For everyone that makes the assumption that PlantSide 2 development he stopped

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. dngray

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  2. FBVanu

    It should be the other way around:
    Post it as full text in this forum.. and post a link to it on Reddit.
    The Dev team still doesn't understand the order.
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  3. RedArmy

  4. Vargs

    Big promises about future content from Smedley? I'd be more willing to trust Peter Molyneux.
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  5. Anonynonymous

    It's all empty promises till we see the fruition. Sadly, they simply don't have much credibility behind their words at the moment.
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  6. _itg

    He may have been just telling us what we want to hear, but at least he knows what we want to hear. Regardless, the recent performance improvements were a great first step toward rebuilding faith in the dev team, as far as I'm concerned.
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  7. RykerStruvian

    I'll be honest. I've said somethings about Smed, but I don't think he's 100% at fault. From what I understand, he has done everything he could do in the past in regards to Planetside to keep it afloat. The main issue would simply be financials and how it doesn't seem to swing their way. But if you want perspective...Planetside 2 was built in 18-months from the ground up on an engine which was also being built at the same time. After almost three years of live development, which I would expect as being x1000 times more difficult, Planetside 2 is in a good spot and the potential is virtually limitless.
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  8. 0fly0

    I don't making assumption, just watching the fact that's all, i say it again nothing new since daybreak, the new pistol and av sniper come from soe and we didn't see anything new since month, the rest is just promises but let's be honest i don't care about new content i really don't care i already love the game like it his but what really piss me off, fix your ******* bug seriously.
    - ejection vehicule bug
    - shield don't reload
    - weapon reload ans swich bug, graphic bug and player speed bug
    - F getting stuck when use and have to wait the full stack go off before using it again
    - Max getting rez like a light assault with infantry weapon
    - Max getting rez like a carpet on the floor
    - ...
  9. Nepau

    Smedy has a track record of Large promises with little to no payoff. Most people who have some experience with this know that until we actually see something to not believe a word he says.

    I'll point back to the numerous things that were promised and then ether half done or silently abandoned.
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  10. RykerStruvian

    A lot was actually done but for some reason never released. Apparently, there is a year and a half period between concept and release. Not only that but there are unreleased vehicles too, like empire specific buggies, which have been done before PS2's beta went live in 2012. You're right though. I'm suspicious as well but hopeful :p
  11. Kristan

    We've seen this already. And yes, only empty promises. We had them since Alpha.
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  12. Gemenai

    Using the forums search function ( and my memory), i found this:

    By the way, Smedley made a big post on Reddit

    As the majority said back then, Smedley can promise as much as he like.
    Said majority is not going to believe him anymore (myself included).
  13. BrbImAFK

    Somebody took a Smed-post as honest-to-goodness-truth..... how cute! :rolleyes:
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  14. Kirppu1

  15. n0pax

    Not happening, this game is heading on a one wsy trip to maintenance mode unless the ps4 version takes off and justifies more development funding, but from what I am reading it is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    Apparently nothing has changed since release. No new content either.

    K den lol.
  17. BloodyG