Fighting Vanu on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crowne, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Juunro

    Maybe against the TR, but I love fighting you guys. The PPA mags are cert pinatas against a fully stealthed AP/Enforcer Vanguard. ;)
  2. MagnumOpus

    NC? I've heard of them but I never see them since I play alerts.
  3. Juunro

    I can see why: After all, winning 5k exp in two hours (less, realistically) with massive redeployment against less organized players is definitely more fun and better exp then getting stuck in with a huge line battle in which you make that exp every 5-10 minutes.

    Though that's not to be snarky at you, rather its a serious problem with the alert system being stupid as all hell. With the exp increase for actually being in cap radius of a point while defending or attacking its gotten even more egregious.
  4. Axehilt

    Underdogs fighting each other is why the leader's pop feels unbeatable. (see also: the image someone posted earlier in this thread.)

    Imagine PS2 is a boardgame and each of the three players gets 33 "population" pieces:
    1. Player A currently controls more of the board than the other players.
    2. Player B commits 25 pieces to attacking Player C.
    3. Player C defends with 25.
    4. Player A thus only has to contend with a maximum of 16 enemy pieces with its 33.
    5. Player A easily wins the game and none of its battles are even close.
    Whereas if B and C are more intelligent than 6 year olds, you'd have:
    1. Player A is leading.
    2. Players B and C see that, and make the obvious choice.
    3. Player A has to contend with 66 enemy pieces with its 33.
    4. Player A experiences a crushing defeat on all fronts, and individual battles are pop-favored for B and C.
    It's mindboggling to me that such basic strategy even needs to be explained. Quite literally, the only reason VS are perceived as zerging more than the other factions is that the other factions are frightened of the VS and don't fight them enough.
  5. MagnumOpus

    High profile scrublords on your faction may have convinced you of that and that's a damn shame. It's a fact that you make significantly more XP actually playing the game as presented but don't take my word for it just have a look at the top outfits by Score Per Hour, those are your redeploy and stat-padder MLG outfits who actually play the alerts.
  6. Hasteras

    Why is there a thread about Emerald VS every single day? They're not half as good as they get credit for around here. The way this forum makes it sound every Emerald VS player is always perfectly following the orders of a squad leader who went through a three week training course who is being directed by a PL who was a former Marine Corp officer, who are all following one single overall commander who just happens to be direct bloodline from Eisenhower/Genghis Khan himself.

    It's really not like that. Outside of the PPA, I barely notice the difference between fighting the TR and the VS. They're still mostly a bunch of bads in poorly led outfits. They're mostly incompetent, they just so happen to have a higher percentage of competent leaders than the TR and NC do, but still 80% of the VS players you'll run into are fodder. Truth is at most times there's only 2-3 Emerald VS outfits on that are actually moving the map, all the rest of them are crutching on the few.

    There's one simple solution to this: join an outfit. Play with the outfit whenever you log in. If the outfit you join doesn't ever win fights, or requires a 60-40 pop advantage to win fights, then leave that outfit and join a different one. If leadership of the outfit you join ever complains about enemy weapons being OP or hackers, IMMEDIATELY leave that outfit. Keep trying new outfits until you find one that wins against poorly organized opponents every time (unless maybe being heavily outpopped), and beats organized opponents at least as much as they lose. Enjoy the feel of victory. Like Planetside and keep playing the game because you're not constantly frustrated. Become a great player. Dominate everywhere you go.

    This isn't that hard, all these whine threads are really getting irritating. If you're such a softy that the VS yell meta actually bothers you, then clearly it's because whatever approach you're taking over and over and over isn't working, and it's probably your own fault. Join a better outfit, choose your fights better, learn to aim, whatever it is you're doing wrong just fix it. This isn't super complicated. The hundreds of VS who play on Emerald aren't getting paid to do this either. Get good and then you can shut them up yourself.
  7. Solidpew

    Some say Aeflic descends from Napoléon Bonaparte. Vive la Patrie!

