Favorite stuff to do in Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lilleAllan, May 8, 2013.

  1. Cab00se187

    Faction hop to the overpopulated faction.
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  2. ih8Darian

  3. Pouk3D

    Tank vs. tanks battles.
  4. powerz

    troll with my invisable flash
  5. Llaf

    Mowing people down with my LMG in outdoor hill battles where one platoon is 10 meters away from the other and everyone is peeking over the top of the hill to get kills. For some reason I excel at this.

    Driving my racer 3 turbo halberd harasser with a good gunner.

    LA with T5 AMC or AC-X11. Advanced positioning tool to get good flanks and hard to reach areas plus engaging from long range effectively = win imo

    LA with auto-shottie in a tower.

    Soloing maxes with nanoweave 5 resist 5 heavy + auto-shottie and default launcher, doesn't always work, either because it's a scatmax that saw me first or a KA5 max that just wont die. Awesome when it does work though.

    Killing people with the underboss.
  6. Morpholine

    I laugh like a mad man every time I manage to sneak up on a tunnel-visioned player and execute them with my Beamer.
  7. Ashnal

    Wow, these are a little sadistic. If the most enjoyable part of the game for you is the thought of upsetting other people, I pity you guys.

    Personally I love gunning the enforcer on my buddy's tank as we roll around Esamir looking for sundies, MBT's, lightnings, and harassers to blow up. I especially love delivering Enforcer shots into to faces of LAs with C4 running up tot he tank.

    I also enjoy sniping vehicles with the AV turret from a tower, as my buddy drives around in a lightning distracting and shelling the targets I shoot. I also like playing Max in general, whether it's AI/AV/AA, have yet to get the Ravens though.
  8. Zaxudih

    Getting a kill with the under barrel shotgun is exhilarating. You have to be point blank with perfect aim and if you use it on a heavy with their shield up you won't get the kill. If you kill someone that is using a 'real' shotgun you are automatically given the right to teabag them mercilessly for failing to kill you with a superior weapon.

    Taking out 2 sundies with a single detonation is a rare but fantastic experience.

    Teaming up in a buggy is my favorite thing about the game so far though.
  9. Dasparian

    Oh, I don't do it to upset enemy players. I do it so they won't have the experience (and consequently, certs) that they'd otherwise get from stopping my streak. I'd much rather the overfed NC on Helios get a lowly assist than the bonus from a 10+ killspree.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe fighting every day against a 30-40% server pop changes a man...
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  10. Buttsoars

    There is nothing else better than running over a group of enemies unless maybe on a flash jumping off and letting it run over the engineers and planting c 4 to blow the sun d they were repairing.

    Rocketing Bushwookies
  12. DivadMahdits

    LA+maxed C4+flash nades+Vanguard/Magrider stalking=fun
  13. Atis

    1. run
    2. shoot
    3. ehm, is there anything else in PS2?
  14. andy_m

    LOL! Yeah... This brings out the child in me. I usually sent the guy who killed me, who then died at my mine a "/whisper somename Tee Hee"
  15. Bout73Ninjas

    1. Light Assault. Everything about it. Jetpacking over walls to land behind some fools and gunning half of them down before they know what's going on.

    2. C4. It's the BEST! Being able to take down a MAX single-handed is sooo satisfying. And blowing up sundies just makes me feel like I've single-handedly won a battle!

    3. Just general infantry. I'm a grunt! I love leading the charge to the next base, gunning down enemies perched in doorways while I sprint through rockets and gunfire, boost myself over a wall only to land and shoot an attacker. Headshot! Run forward toward a column of enemies and hide behind a tree. Then, when I pop out to start mowing people down, my slower, less jetpack-equipped NC teammates flank them from the entrance to the base, pouring in and raining down hellfire!!

    God I love this game. Job well done boys and girls. Job well done...