Really good point xD You completely described what i usually do. But i think its basic learning process. Ppl play as you described and then learn more about game and get more aggressive or simply just change class for something else. In my situation i started playing more agressively when i bought a Mag-Scatter pocket shotgun. I really like this 2 bodyshot damage pattern xD I even started breaching cap rooms using EMP and this shotgun. It requires less skill to use comparing to Underboss or Commissioner due to their headshot+bodyshot damage pattern so its good weapon to start playing agressively. Obviously i'm not going to stop growing and next step will be a switch to NS revolvers, then for something even more challenging. I never say bad words to other stalkers even if they kill me cause i know how is it to be a stalker in this game. You go against automatic weaponry and Overshields with just pistol and knife - that's deserve some respect! Especially for those knife-maniacs who put their lives on extreme risk and just mass-murdering ppl.
I know people talk about Stalker being a low SPM, high KDR class, but whenever I switch to it my SPM and KDR both tank. Since you asked for numbers, I'd estimate I hover around 5-6ish KDR and 400-500 SPM when I play a sniper loadout (probably a bit more since those are my average stats and I main sniper but other loadouts and classes probably drag it down a bit), and drop to around 2-3ish KDR and maybe 100ish SPM when I play a Stalker loadout. (rough estimates but I think accurate) You can spend tons of time getting into position, and you can only kill 1-2 people in an encounter before you're forced to reload and reposition. It's inevitable that you're going to get caught while repositioning at some point, or caught by someone coming around a corner or something while you're trying to isolate someone, or even just accidentally ambush the wrong person who moves just as you start firing or just spins around and out-DPSes you. If you put the same effort into positioning yourself well as a sniper, LA, or heavy, or even as a support class, you will get much longer streaks and still be dangerous when something goes wrong. Not saying it's a terrible choice to play stalker, since it does have an occasional situational use (usually recon in an outfit squad or something) worth keeping a loadout slot for it, but I'm doing more and being more efficient at the same time when I play virtually anything else. It's fun for an occasional change of pace, but honestly that's about it.
Yeah, its really annoying to switch position especially more annoying if whole fight ends while you doing it xD That's because me and you playing it wrong xD Stalker must be played more aggressively. I'm still learning how to do that...
2.5 K/D on avg, powerknife only stalker infil, without arrogance im good at it, about 200 away from 20k knife kills, BR 115. Heavies with shield are tough, but getting better at landing head swipes too
On most of my characters I'm usually an infil main. My KD varies game to game. My current average is about 1.8 ish. I spend most of my time in stalker going around taking out other infils because they are annoying but are REALLY predictable. In a 96+ fight I'm taking out snipers and infils camping the spawns, terminals and so on. I started doing this because it's the difference between a smart infil hacking a terminal and pulling a sundy or armor taking out ground forces, potentially shifting the battle in their factions favor, or, eliminating that possibility and winning. My KD during those fights tend to be anywhere from 2-15 I HATE playing infil, but I kept getting taken out, and watched infils essentially dictate freedom of movement. Realized I didn't like being shot at on my approach to the point, and oftentimes makes people paranoid once they die to a sniper (same BS in real life....) So in response, I start taking people on the hills or common places out to allow my team to move more freely. After doing this for so long, I realized snipers tend to use the SAME spots every time, so half the time I spend firing blindly at those common places and still get a kill even if I didn't see them (Lithcorp is a GREAT example of this one). When I try to stalk the mountains, I'm running with Catlike and Deep Operative implants and a power knife. Ill literally sit and wait near 20-30 minutes for players seeking a good camping location (#CampTheCampers). I hate campers, so I'm taking a page from their book to take them out. I can usually take out between 5 and 10 before I get taken out. My average KD is low because when I get bored playing infil, I'll just run into battle or pull and LA and try to take out vehicles (Personally, I suck at this....), and I play solo. Most games, I'll play between 6 and 14 hours (I have a LOT of free time.... Never thought I would at 33....) and get to a point where I just LEEEEEERRRRROOOOOOYYYYY JEEENNNNNKKKKIIIIINNNSS every fight with no FKS to give. Also, my average ping is between 300 and 450 at all times (my interwebs suck where I'm at) As far as strategies go: ALWAYS check around the vehicle terminals behind the fights, I always find a couple campers with stalker cloak waiting on easy kills. NEVER assume you are alone.... Because there's always a cloaker trolling the hills, common places people think are safe, terminals, behind rocks, and so on. In big fights for the point, Get a power knife, Vampire and Nightmare implants, and try to sneak into the point and just start hacking away (I usually get about 20+/- kills IF I can get in there.... Its not easy without getting shot first) NEVER STOP MOVING, and never stay in the same place. Pop a shot, get a kill, move about 20 or 30 meters and do it again. Staying in