Flipping ESFs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yuki10, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Yuki10

    Put it down for repair, it is sitting, but jittering on the ground. Exit, start repair - stupid thing flips upside down and explodes.

    Thanks for this BS
  2. GhostAvatar

    Its the servers not being able to handle the location of objects in the world.
  3. Yuki10

    and it did it again....flipped for no reason. Looked like it wanted to go forward, while it was sitting on the ground but it's wheels were bound in place, so it flipped.
  4. Pirbi

    They also seem to stick at max altitude to the extent you need to wait it out and hope it doesn't take you out of bounds or you are engaged with an opponent.
  5. MetalCotton

    Find better landing spots, or disengage and head for a friendly base with landing pads. Planetside doesn't like slopes.
  6. Dowlphin

    Not sure this prevents it, but it's worth a try: Make sure to release all control inputs well before exiting the vehicle.
    This happens with other vehicles, too, especially the Flash, which might continue to drive off for a bit if you exit too quickly after releasing controls. It's probably a latency-related issue.
  7. Yuki10

    Yup, have been sticking to max altitude more lately too...
  8. zaspacer

    I've encountered this, specifically on my Scythes. (which I've flow more recently)

    I appreciate your posting on it, it gets it into the community awareness as a talking point. But likely it won't be addressed by DBG: they don't really do bug fixing anymore.

    So, that leaves us with "the workarounds". Here are my Workarounds.

    Workaround #1: keep an eye on my ESFs behavior as I exit (only when I repair). If it starts to tilt with no appearance of stopping, I jump back in my ESF and stabilize it. The behavior of ESF when occupied is much more stable in this particular case (though not for other things), and I also will apply movement to it as needed to get the ESF settled or back up and then settled again.

    Workaround #2: ESF blows up and I ReDeploy to an ESF Terminal and spawn a new one Or go do something else. It's not very elegant and it's a pain, but resources are cheap and (at most time) plentiful for me, so it works for me. In most games, this type of thing would be annoying, but in PS2, if you're still playing then you're very used to juggling many different offsetting bugs during any given play session.

    In addition, I keep subconsciously alert to any sense of pattern that might be causing the Flip behavior to possess the ESF. Such that if I can isolate it, then I can then do things not trigger it (Workaround #3, etc.).

    All in all this is pretty par for the course with Planetside 2. In many ways, PS2 *IS* Paranoia Online:
    a Dark Humor Sci-Fi about a dysfunctional future world where tech doesn't work right and in which a nonsensical omnipresent authority compels players to acts of absurd and purposeless violence.
