Feedback Request: Load Screens

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by PS2_Luke, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. user101

    Nope - the 4-10-2014 2:00 am update did not work either it crashes also.. when using high video...
  2. JudgeNu

    Yeah, same here.
    I did notice it was 100% TR population.
    So maybe someone got in.
  3. P149U3

    I constantly crash on test after Selecting a character and clicking play
  4. jetbuster

    Same crash as everyone else on the 64bit client, Windows 8.1 update 1 running latest stable drivers for graphics
  5. BellyLintFarmer

    After my seventh attempt to get onto the PTS, and having crashed to desktop immediately after selecting a character and hitting load game, I have come to the conclusion that your load timing screens are a smashing success. You have somehow lowered the load time to a number less than zero, which is clearly throwing a giant error flag in my system, causing it to close the game immediately.
  6. FeralCarr

    Add me to the list of people who cant log in without crashing to dt. I have not crashed while logging into Matherson. Love the game!!
  7. Adeon

    same problem
  8. y077er

    Same here, even after update I'm still crashing at log-in screen.
  9. Heyitsrobbie1984

    im crashing alot. please fix this SOE :)
  10. ViggoRolig

    yep still crashing even after patches
    • Up x 1
  11. SashsaACIII

    * up-Date 3 nou pley TestServer Fix

    В ближающее время или пару дней :rolleyes: почти все не смогут ТЕСТИРОВАТЬ Игру PS2*PTS
    :( .

    Cразу после выбора символа и нажав Pley Вылет в Windows:eek:
  12. tigerchips

    Maybe you should try deleting the loading screen file and then validate game assets?
  13. shaql

    to be slightly more specific, it isn't a crash, but a "Failure during login.", and most probably server-side ;]
    • Up x 1
  14. ScrapyardBob

    Still crashing after selecting a character, even after the Thursday morning update.
  15. Llaf

    Same problem as everyone else here, CTD on login.
  16. orbital

    the same since Sunday. Crash to desktop after login, Thursday morning, 8:15 EST.
    Nvidia 335.23 driver.
    there are 3 PCs and accounts with the test server loaded in the house and all crash to desktop.
  17. Puredeathnight

    Last I was on test was Tues, so I'm not sure about current test state but on live (haven't tested on test b/c almost no ones on) but if you squad deploy to another continent to a sunder. You can mistakenly walk into the sunder and be killed by it as it loads... So maybe load players , vechials, and buildings rather than just terrain before spawning them in.
  18. OldGuyAndy

    CTD for me too. Uninstall/reinstall did not correct problem. CTD after character selection screen after reinstall.
  19. ScrapyardBob

    CTD seems to be fixed (must have been a server-side fix, no client update seen). Load screen likes to pause now at 96% a lot before pausing again at 98%.

    I was rarely, if ever, affected by the "spawn in, fall through floor bug", so not sure how to give feedback on that.
  20. John_Aitc

    I manage to get beyond the login of the launcher but crash when clicking the <PLAY> button on the character select screen. Is there any dubugging logs that we could post that would help SOE troubleshoot this issue?

    For those of us with above spec rigs and bandwidth, the problem has to be related to the code. I assume the code works in the SOE lab machines, or else why release a patch. Something must be different on all of our player machines.

    Tell us how to help the process, please.