Fight for the NC!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by applecherry, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. applecherry

    Join the NC! We may not have fast firing rate of the TR weapons nor the technology of the VS but we fight like cowboys where our gun hit hard! NC needs you!

  2. IamDH

    Hmm seems like a buff NC thread. I wont risk it
  3. Prudentia

    And NC still spam the forums with their signatures... Girl, one PSU signature per post is enough
  4. shd

    Really ? You are complaining about someones signature ? :)
    • Up x 2
  5. TrainerS2

  6. Phazaar

    Tbh, don't join NC. Join VS. You'll enjoy the game more, you'll stick around longer, and I'll get to kill you moah. Yay killing youuuuu!
  7. Prudentia

    No, i'm conplaining about someones posts.
  8. Aractain

    NC propaganda is just a wall of signatures.

    Meanwhile the TR have a wall of names; those who died so you could live in peace.
  9. KenDelta

    What wall of names ? you know that TR/NC/VS soldiers don't actually die cuz of nanites , right?
  10. Nerovox

    Misery loves company I suppose..
    Does it include my very own cross to hang on?, is being a forum we've been nerfed to nothing Jesus a requirement or a perk?
  11. EagleGuardian

  12. DJPenguin

    I'd join the NC but because your name consists of two fruits I'll have to decline.