Flares.. a Total FAIL...and why they wont go away

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BloodMonarch, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. BloodMonarch

    In every game there are people that just get a kick out of annoying others .....SOE have given these people a legitimate means to do exactly that. There are plenty of people that absolutely hate this route SOE are taking, and the flare gun owners will use that to get their enjoyment. Sad but true, and the reason why these flare guns wont just fade away, and will still be spammed in bio labs/base fights 6 months from now.

    It really does suck for those of us that wanted PS2 to be a serious fps shooter, we're now in huge battles with fire works going off like the circus has just rolled into town. If you think funny hats will never arrive in this game SOE have just shown is that we all need to 'think again'!!! Fast forward 6 months and we'll have people running around with furry dice hanging from antlers.

    In my opinion this type of weapon shows a total lack of imagination and creativity when the developers have to deviate so far from how the game was intended to be, in order to get people to buy items. If they actually started making the weapons look different!!! (even if they had pretty much the same stats), people would buy them just to look a bit different!!!. If they made more different armour styles people would buy them to look different!!!!. But no.....what do they do....they produce a 4th July celebration 'fun gun' that:-

    a) Adds no value to the game
    b) Destroys immersion for a lot of people
    c) Is WAY!!! too loud and drowns out all other sounds
    d) Has a detrimental impact on Frame rates!!!!

    And frame rates aren't exactly on a premium at the moment, yet we have to suffer a FPS hit to this kind of useless nonsense.

    Instead of making it a holiday item that gets removed, or can only be used at certain time of the year.... they make it a permanent item!!!!!!! I mean WTF!!!, a complete failure in decision making, when despite all of the negatives listed above, an item still makes it into the game as a permanent item.

    Keep it up SOE and you 'will' lose some of your current playerbase....what you wont do is gain players because of comedy items ....people wont play planetside because it has a lame *** flare gun if they didn't like PS2 before the lame *** flare gun!!!!
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  2. Malacovics

    Thinking about uninstalling the game forever.
    First strikers that go through walls and take -0% skill to use, then ZOE maxes that make infantry impossible to play (unless you are VS), then the flare guns that make you play at 15 FPS and annoy the living **** out of you, then losing $14 bucks because SOE decided to nerf the jackhammer and enforcer to a point where they are tottaly not what I bought them for.

    SOE, if you read this: Suck a dick.
  3. Lolroflcake

    Wow people will complain about anything and everything no matter how insignificant, it is quite sad really. Sure this has a slightly less then non-existent impact but why can't you just go back to complaining about C4 or something atleast that has a significant gameplay impact.
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  4. IamDH

    It wont last 6 months, nowhere near tbh
  5. BloodMonarch

    So points b,c, and d in my list are insignificant? .... not to me and a lot of other people they're not.
  6. PS2Freak

    sure the gun is nice for people with nicks like LolRolfCake..


    a) Adds no value to the game
    b) Destroys immersion for a lot of people
    c) Is WAY!!! too loud and drowns out all other sounds
    d) Has a detrimental impact on Frame rates!!!!

    totally agree. Soe took wrong road. Sad but true..
  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    Needs more exclamation points.
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  8. Lolroflcake

    Yes they are except for a frame rate drop you can easily ignore the other effects and just enjoy the game, they are pretty much cosmetic in nature anyway; if you are going to complain about this you may as well complain about the giant columns of colored smoke people can pay certs to spawn.

    Its a quite little whiz-bang sound effect and a flash of light you can just ignore after all.
  9. Terrex

    It is pretty obnoxious and getting old.
  10. Lolroflcake

    You are required to spell my name correctly if you wish to use it in your posts however you seem to have misplaced the some capital letters, see to this please.

    As for the flare gun itself if I run into some cash in the next few days I will purchase it however at this time I unfortunately do not own one.
  11. Jac70

    You do know you can uninstall this game don't you?

    Don't know about anyone else but I am getting tired of seeing the forum littered with constant crying and whining about every trivial irrelevance.
  12. DG-MOD-02

    There are quite a few threads already in existence on this topic. Please add your constructive feedback to one of them. Thank you!
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