[Feedback] Anti-Vehicle Grenade (AVG)

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Amador, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Amador

    Just as I've offered a great deal of criticism in other aspects of gameplay, however there are also times where praise is due. For the topic of the Anti-Vehicle Grenade, the developers have obtained my gratitude for improving its effectiveness over its former state.

    As an Engineer whom is part of the ASP program with access to the Anti-Vehicle Grenade, it is assuredly going to become something I will seriously consider carrying now that it has improved to a satisfactory level.

    With that said, I wished to offer a few thoughts:
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    • Anti-Vehicle Grenade vs. ESF
      After spending time comparing and contrasting the AVG on the PTS and Live servers, I had noticed a single disparity or inconsistency regarding ESF's and excluding the Dervish.

      1. On Live - Landing an AVG on an ESF (Mosquito, Scythe, Reaver) will damage its HP down to about 10%-15% and -will burn-.
      2. On Public Test - Landing an AVG on an ESF (Mosquito, Scythe, Reaver) will damage its HP down to about 30-35% and -will not burn-.

      This is to point out that the AVG has -less- effectiveness against ESF's on the PTS than on Live, which I feel is odd as it now performs worse against ESF's than previously.

      (NOTE: It is my opinion that if someone were to successfully land an AVG upon an ESF, it should be instantly destroyed. That is, while strongly considering how difficult such a task would be to begin with an unguided object...)

    • Anti-Vehicle Grenade with "Lock-On"
      Because the AVG is meant to damage vehicles, it should also have a mild "lock-on" passive-guidance function on top of its "sticky grenade" tendencies. Such as... If a player were to throw the AVG and it adequately crosses paths with a vehicle, it should "Lock-On" and guide itself towards the vehicle like a Coyote/Dingo/Hyena missile and "stick" to its target before detonation. However, this "Lock On" function should not work against MAX units.

      (NOTE: This is a suggestion I had made long ago about improving the AVG. This suggestion alone can be integrated into the function of AVG's by default. Or... It can be utilized as a basis to create an entirely new type of AVG adjusted with "ease of use" in mind.)
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    Brainstorming about enhanced function regarding the AVG is a topic I'd like to discuss. There is always room for adjustments and new ideas in the future as well...
  2. Amador

    After personally using the Anti-Vehicle Grenade while on Live Servers, I have now obtained suitable experience to offer a better assessment of the AVG. Here are a series of notes that I had jotted down in the midst of my experience using them, including a proposal for change:

    (NOTE: Do understand that this isn't merely "notations" but a rational means to propose appropriate adjustments. See "Proposal" below to get the TL;DR.)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    • The AVG causes satisfactory damage to vehicles as a grenade.
    • The AVG is handy to have and is useful against MAX units in a pinch.
    • The AVG can be thrown much further than C4.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    • The AVG wind up to throw is slow, resulting in long exposure times.
    • The AVG overall thrown velocity is slow, which may result in missed throws.
    • Vehicles are often constantly moving, which may result in missed throws.
    • Vehicles smaller than a Sunderer or MBT becomes increasingly difficult to land a hit.
    • Can only carry 1 AVG at a time, making the Grenade Bandolier necessary for effective use.
    • The AVG is impractical against infantry, although a reasonable limitation, but it results in less use.
    • The AVG itself tends to roll around and does not stick to useful objects like Hardlight Canopy or Hardlight Barriers, which is unfortunate if someone wished to use the AVG as a "demolition tool" in niche circumstances.
    • The AVG is handy to have, however it largely goes unused about 90% of the time, making Fragmentation Grenades remain a more reasonably practical choice as they can result in multiple infantry kills.
    • The AVG roughly does 1/2 of the damage of C4, yet it is priced at 3/4 the cost of C4.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    The cost of the Anti-Vehicle Grenade needs to be reduced from 75 Nanites, down to 50 Nanites.