    Hasteras makes a great point, though. Don't play Planetside 2 alone if it's frustrating the hell out of you. Find an outfit that gives an effort to make the game better for its members and enjoy what PS2 is really about: teamwork and dunking.
  8. Juunro

    Yes... I am sure their exp and high scores have everything to do with that extra 5000 exp for 2 hours worth of work and not, say, their coordination and individual skill. The point remains that alerts are largely without real bonus or point, much as how every objective in the game that isn't a tech plant is basically useless.
  9. EGuardian1

    Or do like me and troll when you're not running in an organized squad. Nothing beats getting a kill shot on a Mozzie from 500m with a Slug Shotgun! :D
  10. MagnumOpus

    I'm in one of those outfits and I can assure you while we have some absolutely amazing shooters that's not anywhere close to the majority of us. It's the coordination, and how that coordination allows us to play that gets us there.

    That coordination exists because we play the objectives. If you do not have a goal, you have nothing to coordinate around, so you get better at nothing.

    Every single outfit in the top tier is there because they have something to work together on.

    Garbage Tier Effort = Garbage Tier Results
  11. Dramaticus

    we're all janitors IRL so taking out a bunch of garbage is no big thing
  12. xDesideratus

    A lot of problems, on ALL sides, would be solved if people spent half as much time getting better at the game as they do on forums whining about it.
    • Up x 2
  13. MagnumOpus

    I might have a > 1.5 KDR if I stopped posting
  14. Champagon

    I request to get this quote in decal form
  15. Meeka

    The TR always fight the VS.
    The NC always fight the VS.
    The VS always fight the TR.
    The VS always fight the NC.
    The NC always fight the VS.
    The NC always fight the TR.

    Everyone says nobody fights anyone, so there's a whole lot of not fighting going on.

    Yet, when I play TR... there are always fights going on against the VS and the NC.
    When I play NC... there are always fights going on against the VS and the TR.
    When I play VS... there are always fights going on against the NC and the TR.

    For the people who constantly complain that two factions don't fight each other... get out of the faction for once and play for the other side, you'll hear the exact opposite complaints yet neither is true.

    All factions fight each other equally, they just tend to follow the trending lattice lines to whatever faction that happens to be.
  16. Juunro

    Nobody said anything about not going for objectives; objectives can include defending a base or attacking one. The point wasn't that the factions that aren't VS don't play to objectives, the point was that nobody really cares that much about Alerts, because again, that extra 5k experience isn't really worth spending two hours getting into a redeployside duel with people who are better at it.

    Honestly, I do play personally to objectives all the time, just more tactical ones. I am one of those jerks with the full stealth AP vanguards who actually pulls them from adjacent bases and flanks say, PPA mags or lockdown HE prowlers and ruins their day. Then goes on to flatten in order of importance: Repair sunderers, AMS's, other tanks. I play to that objective all the time.
  17. Tommyp2006

    Or do what I do, and literally have every member of their outfit on my /ignore list, including their alt-fits. They're perfectly tolerable to fight or fight alongside once you do that.
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  18. xDesideratus

    You can also go to your social tab and click your chatbox to outfit-only or whatever, and never have to deal with any yellchat again~

    It would improve everyone's quality of life if you stopped posting, here and on SA :smugdog:

    (i luv u bb)
  19. MagnumOpus

    Look I'm gonna be real with you: the dirty secret is that the NC and TR redeploy just as much the VS. Our outfit probably drops on empty bases during alerts more than any other on VS and I honestly cannot remember the last time we didn't get a redeploy equal and in most cases that redeploy twice our size. And you know what? That's the only reliable way to ever get those really fun, skillful sub-platoon strength fights.

    And that tactical gameplay you're talking about? The only difference in pushing an alert is that you string multiple maneuvers together at the right places at the right times in order to outplay the enemy and push hexes. GOKU uses so many Lancer Nests, External Resecures, HotDrops, Room Holds, and Adjacency Denials that we actually had to make up names for those things because they are so effective to use regularly.

    These "big fights" that people are going on about only getting between TR/NC are a myth. If there's a fight going it's that both sides are unable to achieve tactical goals (blowing sundies on Defense, locking down spawns on offense). Big, drawn-out fights are what Failure looks like from the inside. A bunch of randos shooting bad doritos with no purpose, no goal, and therefore nothing to get better at.

    Emerald NC and TR want to pretend like VS are somehow playing a different game than you are and we're not. We're just playing it better, and we got there by actually trying.
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  20. Arghy

    Yeah if the battle is raging for an hour then theres a serious problem. Whoever is in command should have ordered the defenders to push out or to stop attacking the base. Its 20 minutes to take a 3 point base with 2 points, if your there for 30 minutes then your farming or getting farmed.