1) When you die in a hex against 2:1 odds, all Nanites spent after the last resupply are returned. 2) You get 1 point for every second when fighting in a hex against 2:1 odds. At 30 points you get a free grenade. This lets overwhelmed forces deal some serious damage against mindless zergs and buffs small-squad Valk/Gal drops against unbeatable odds. The bonus could be halved if over-popped by 1.5x. I've suggested a straight Nanite generation buff before, but I believe this new system would be incredibly hard to exploit and pretty easy to implement. It would promote a small-squad QRF type of fighting that I think this game needs more of.
I just thought of an exception. No Nanite replenishment if you've acquired a ram kill, as Gal spam to kill armor columns would be a cheesy problem. Maxes might also need a condition, maybe only 1/2 the Nanite refund should apply.
Ehrm? Half the nanit wasted you gain back, while getting nanite as usual. How do you think about C4 spam? Grenade every 30s, will they count to your wasted nanites? Pick a vehicle and destroy their spawn. That's way more effective!
2:1 happens in 1 of 2 ways. Either an offensive zerg, or a defensive zerg against a small squad doing a point hold. If it's an offensive enemy zerg, that defending grenade and c-4 spam is the point. It would give the spawn-camped a way to deal repeated significant blows and hopefully let them have a little bit of fun and points while fighting an unwinnable battle. I do hate HE spam in good fights, but this proposal wouldn't affect good fights. If the 2:1 is a small-squad offensive point hold, then a free grenade every 30 seconds would just keep a good fight going a little longer. It wouldn't be enough to spam them. And refunding nanites to an offensive point-holding squad that got zerged wouldn't let them spam anything anyway, as they'd be out of the fight once they're wiped. The refund would only help them do another crazy offensive point hold against the odds sooner and more often, which is a great thing.
Sounds good but it'd probably a lot harder to implement than simply scaling the defenders nanites per minute with enemy overpop. Also what is to stop me from using this as a solo libber to get free libs? If I think imma die I just fly to enemy territory, let my myself be killed and boom, I have all of my nanites back
That was an old proposal of mine, but it has the problem of people farming Nanites by redeploying to camped spawn after camped spawn, and probably just sitting in them. The end result is making players actually fight, and hopefully have fun. Linking this benefit to the player dying ensures that there's some sort of combat, which is good for both sides. I don't see the problem. You get a shiny new Lib, so you're happy. Some enemy gets a kill, so the enemy is happy. You're not participating in a zerg, so everyone is happy. If anything, this would push everyone to play more aggressively and take more risks. More risks, means more deaths, means more fights.... It's all good.
Where is the fun me ground pounding and getting a new esf after shot down to continoue ground pounding? Where is the fun the spawn room spams nades? A 2 vs 1 is common for ceres VS, your Boni are just nice for single man paystyles. What does a medic get from this? Enengiers, Infs spamming motion mines, LA spaming C4. Shell medic do as well? Grenade bandolier four res nades every 30s without enemy contact gets a new one. How do you want to get in that room?
If you're friendlies are outnumbered 2:1 in an infantry fight then your ground pounding can't be that effective. Also, I did mention 1 grenade every 30 seconds, not a full bandoleer. How do you get in a room when you have double pop you ask? Really? A single extra grenade from each of your enemies every 30 seconds shouldn't stop you, but it might make a difference in a pinch and it might let that epic hold last a little longer.
Make it that you have to spend X% of your life in that hex/being over popped for the bonus back nanites effect kicks in. Only get 50% nanites back for vehicles and MAXes Make the 30 second refill on grenades only start outside of the spawn room's pain field radius.
That still doesn't stop people from sitting in the spawn room and farming Nanites for another fight. Plus the time limit is unnecessary. If the under-pop guy is going to die with or without Nanites, just let him have the consumables and have a little more fun more often, and let the over-pop guys have as many chances to shoot as possible. You'd only get that grenade if severely under-popped. I doubt any base attacker in such a situation would be anywhere near the enemy spawn.
I thought the point was that you only get nanites back that were spent during that life? If you start the life with 150 Nanites and drop 2 C4 before you die, if you're sufficiently outnumbered you get a 100% discount on those 2 C4 if you're not so badly outnumbered maybe 50% discount on the cost of replacing those. You can't really use that system to farm new nanites can you? You're still waiting the time for the nanites to regen you're just having the ability to use either free or cheap expendables if you spend your waiting time fighting at a massively over popped base. You pointed out in your original comment that this system was a more advanced system than simply boosting Nanite regeneration rates for this reason. I was responding to "Where is the fun the spawn room spams nades?" essentially the guy was arguing that you could stand in the spawn room and use free grenades constantly because you'd get a new one every 30 seconds. Additionally, he seemed to think that every 30 secs you'd get 4 'nades if you had the bandolier "Grenade bandolier four res nades every 30s without enemy contact gets a new one. How do you want to get in that room?" I read your original comment as resupplying a SINGLE grenade every 30 seconds.
