[Feedback wanted!] Empire specific scout rifles.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by LordDethir, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. LordDethir

    Hey infil community. I'm a BR43 on Emerald, And I have had several ideas for Empire specific Rifles.
    AF-16 Assassin
    231 RPM
    Short reload is 2.95 seconds, Long is 3.55
    Semi auto and 3 round burst.
    First shot = *1.5
    Burst fire = *1.5 per shot
    Same as SASRs
    Hip fire:
    Same as SASRs
    12 round mag, 72 in reserve.
    334 damage@15 meters, 250 @ 60
    650 feet per second.

    A combination of the Railjack and the JackHammer, The AF-16 ASSASSIN can overheat its rail gun coils to fire a 3 round burst, but must then cool off the rail gun by sending a cool-lent down the rail gun.

    -Basically has jackhammer burst fire option, but is basically a Vandal w/ better bullet velocity.

    750 RPM
    125 damage @ 10 meters 100 @ 60 meters
    Reload: 0.95 short, 1.05 long
    First shot mult: 1.01
    Pull up: 0.01
    Hip fire: Same as Artemis
    24 round mag 216 in reserve.
    250 feet per second.

    -The Shade demands on the accuracy of the user, but has almost no recoil.

    No idea for the TR weapon yet, please tell me what you would want!
  2. Moonheart

    What make that the Shade couldn't be given to another faction that justify to call it "empire specific" ?
  3. LordDethir

    I'm Sorry that I didn't give VS a semi auto charge weapon ;)

    The extremely low recoil, and the fast reload And possible a .75 movement speed bonus.
  4. Moonheart

    From pure stats perspective, the damage of the Shade would be lower than the Artemis at almost all ranges, with a magazine depleting faster with the only interesting gain to have a better recoil.

    I'm not sure what you want to achieve with such stats for the Shade.
    What would make it better than the Artemis? In which conditions?
  5. Kubin

    The only advantage of the Shade I can see is that it would be easier to handle for a beginner. The question is - why on the Odin's Balls would a beginner touch Artemis/Shade? It's a weapon that need a discipline you train over time with other weapons.

    The thing I would like to see for Vanu is our trait - versatility.

    A versatile scout rifle would be something like a hybrid of Artemis and Nyx. Let's name it Shade as you suggested:

    Shade - has an ability to switch firemodes between full-auto and semi auto.
    Full auto:
    - Consumes 1 ammo per shot.
    - Has RPM worse than Artemis (for balance sake). Maybe about 600 (Artemis has 652).
    - Recoil slightly worse than Artemis.

    Semi auto:
    - Consumes 2 ammo per shot.
    - Does a little less damage than Nyx (Be it 300/250 on 15/75 metres respectively)
    - Has RPM equal to Nyx (255).

    Mag size: 20 (so virtually 10 for semi-auto)
    Ammo pool: 180 (so 160 in reserve [and 80 in reserve for semi-auto]).
    Optics: up to x4.
    Hip-fire the same as- or slightly better than Nyx (still worse than Artemis).
    No bullet drop in both modes, obviously.

    I'm not experienced enough to talk about the recoil so I'm leaving it but in my opinion it should be a middle-ground between Artemis and Nyx in auto and equal to Nyx in semi-auto.

    That way we are getting a truly useful multi-purpose weapon, going in pair with our ES trait.
    • Up x 1
  6. LordDethir

    I like this idea a lot, And making the name slightly cooler:


    I think I will be going for Kubin's idea for the Shade, so in this case Versatility.
  7. LordDethir