[Feature] The most annoying thing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InexoraVC, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. InexoraVC

    I have average 2100 deaths per month.
    Every death takes 10..20 sec delay to respawn *avg 15 sec*
    So I have average 2100*15 = 315000 sec = 87.5 hrs delay per month. Doing nothing, just staring at the game timer. WHY ?
    Damn, this waitside is the most annoying thing !!!
  2. Demigan

    I thought it was 7 for quickspawn, 10 for regular and higher for when using Spawntubes and Routers?

    Although if you add in time to return to the battle it gets worse ofcourse.

    I've already said it before: We should make death almost meaningless. PS2 isn't build like deathmatches or a Battle Royale where your death is either part of the score or makes you restart in a new game. PS2 is about trying to push through chokepoints and holding points no matter what and dying over and over again in the process. You should not be focussing on KD because that D in there doesn't matter. Players should be encourged to experiment, to throw away their lives against overwhelming odds while trying a dozen ways to break through your enemy.

    The only thing that could be made of some value is transportation. How to get from the spawn back to the fight. Having players build and maintain a transport network to get players to the fight in seconds instead of a minute or two of wandering should be the goal.

    There's also an alternative: Let players do something while dead.
    I've suggested before to allow players access to communication and leadership tools when they are dead. It's the perfect time to alert allies to an enemy position like a tank, show them a path with less resistance to the objective, to give orders to a few locals using your knowledge before you died so that when you respawn and get back to where you died your allies will hopefully have advanced and your death was not in vein.

    *That's what she said.
  3. InexoraVC

    If you redeploy to other hex base it takes about 10...20 sec. Respawn in the same hex after death takes about 10 sec. I don't know exactly how it works and does it depend on pop or not. Redeploy to amp station/tech plant takes more time than to "ordinary" base. Redeploy to base with air terminals takes more time than to one without it. So on...

    Yes, this is what I'm talking about: delay to return to field takes more than 85 hours per month . And add some time to transport to battle. That is awful!!! This is Waitside game.

    Ambusher LA + C4 trying to destroy enemy sunderer :)

    Good proposals but PS2 has no tools for that.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    The thing annoying me most atm is the unannounced shutdowns for maintenance (like the one just started as I´m posting this).

    Adding the hotfixes, logging in problems and seasonal game updates means that my limited opportunities to play since I came back in October have been severely curtailed.

    Admittedly I have a fraction of the deaths per month that OP has......
  5. Demigan

    Why doesn't it have the tools for that?

    We can already select players on the map and give them contextual "orders", in this case if they are willing to join your squad, muting/unmuting them or other such actions. We can also add waypoints and various markers to the map, not to mention the existance of the map overlay where a Squad leader can draw a plan of attack which can easily be expanded to everyone in a locality. You simply limit the range at which they can be seen so it's not too messy but do show them on the minimap (with a toggle ofcourse).

    PS2's communication system has been lacking since forever, and this type of commands could easily help the game's tactical depth more than any other update to the teamplay has done so far. For example you could mix in the current hotspot system which counts the amount of shots fired in a region and displays it with those explosion-blobs on the mapscreen. As one example (there's many more options) you can let players draw circles around enemy positions. If more players do this around the same position it becomes visible from longer ranges. This means that if a player from the other end of the continent is looking for information on a fight he might join he can get an idea from the mapscreen what is happening in that fight.
    It would be even easier to just connect the spotting system to this blob system instead (not just spotting but any detection method like proxy radar as well). Every minute it gathers information about every spot on the map at the end of that minute it gets updated, just tallying where enemies are detected. Then it will draw a circle showing the general area of each of these spotted enemies and what type of enemies. It can also use a legacy system where enemies that have been detected in the same spot for an extended period of time will be displayed longer even if they haven't been detected. Additionally all friendly forces are always displayed this way. This would allow people who died to not just give orders, but to keep themselves updated on what is happening in a fight. Normally during a fight in a Techplant for example you can't even see what is happening on the other side, this system would allow that without causing the server too much trouble since it's quite literally doing this exact thing already but with a different metric and visuals. Subsequently the players are able to make decisions on what role they'll play. Maybe they'll grab a vehicle, or keep doing what they are doing, or change class depending on what they see. Those 10 seconds would be spend still playing the game as they gather the intel they need for their next fight.

    The beauty of all of this: It uses only mechanics that are already in the game, and just applies them differently. At worst the devs have to create a bunch of new icons and a better way to draw the size of enemy presence.
  6. InexoraVC

    I think the question and the answer is here :)
  7. InexoraVC

    Yes. But at least during the maintenance you don't sit staring the in-game timer :)
  8. JustGotSuspended

    also you can count the fact when you spawn into the game you face 2 redeploys, because wrel thought force spawning people in the sanctuary was what we needed.
  9. InexoraVC

    Yes, spawning in Sanctuary is bs. Many players ask "how do I start to play" ? The answer is: redeploy to a continent, wait in queue, then try to redeploy to a non empy base with a fight (because crowded hexes often non available to spawn to from warpgate) :))
    Waitside and Redeployside!
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