[Suggestion] Fixing Esamir around shattered warpgate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by player0498, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. player0498

    Shattered Warpgate Update was really nessessary on esamir, moving northeastern warpgate down south so the both northern warpgates arent located so close as they used to be. I also like the idea of bases, where base building is required to defend them properly and ensuring spawns. But here the problem starts:

    On Esamir, the south-western faction usually getting most attension ("doubleteamed") due to the lack of fighting-possibilities between estern and north-western faction. Those two factions usually only fight each other at Saerro Listening Post, Eisa Tech Plant or Mani Containment site. These are all bases, which are very hard to capture and therefore its hard for those faction to gain any ground on the other. The northernmost bases from Grey Heron Shipping all the way to Northpoint station act as "lost bases", since there are no hard spawns at all. Most players just search for fights with good spawnoptions, also new players usually doent even know how to get to these bases and just klick on one green spawnbutton.

    In my opinion, at least the centre base (Stillwater Watch) of the 3 northern bases needs to receive a hardspawn to give players a better chance to fight there. Also the rough surface around the shattered warpgate makes it very hard to manouver vehicles between those bases for most people, which in my eyes is another point to prevent fights to exist there (fixing this by building a solid "road" between those bases). Also these bases must get access to a hard vehicle spawn (at least one or two bases of them). Another possibility to fix this would be to swap MANI Containment Site with Stillwater Watch, yet this seems a bit lavish to execute.
  2. MonnyMoony

    The shattered warp gate area is wasted now.

    It was really good for a short time after the update landed, with major battles, the ability to salvage enemy vehicles etc - it was really unique and gave the game some much needed interest.

    I don't know why DBG go to all the effort of coding those mechanisms - only to drop them after a few months.

    Its the same with other things like pumpkin seeds, pumpkin grenades, random cosmetic drops (like horns etc) during the Halloween events. The mechanisms are already there - why not just leave it in. The Halloween event is much less interesting these days since these things were dropped.
  3. shoguncawwill

    ther is a lot of things that can be done like add in pipeing to be laied and repair the uper section of the map or canain the spred of the wild crystals being growen from the secret lands .