently this moment VS has it on both Waterson and Mattherson.
I don't see what's not fun about them, I have no issues enjoying using them. Maybe you're just bored of guns and explosions, or have an attitude problem and are too stubborn to play the other factions once in a while. Nobody's telling you to play them every time but if you play the other factions from time to time you might appreciate what you have more. You might also play the one you think is best full time and see if you get bored of that as well, it's very possible you simply burned yourself out playing too much and other factions seem better because they're "fresh," a bit like culture shock. "The grass is always greener."
Let me be honest here. I switched to NC because their weapons have many different looks, sounds and a nice variety. Granted, this was before they added more specific firing sounds to some TR weapons, but still. Every TR weapon just looks and feels to similar to each other. You don't ever get the feeling that you're wielding some gun that does DAMAGE, because it neither sounds or looks like it. Even the minigun and TMG-50 is so inaccurate its not even worth to bother with. Shame really.... I mean its like a faction that only has varieties of the Antanov Kalashnikov. AK-47 AK-47m AKS AKSM AK-74 AK-74s RPK-74 AK-107 AK-12 I mean, if you look these guns up, you will see how frikken identical and similar they are to each other. Just like every TR weapon.
Outside of the SABR they really seem to hate giving the TR a gun that'll work well at Long Range. The TMG-50 and Rhino aren't good at it, the T5-AMC isn't good at it. We have a whole range where all our guns outside of the quite excellent SABR are miserably bad at their job.
When on NC I always think to my self "Couldn't do this awesome stuff on TR!". I never think that on TR about the NC... strange.
Completely agree with you OP. I have been playing since early 2013. This 'faction loyalty' thing is so overblown. Servers are like parallel universes. What is true on one has nothing to do with what happens on others. I rerolled in January and I spend the same amount of time on each of my 3 toons. On Woodman, I fight for Freedom. On Ceres, I defend the Republic. On Miller, I bleed purple. At no time do I feel unloyal. I am never bored. And I never feel OP/UP.
trust me on Miller, that is the TR's server, they often have the pop advantage there, by 1-14% more than the other empires, NC is the middle man, and Vanu is at the pop disadvantage most of the time, but raises through the night. But in terms of weapon models and choices, you can kind of say, yes. TR get's boring over time, that's why i find myself switching to Vanu more and more. Loyality until Boredom should be our new slogan.
I have played 200 hours as VS and maybe 40-50 as NC so I have tried them. They have greater weapon diversity than TR, but I still don't want to be part of the overpop faction and VS is just boring to play since they rarely leave indar. But it seems that the devs are at least trying to make TR weapons a bit more interesting so it might improve.
I thought the same like 6 months ago when TR had the overpop. You accomplish loads of things if you have a zerg to cover your back. I will never understand why the TR had most population if they sucked from Beta as some TR players claim.
OP, why did you call your thread 'For those who are bored with TR weapons.' It would have been much better to call it 'For those who are bored with their faction's weapons.' Because, NO!, TR weapons are not more boring than others. If people can get bored with TR weapons, they would be just as bored with VS or NC weapons.