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    By the way...
    • It costs 200 Nanites to destroy a vehicle with 2 bricks of C4.
    • It costs 300 Nanites to destroy a vehicle with 4 AVG's, which takes more time and is harder to do.
    Do understand that I am pleased with the AVG overall, however I think it is in need of a Nanite cost reduction...
    • Up x 1
  3. Cosomos

    C4 costs 75 Nanites each
    Tank Mines Cost 50 Nanites each

    I agree that the cost of AV grenades should be reduced to 50 nanites
    I wonder if having 2 of any grenade by default or upgrading the option like C4, without having grenade bandolier, would be too strong,
    but I don't see too much of a problem with people having an extra grenade, it might even help counter the res grenade spam(which should be 100 nanites per res grenade)
  4. Amador

    Correct. Anti-Vehicle Grenades cost 75 Nanites each when they should cost 50 Nanites instead.

    I realized my mistake about calculating the cost of C4 as being 100 Nanites when it's actually 75 Nanites. I didn't clarify when I should've, but that's because I had also chosen to play a different game by the end of the Halloween event.

    But... I will say that despite my minor mistake about the cost of C4, my sentiments remain the same regarding the Nanite cost of the AVG being reduced to 50 Nanites only.

    I think one of the biggest problems is that small details and common sense changes do not come quickly enough to Planetside 2 - becoming one of its largest drawbacks. So simple fixes often get dragged out needlessly for weeks, months... or worse, where they are forgotten about entirely.

    This is perhaps one of my biggest pet peeves when simple things aren't adjusted in a timely manner when prudent.

    Interestingly enough, I had also contemplated the topic of giving players 2 grenades by default. After some consideration, it is my strong opinion that Decoy Grenades and Smoke Grenades should be offered more generously in pairs of 2 by default, as they are more utilitarian than offensive. Thankfully, Impulse Grenades are already offered as 2.

    However I strongly disagree with making any alterations to the Revive Grenades for Medic. As useful as they are, they are already expensive at 75 Nanites each. Keep in mind that revives do not have their shield up, they're often being camped, and its very easy to mow revived players back down again. Revive Grenades are not a topic that players complain about, thus leave it be.
    • Up x 1
  5. Amador

    (SPECIAL NOTE: I had jotted down these notes days ago, but I also wanted to address yet another topic regarding the Anti-Vehicle Grenade. I believe this to be my final attempt and "iteration" to adjust the AVG which should broaden its abilities and have it reach its final and ultimate purpose.)

    I have noticed that Anti-Vehicle Grenades do not stick to player Construction. The only objects that the AVG can stick to are the Defensive Turrets for player Construction. I've found this to be greatly disappointing, because one of the most ideal and easiest things an AVG should be used for is helping demolish player Construction such as Modules, Pain Spires and Elysium Spawn Tubes.

    It has come to my realization that the Anti-Vehicle grenade's function and purpose should be reconsidered, adjusted and broadened in function for expanded general use as such:

    The Anti-Vehicle Grenade should be repurposed under the mindset of a "Multi-Purpose Demolition Grenade" (or simply "Demolition Grenade") from this point forward. Being able to stick to and assist in the destruction of Vehicles, MAX Units, Player Turrets and Player Construction. The AVG should ultimately have an inherent magnetism and stick to anything that is essentially "Player Construction" or "Mechanical" in design, while refusing to stick to anything else beyond that scope.

    When the Anti-Vehicle Grenade has been adjusted to fit the role of a "Demolition Grenade" it will have achieved its final and ideal purpose.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TL;DR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    • The AVG's have finally obtained a satisfactory level of damage, where further adjustment is unlikely and unneeded.
    • Strongly feel that AVG's cost should be reduced to 50 Nanites, down from 75 Nanites.
    • Strongly feel that AVG's should stick to Vehicles, MAX Units, Player Turrets and Player Construction, while ignoring everything else.
    • Strongly feel that AVG's will achieve their ultimate purpose when it is finally regarded as a "Demolition Grenade" and performs as outlined above.
    • Do understand that AVG's already largely fulfill the "Demolition Grenade" role, with the exception that it does not widely or readily "stick" to most player Construction - as it should.
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