Flashing Screen and Freezing Game

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by NaniteSystems, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. NaniteSystems

    This has been VERY frustrating. I have been playing Planetside 2 for a while on a Windows 7 and have met the system requirements. After playing Planetside 2 for a while, the game will suddenly hang up and not respond. This has happened to me in the midst of a battle and completely ****** me up. To make things worse, there's also this weird flashing that will occur where everything will disappear and all that is seen is the background, then everything will blink back into place, and then disappear at a rapid pace. If anyone has any answers/solutions, I'd like to hear them...NOW.
  2. Stick Pin

    I was just going to complain about the same thing. It happened to me on Dec 21st and 22nd, while in a heavy fight at a Bio Lab and an Amp Station. My FPS tanked to nothing from 30, screen went white, then game went unresponsive. Causing me to ctrl alt del. I have already changed my render to 1005 in the user options.
  3. Tzan

    Exact thing happened to me 3 times on saturday, over maybe 5 to 6 hours.

    Been playing since August and this just started.

    FPS goes to less than 1, background sky with other stuff flashing on and off, not responsive, ctrl/alt/delete end process.

    Win 7 64 bit pro
    radeon 5870

    Everything set to high, no changes to ini files.
  4. NaniteSystems

    Planetside 2 is so buggy, I'm surprised that we can even play it.
  5. Tenente

    The game crash to me tree times just today. I do not know what is happening but it is starting to get annoying.

  6. Keiichi25

    I may have found some indications as to what might be a problem, but will need other people to confirm that this may also be the case...

    In the times I have seen the Flashing/Freezing of the client, they all are related to being outside, so it is related to how the client is dealing with outside enviroment handling.

    Second, one of the things I was observing that may be related to it and may also be affecting people at various times, is the observation of vehicle/players who might also be affected. To clarify, in a major fight that I was in on Indar last night on one server, where it was a literal 3 way going on at 'The Crown' between the TR and VS for the most part, I observed an NC Reaver literally 'teleporting' a few times across the sky while I was trying to shoot it down. It's movement was very jerky and popping forward and back a bit, which leads me to believe the player's client to server information was getting conflicted.

    Similar, observing a player's lightning literally somersaulting, not spinning, but literally somersaulting while on the ground... This suggests positional data from a bad client is causing the rendering engine to have coniptions and freezing. I did notice that I was still getting the Voice Chat information while the client was locked, so it was handling some other aspects with little issue.

    The next observation I have noticed, is in another fight, while I was in a lightning, I started seeing the screen begin to flash. I bailed out of my tank and went inside, which seems to have reset the rendering engine's issue and allowed me to continue fighting for a bit longer.

    So, this narrows down the issue, for me at least, to outside conflicts for the rendering engine. There is some bad data getting sent to some of the clients, which then messes with the player's Point of View, which in turn, makes them 'bounce' in and out of where they are suppose to be. It gets progressively worse until the client goes into an error state as the Rendering engine gives up and does not bail out gracefully or resets itself. This also suggests that the engine itself does switch between 'exterior' to 'interior' mode rendering depending on the player's location.
  7. Tzan

    I noticed that going indoors helped, also changing classes (even though that seems stupid) helped.
    The flashing also happened today when I logged in at the Warpgate spawn room.
    So it doesnt just happen in big fights. Although it didnt crash and cleared up in a few minutes.
  8. Tinfoyle

    Just started getting this problem tonight, game has been running fine, but I haven't played in a week prior to tonight. Fresh windows 7 install with all of the proper drivers and latest nvidia drivers. FPS drops to 0 and then the game freezes after 45-60 seconds. Tried all video settings and resolutions. Seems to be a problem with the graphics.

    Nvidia GT 520
    AMD FX4800
    Win7 x64