Good idea, but maybe it's easier to implement increased resource earning per hex based on population? Much like XP modifier? Or increase defender player's personal shields while within that hex for x number of minutes or until pop balance. A more far fetched idea would be situational items/objects. If out numbered 2:1 that triggers a temporarily available inventory option selection called "Air Strike", maybe have the Air Strike open the map, and you get to place a Smoke signal...it might cost nothing, have x uses per person, per base, or cost nanites, certs, etc. Options for the air strike might be: 1. Instant Damage (AOE -- Area Of Effect), it's like a smaller orbital strike but unlike orbital strikes it's actually useable without DBG's bureaucratic control-obessessed no deploy zones... 2. Damage Over Time (AOE that makes an area dangerous for 30 seconds) 3. EMP (deactivates all powered items, spawns, shields, medic and engy device, tanks) 4. AOE Flash Bang 5. AOE Concussion Maybe limit the airstrike ability to a Squad Leader or Platoon leader as you don't want 30 airstrikes going off at once...or too many in succession. Maybe make such actions unlockable or ASP options. The key here isn't to make uneven fights even (if one side brings more players they SHOULD have an advantage) it's to make the gameplay FUN. Win or Lose, FUN engaging battles are the life blood of PS2...many a lost cause fight has left me satsisfied as we tried and fought hard with at least SOME chance to win. ...as opposed to being spawn camped by HESH (you know, that tank round that isn't a problem because excel spreadsheet).
I've proposed that before, but that causes a problem of people redeploying to a spawnroom to farm Nanites, not to fight. It's just too easy to abuse. This ensure that only the players going out and fighting and dying get the reward. I don't think adding something that would change the outcome of an otherwise equal 1v1 is a good idea.
Is it really a good idea to give bonuses to a few lonewolves that are poorly placed ? (I doubt I'm wrong by saying that if you're fighting 1vs10 you should reconsider your tactic). Why not improve the reinforcement system ? I think it's better for the game to have numerous volunteers as reinforcement instead of tryhard lonewolves. When enemy are zerging a facility and start its capture, the game notify (K menu) "poorly placed" players of the attacked faction. They'll get the choice to refuse or join the reinforcement wave : everyone will be deployed at the same time. Details : Poorly placed player are player that are afk, in the warpgate (might be not poorly placed, but they'll receive the notification anyway) or that are outnumbering the enemy (not necessarily a part of a zerg) The notification choices are : Refuse Accept : Spawn in the backbase immediately Join the reinforcement wave, will spawn in a drop pod Join the reinforcement wave, will spawn at the spawnroom Player in the reinforcement wave will spawn in the zerged territory in 30 sec. They'll be notified 5 sec before the end of the timer then instantly redeployed at the end of the timer (like the continent queue, this special redeploy it can't be stopped by receiving damage). Optional: Dynamic platoon. Everyone that accept the notification will auto-join a platoon named "Facility_name reinforcement". The platoon and squad leader will be choosen by the game, depending on how much they have spent cert on leadership certs lines (beacon, smoke, etc) than by BR. Threat detection optic on the drop pod (so you can spot their sunderers) Faction will drop pod X spitfire turrets with X = Zerg population - (reinforcement wave population + Defender population) MAX lottery. The X first player that accept have 100% chance to spawn as a MAX for free, even if they're using the drop pod (X = 10% of enemy zerg population).
The point is to get enough people fighting against the odds with a considerable combat boost, and just maybe get their momentum rolling so that the once 2:1 fight becomes a great battle. This isn't enough to change zerging but it's a small bump in the right direction. I used to be against redeployside but now I see it as a necessity, thanks to Gals and Valks. If there weren't that option then there just wouldn't be a way to respond to a platoon+ Gal drop. A QRF opt in kind of role sounds pretty cool, especially the drop pod wave.
On the lonewolf aspect it is tricky. There are many genuine occasions when a squad or two is met with resistance by an entire platoon and this would help. On the other hand as mentioned, I have seen lone wolves try to fight at a base with 5:1 odds with no chance to turn the tide of the cap whatsoever. That makes me assume their sole motivation is to get certs or just be a pain in the *** (which doesnt help their faction) and this would be gold for them. Imagine the same guy pulling lightning after lightning or even C4 flashes. Nanite refund should be limited and different for different assets (vehicles, consumables etc) Also only refund the nanites IFF: a) they were originally spent at that hex b) You died in that hex (or fighting in it for say some high X% of the time) c) there is still high pop gap. Might be tough to code but that should take care of most "exploits".