Played for about half of my lunch break (I live across the street from the office, jelly?). Tarwich and the surrounding bases had some pretty great action. Platoon vs. Platoon battles, action packed, lots of back and forth and then ultimately getting spawn camped*. My initial impression is that this was definitely the right move and that during off-peak hours it will foster great fights. Some of the lattice links are not populated and there is even a bit of ghost capping happening in those lanes, but when prime time rolls around the populated lanes will be huge fights and the underpopulated lanes should be small to medium sized fights. Good job SOE. I look forward to seeing this introduced to Esamir and Amerish. Addendum: The lattice is not yet complete though. I've been playing some PlanetSide 1 after logging off PlanetSide 2 and we definitely need NTU silos and ANTs back. This would add a bit more depth to the game in the form of secondary objectives that need to be accomplished during prolonged sieges. Combine this with the resource harvesting units that Smedley talked about in his blog last year and we have a great meta-game forming. *Add SCUs to all bases that become vulnerable 50% through the capture, then drop shields and pain fields and allow the attackers to clean out the spawns.
Oh you mean you like the fact it is MASSIVELY rewarding the higher population and bigger Zerg by letting them rip threw all of the enemy while able to quickly hop to place attacking forces are forced to go to do make sure they can't make a step forward? I am shocked.
now we just need the next fix to make the lattice work, queue to get into faction if faction is 20% higher than any other faction on the server. Queue to get into continent if your faction has 10% more population than any other. And then real fights will commence, and lattice will work.
I am seeing this as well.. But that is not on SOE, that is on STUPID PEOPLE THAT PLAY THIS GAME. Tr are getting it handed to them on Indar, but if we could get these idiots that are on Esamir and Amerish to actually come to Indar and the fools that are chilling in the Warpgate to help us out it, would not be so. In PS1 our leaders would call of Primary conts and the empire would usual follow their commands. Problem in PS2 is hardly anyone does it and more then likely they don't because the IDIOTS that play this game would not listen. And please don't tell me STUPID people don't play this game. Because any fool that sits there and fires at red shields like I see ALL DAY LONG is a freaking moron. I guess they are thinking in their little pee brain of theirs that maybe one day my bullets will magically pass through... Can't tell you how many times they were proven wrong and my K/D ratio was padded because of it... I think overall it's a good patch and something that should have been ingame from the start (Higby) but it might be perceived as being a bad patch because when the enemy has the numbers you will get rolled. But again that is not SOE that is the player bases fault. To bad the can't release a patch to fix stupid players. P.S one thing I wish would fix though is these spawn "boxes" there is really no way to mount any kind of offense out of them. Especially when the NME has vehicles....You will just be camp fodder to try to get out of them the majority of the time... Hence the reason why most people just hide behind shields and try to pick things off....
Numbers have always been the deciding factor in this game due to how bases are laid out and how easily vehicles are pulled. You should know this, especially due to some of the company you keep. Short of limiting the amount of players that can be in a hex at any given time I don't see a solution for this. With or without a lattice, the bigger zerg almost always wins.
Key difference between now and then? You could split a platoon of 4 by hitting different places at random that as connected to your Hex Now as it stands attacker know exactly were you can go if the zerg to big for them and send enough to keep them at bay at different points. I watched as a full platoon overrunning us easily move to the only other point we could go to stop us from moving on. Thus removing any chance we can to gain ground. TL: DR: The system broke and rewards zerging.
As mentioned above, funneling people in really does exaggerate population imbalances and encourages 4th faction on the weaker side. The changes need to be complemented with: More defensible bases (as the attackers will be a bigger group now) Several destroyable defence enhancers (facility radar, turret boosters / shields, AMS jammers) Facility resources that are piped in from the warpgate via lattice and couriered in via ANTs. (Allows for sieges of the larger attack force to break up a stalemate defense)
There are 3 continents with great battles on all. Calling TR players that are battling on other continents than Indar "idiots" is ridiculous. Did you not notice TR took Amerish and Esamir this weekend? Yea, your welcome.
Been playing since I got home from work. This is amazing. Brutal fights everywhere. Most of them are platoon vs. platoon, much smaller than I expected. Eight to ten front lines at any given time. I love it. Add in NTU silos and ANTs and we have one hell of a foundation for a long-lasting MMOFPS.