When I ram a Reaver in my Lib, i lose almost nothing and he blows up.. When I ram a Mossie in my Lib, i lose almost nothing and he blows up.. When I ram a Scythe in my Lib, I die/almost die and he blows up whats up with that
proof? When I run into a reaver in my scythe, the reaver takes little to no dmg and we both spin all over the place.... When a scythe runs into my lib or I run into a scyche, the scythe blows up all the time.
The Scythe has a known ramming bug and many VS using it as exploit, funny how VS come defending their exploit / bug like it don't exist when it' well documented already.
THE SCYTHE HAS TWO POINTY APPENDAGES STICKING OUT IN FRONT WHAT D'YOU GUYS EXPECT LOL srsly it's called a "scythe" for a reason. good for nothing but physical contact! (seems to describe dumb blondes well too)
It has something to do with the bottom side of the ESF's being stronger so they can land safely. With the Scythe not having landing gear they become some sort of idiot proof ramming machines because of it...
i have, my point is that the planes live up to their names! p.s. it didn't exactly suck blood, it just sucked. as in, it didn't perform well. as in, exploded.
Defending? I stated a fact. My liberator ramming into a scythe kills them. My Liberator getting rammed by a scythe kills them.. While in a scythe, I have never killed a liberator by purposely ramming into them and I ram into everything possible.. As I said earlier, I rammed into a reaver and we both didn't take dmg. I'm purposely ramming into **** because I don't like being in the air, even with my photon pods. I get from point A to point B. I ram into planes and if I die, I do not care. However, I really want my plane to kill other planes when I ram into em. But lately, no one dies, just spin out of control..