a single point makes it easier for me to blindly fire at where I think your head will be and get a kill. (I do it all the time, and get messages several times a game about "Nice ESP" or "Reported for Hacking") I'm not hacking, you're just predictable and constantly use the same spots... Go check my accuracy.... I miss a LOT... Customize your Character layout to the activity you are doing. Don't run around a CQC setting with a 12X scope.... (I see a lot of people doing this...) Flipside, Don't run around a wide open field with nothing but a pistol (not going to say it ISNT effective... but you are still an easy target that is gonna have a hard time hitting players at a distance) Last bit, Infils can change the outcome of the battle just as much as an LA or Heavy. Play to your role, cause HAVOC along enemy lines, dip in and out, take a few out, Pull their attention off the Friendlies as they push. If you die fast, maybe that role isn't for you. But get in, hack terminals, cause chaos, mess with their focus and let the LA take out vehicles and amplify the chaos, let the heavies lay down LMG suppression fire and take out aircraft and vehicles, and then everyone else can come in and over-run defended positions. Medics, start doing your job..... please.... Fully upgraded grenade belt and revive grenades while using Revenant (Fully Upgraded, when revived, makes you invisible for 2 seconds) and Mending Field are your best friend (shameless inject, not sorry.) But yeah, Long post, Hopefully it helps. Cloaker KD is typically low depending on how you play. Can be really high if you don't just run in blindly. Think about how you could cause the most chaos behind enemy lines and do it.
I play stalker as well. But I don't sit on one spot all the time. Sometimes I take the time and approach the enemy feeling safe. I sneak up on them in their tower when they snipe down allied forces. Takes some time with the stalker system, but OK... Once I do reach them, I switch over to the Ripper, activate it and rip them apart, gaining 3 kills before the get me, IF they get me. Respawn, doing it again. I just love crouching through enemy lines unseen, researching the enemy, looking for easy prey. A sniper holding still for too long? Two hits from the blackhand and he gets send back to the spawnroom. Someone checks the map for too long? Same thing. Your inactivity is my opportunity and I feel no shame in preying on people handing others an easy kill. I don't care much about K/DR, mine is improving everytime I play stalker, but I don't get my self validation from numbers. Just yesterday I took out a heavy with some well aimed shots and stormed right at the surprised engineer behind him, ramming my knife into him. These moments... they are more than fun. They are a mix of endorphin and adrenaline rush. Knowing that you are at a disadvantage weapon-wise, yet still managed to get the upper hand. Oh sure... One can do other stuff with other classes and occasionally I do that as well if the situation demands it. Don't give a thing about what others say about this class. Some just showcase their salt with either not being good at it or seeing us as a menace that gets them when their guard is down. Infiltrator is not just holding a boomstick down a corridor shooting stuff that moves, it is much more. Since you lack the heavy shield or the light assault mobility, you rely solely on wits and part of that is never to stand with your buddies. They either stand in front of you or right behind you and in both cases, you end up being harmed. So if they go that half of the corridor, I take the other. If there is another way around, I rather take that. Knowing when to fight and when not to is also a thing. I remember being on Nathan's defiance and having fun at C with a team of 3 enemies, one remained at C with a spitfire on point, the other two were heading towards A or B. And he was standing still in a corner right on point... Two shots of the Blackhand later he was lying in the corner and I was taking C behind a wall, the spitfire be damned. Sure, when the other two came back, I was again cloaked and elsewhere, but that game persisted a few times before I did something else. Sure, the others outgun or outnumber me. But don't blame me, if I outwit you.
I have been stalker infil main for around 12 months now it is my go to "crutch" to make up for the fact that I am crap at first person shooters I can sometimes clear my killboard of deaths completely, although that does get a bit boring to be honest when I am being aggressive my session KD can be around 4 and my SPM in excess of 200, more if I am playing during an alert
kdr imo is a meaningless stat to this game period ... what matters is basecapturing or support of basecapturing .. for an infil what matters would be among hacking turrets and terminals to go for keytargets like medics and engineers or as has been mentioned countersnipe/knifekill other infills .. the bruteforce KDR belongs to the heavy and light assault but even then as layman or grunt that KDR might be low and as such of rather little to no impartance .. i said it before, i say it again Planetside 2 needs different stats of importance to showcase for the player specific on the class he primarily plays most of the time ... what matter kills to a medic or engineer when they are mostly a 2nd row class supporting other infantry or pilots? .. nothing .. your standart grunts are meant to take some shots and as such may die more often on average unless you are a toptier wardoggod ... if you realy want the KDR ****** comparison, do it with HA´s, LA´s or closerange Infils ... thank you very much .. before you ask, i suck .. so i have no KDR worth to speak of ... somewhere to 0.2 or 0.1 ? idk nor care ..