[Suggestion] Feels like game is developing backwards over the past years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by player0498, May 23, 2023.

  1. player0498

    - Roadkills still dont work properly (you sometimes need to run over an enemy 5 times and nothing happens, yet you just drive close to a teammate and he instantly dies --> why does it work soo well for killing teammates but not enemies?)
    - why there are not all 5 continents open at the test server to properly test on any continent? last time that amerish and hossin got opened was on the 5th of may
    - 15 up to 21 seconds redeploy timer, even if you spawn at the same base (f.e. just at another sunderer) --> this is way to much time wasted in the redeploy screen, especially in a game, where you usually have to walk quite some time into battle. (other games usually have a redeploy timer of about 3-4 seconds which should be enough in this game)
    - new construction update has some good parts especially with the new buildings, but still the construction overall is not ideal:
    - the command centre is way too huge, therefor very limited places to build especially on amerish or hossin
    with the trees and elevation differences;
    - rocks f.e. doesnt count as solid ground (especially on oshur you cant build near cliffs, since they are
    covered with flat rocks, yet it seems they doesnt could as ground --> need to be changed)
    - also the overall placing of some items should receive and overhaul, since you sometimes cant place stuff
    close to trees or stones to make a fluent transition between buildings and environment (so that there are
    no gaps between them f.e.)
    - since one way shields for walls and buildings are no longer there anymore and with the lack of possible
    places you can build a command centre including its skyshield, you have very limited cover for now. even
    though i am okay with it that one way shields doesnt exist anymore to give attackers a better chance, the
    lack of protection from the sky is a bit annoying. --> there should be more buildings able to fit the
    skyshield module (f.e. the sunderer garage, the bunker or the vehicle bridge)
    - the new helios weapon is way too OP, its an unessessary weapon imo, since we´ve already got weapons like thumper, lasher, ..... In its current state its able to kill with one single hit, also the splash damage range is far too wide
    - magriders shouldnt be able to shoot while using their advantage of hovering over water
    - you can light up C4 but cant repair sunderer spawnoptions underwater --> not possible to safe the spawnoption
    --> at least spawnoptions like sunderers or gals should be able to receive repair under water
    - Flail impact range should get reduced drastically (and dmg to infantry should be reduced to better fit its
    purpose of destroying enemy bases or vehicle zergs)
    - the entire north-eastern area of esamir is wasted. To give it a better impact to the game once again, the bases (at least steelshore) should receive a hardspawn like a solid spawnroom and a vehicle pad to encourage fights on the north eastern lattice link line; also the rough terrain around the shattered warpgate need to receive roads for better accessability though the bases
    - Construction Site bases need to receive a huge overhaul. These bases are way too big; spawnoptions are usually too far away. imo thats why people dont like playing at containment site bases.

    - bugs:
    - weapons change to the default variants when reloging into the game (especially on my TR account)
    - ANTs are bugged, since they sometimes randomly explode out of nowhere when they only land f.e. on
    two weels or you use turbo
    - lightning cant be steered and slowed down at the same time --> why not?
    - you often cant place construction buildings with the message "no-deploy zone" even though you are not
    in a no deploy zone
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  2. player0498

    - since latest update, mines only appear in their faction colors which is confusing. You cant change that in the interface menu, even though it says "blue for teammates of my faction, red for everything dedicated to the enemies (players, vehicles, ...)
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  3. Liewec123

    you said it perfectly.
    besides the weapons and vehicles the game has been devolving for YEARS.
    each update usually adds something positive which is massively overshadowed by a huge step backwards.

    Nov 17th, Mauler Cannon finally removed from bastions, graphics updated, bunch of underused weapons buffed,
    oh and we're pushing CTF into planetside.

    its like that most patches, little good changes, overshadowed by wrel forcing his stupid ideas in to the game.

    the arsenal update is about the only stand-out large update when wrel apparently didn't feel the need
    to throw a big massive stupid change into the game, and many consider it to be the best update in recent years.
    it added small things that helped refresh the game without flipping the table over.
    we need more of THAT, not massive spawn system changes that increase downtime, not new maps that noone wants,
    not CTF junk that turns once active bases into deserted graveyards...
  4. Shatteredstar

    I mean...CTF was part of PS1 at least in a fashion, the whole having to cap a thing at another base after hacking the first base.

    Conduit as is could just some refinement, hell the idea of having to have ground vehicle transport to another base to cap a SINGLE conduit after holding a point for a brief period to 'hack' it would probably be novel and interesting since especially player bases nearby and things like harassers and even air could try to stop said cap and would give armor and air more to do than just sit and farm said base for a week while waiting on flag runs

    Currently the CTF is...weird.
  5. oOHansOo

    If you want mines and other explosives to show up blue/red for friendly/enemy again, you have to go to your settings->interface and change Facility colors to allies/enemies. But that also means you will only see blue and red Bases, so you can't see at fist glace which faction holds the Facility.