Finally Saved 1000 certs... what should I get?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scrogz_55, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Scrogz_55

    I don't play a whole lot but I have finally saved up 1000 certs. I can finally buy something new!!!

    I usually play either Engineer or Heavy Assault. I have upgraded a couple guns and some basic things like armor.

    Any suggests on a "have to have" I should go for next? I have been thinking either the Rocket Launcher that can lock onto both air and ground units or a anti-vehicle turret.

    Any suggestions?
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  2. DrBash00

    Depends on Faction, but in generall i would suggest you to upgrait your shield/ etc. first and your armor... maby the vehicle you like the most...

    Weapons are only DIFFERENT! While the armor etc. IMPROVES your char.
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  3. Archiadus

    One of the first things you should aim for is getting your Medic and Engineer tool to their max rank if you enjoy playing support, you will not regret it.

    After that it's up to what you enjoy doing the most, I'd advise against taking the AV turret with your first 1000 certs though, it's useful but you should aim for some other upgrades first ( better infantry weapons , suit slots etc ).
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  4. Ribero

    - Upgrade your engi tool if you haven't already.
    - AV (Heavy) and Sticky Nades (Engineer) are both handy. (Currently extra useful with the spammy resource change.)
    - Second Burster Arm for the MAX should always be considered in my opinion. (Though an extra 500 for the Ext Mag is pretty much a Must)
    - AV Mana Turret is a shadow of what is used to be, but is still really useful.
    - Find a Suit slot that you like and Max it.
    - Cert into your Heavy Shield of choice some more.

    One of them would be my pick.
  5. Zero M0nster

    flak armor on engi imo nanoweave on heavy. Use NMG as its only 800 certs to max on heavy. Which faction are you? Good LMGs for VS imo is orion, sva-88, and flare. Also you might want to get your empire specific heavy weapon (jackhammer, lasher, MCG) also get AV grenades for heavy. Almost 1 shot maxes
  6. Scrogz_55

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have a max Engi tool already. I guess Iw ould call myself and Engi more than a heavy. Thinking about maxing my ammo resupply.
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  7. TheRunDown

    I think the AV Turret is a must for a Engineer these days.
    Though it's ranged is limited in the recent Nerf, it's still has many uses in many situations.

    My Engineer uses Max Utility Pouch for x5 AV mines and 3 AI Mines.
    AI Mines and AV mines can double your KD. Just gotta think, "If I was a Sunderer, where would I drive" and place mines in those obvious road tracks, and place mines at Doors and capture points, places where people have to pass. They always get someone :) the 4 x C4 is nice to, good for placing on a Flash to get rid of those AMSs in exploit areas.

    I find the stock weapon are TR are some of the Best, same with VS..
    Some NC stock weapons aren't noob friendly. I would look around to see what people prefer for NC.
    Even getting a SMG wouldn't hurt, it will give you more play styles having a SMG, since SMG works on all classes, and gives you a front line Infiltrator.

    I think investing in an Annihilator wouldn't hurt either, or getting the other AA weapon for your MAXs other arm.
    If your playing VS or TR they don't have a Stock Bolt actions Sniper Rifle, I believe you can get one for 250 certs or by doing the survey when you first joined the game. Most people get the Shotgun from the survey.. Nothing worse than being a Sniper with a bolt action and there's another Inf using a Semi auto Sniper rifle, going pew pew pew giving your location away, and missing his target, making the enemy move :(
  8. Vixxing

    Tankmines! can use them passive or actively like C4...
  9. Alzir

    It depends on what you have already, but if you are heavy put those certs into top level nanoweave and/or adrenaline shield. There are too many other possibilities out there with the info you've given but if you are one off the top level of these, use the bank for one or the other.
  10. Alchemist44

    -Adrenaline or NGM overshield + maxed out nanoweave for the heavy's slots, an anti-air lock-on rocket launcher for a weapon.

    -Maxed out repair tool for the engineer, maxed out tank mines help too.
  11. FactionTraitsFTW

    What empire do you play?
  12. Scrogz_55

    Sorry I am NC
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  13. Arkenbrien

    You may want to consider the skyguard. It is by far the best AA option around, and you'll miss it every single time there's a few aircraft buzzing around. With the Lightning being able to spawn anywhere, it's very available.
  14. _itg

    Maxing your ammo box a solid option. I only recently maxed mine and I noticed a huge increase in my ammo XP, probably mostly because my pack now trumps any packs at a lower rank, but the ability to place a second pack helps a lot, too. I'm finding in any decent-sized fight that I have to keep getting myself killed to keep the ammo XP rolling in.

    That said, if you don't have sticky grenades, get them. So much easier to use than frags. Plus, for Halloween they look like pumpkins and make spooky noises. Last night, I dropped 3 tank mines under a sunderer, and the sticky grenade supplied the evil laugh for me. How's that for convenience?
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  15. XMatrix5X

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  16. Epic High Five

    NC? OMG get the Cyclone

    Cross class and the best SMG in the game, and a fantastic close-mid gun so it will see a LOT of use
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  17. iller

    If you play medic... maxed Heal/Revive gun as it quickly pays for itself.
    If there's lot of enemy Air on your server, a second burster, again: quickly pays for itself.
    If infiltrator or L.A. player, ...probably what ^HighFive said
    If engineer, AV mana rocket
    if Heavy .... ummmmm.... no idea but it sure as **** isn't the Phoenix. That thing's DPS is terrible

    and you're probably not a MAX or Vanguard player b/c if you were then 1000 certs wouldn't be a big deal to you
  18. NC_agent00kevin

    Lock ons are of limited use and often frustrating as your targets break lock or the 'intercept instead of chase' mechanics make it divebomb right into a hill of building. However, they are useful in certain circustances often enough.

    I would first recommend getting your repair tool maxed out and your HA shield maxed out or at least close to it. These improve your effectiveness at what you do, while weapons less so. Then work on your Nanoweave or ACC or Flak Armor; whatever you prefer to use.

    I just recently started working on my TR toon and I started by focusing on my Engineer since I do a lot of gunning and Lightning driving with it. Then my Lightning got some attention, then Infiltrator (since it is my main Infantry class) then HA. Ive pretty much ignored my LA and Medic for now so I can build stronger classes that I use more often.

    With Engineer, I maxed out my tool first, got some tank mines, got to where I can carry 3 of them, put some into Flak Armor etc. Basically built a fully functional Engineer. If you repair a lot and drop ammo, certing into those things first is best since you wont be in as much combat as the rest of the guys you are supporting. If you're a tanker then Flak Armor and Tank Mines are a huge help since you'll be out repairing a lot in explosive conditions - Tank Mines can cover your butt while you set up shop or set up an escape route with a trap for those in pursuit.
  19. Yeahy

    He already has rep tool maxed out and I believe he has tank mines too.
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  20. Archiadus

    While a Skyguard is nice to have it's not something that you should get when you don't play often as you'll need to invest in the Lightning quite a bit to make it viable.
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