[Suggestion] Fix your damned servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Juunro, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Juunro

    Seriously: The last two days, I have been averaging anywhere from 115 to 400 ping on Emerald. Hit detection is rather obviously thrown way off. My usual ping to Emerald? 20-35ms.

    SoE: Fix this. It is clearly on your end.
  2. Hatesphere

    [IMG] yeah just hit that magic button !

    let me check my emerald ping... still solid 78. what makes you think its 100% on their end? any evidence? perhaps run a few trace routes and send in a support ticket. for all we know yore on comcast and they are shaping your traffic.
  3. Juunro

    I'm not on Comcast, firstly, secondly it is the only thing, and I mean the ONLY thing running off this machine that's got a ping that high. There is nothing else downloading or uploading, and every single battle I've been in for the last couple of days in game has had a few people at random teleporting around with lag, or people getting instantly killed because of clientside hit detection + latency only just catching up to them. It is endemic, and it is getting worse.
  4. FateJH

    Let's play a game of traceroute. For Emerald, I have an IP of though I can't be certain personally. At the very least, Sony owns it. It should be much better than my Connery traces as I actually do live on the correct coast.

    No issues so far. Let me log into my neglected VS character and check the ingame ping.

    Edit: 67ms. That's really good for a round-trip time if the normal Windows utilities are reporting about half of it. I briefly spawned into a 96+/96+ just to be certain it wasn't mistaken.

    Start by trying out the two Command Line utilities above and posting results. Remember to cut off as much of the first half of the tracert results, unless you don't mind people knowing where you are.
  5. Hatesphere

    main main point is just saying "fix it" is not very useful, they have no starting point to figure out what the issue is(especially when other players seem to not be affected). it could be related to specific providers or network segments that they dont control but could contact. there are many factors that could produce bad ping.
  6. Syphers

    Yep last 2 days