[Suggestion] Fast fix for Oshur's mid

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, May 9, 2023.

  1. AuricStarSand


    Simple version: suggest alter the links. For Pommel Gardens 3 empire battles.

    1) The white line is eraser to delete links.
    2) Link Import Hub to Wakerift deleted. Link Wakerift to Mirror Bay deleted.
    3) Solution link. Import Hub to Astira. Represented by blue lines.
    4) Astira to Pommel gardens.
  2. AuricStarSand


    Proof that other major vets who rank nearly first on the leaderboard, also don't find Mirror Bay worthwhile aka read what " HermanWalker " wrote.

    I'd rate Mirror Bay a 3/10.
    Wakerift 3/10.
    Astira with CTF 4/10.
    Astira with the regular A point hold reverted 6/10.
    Pommel Gardens 8/10.

    So first list to fix Oshur. Is to fix mid.
    Thus making the 3 empire fights happen at Pommel Gardens has made the unlocked Oshur map 10% better & the locked Oshur map 80% better.
  3. AuricStarSand


    1) Import Hub island gets a dev made base seeing as its the only neighbor island for mid that doesn't have a vehicle term.

    2) Astira is reverted to A point holds & is no longer CTF.

    3) Astira has a ramp bridge to the right side of Astira's A. From the mini water bridge walkway, that ramps to the side of Astira. So attackers from Pommel Gardens may siege Astira, without having to engage Astira's vehi term shield gate lane.

    Astira requires better parking spots for anyone trying to leave Pommel Gardens & attack Astira east to west. Theirs nowhere for a sunderer to park, thus the ramp side bridge suggestion. Mini ramp leads to a door, where a wall once was.

    4) Above Pommel Gardens is a box drawn. Represents a sunderer garage required. So attackers from Astira, may drive past Pommel Garden's spawn room building, & have somewhere to park, without getting sideline shot by tanks from the 3rd faction. Also Pommels spawn roof has NSO lockon av max's & ha with av shooting sunderers that drive past.

    5) Mirror Bay's tower is deleted. & keep the building next to the tower & the bunker building, still delete the tower suggest terraform Mirror Bay's region to a shattered warpgate forest. Less theirs other maps to build a jungle fight middle of a map for, however I doubt the other maps have room. With glowy plants, 200 trees, 40 hiding bushes, & trenches. Then give Mirroy Bay the type of 2nd floor spawn room building that Pommel Gardens has.

    So thus Mirror Bay is a jungle maze, leading to Pommel Gardens boulder maze. Both have the same spawn room type 2nd floor mini building. & the tower is deleted.

    6) The mid lake green circles represented for the photo are beach sunderer garages. The beach sand sunderer garages are hackable. Whoever hacks them owns the teleport tube. The sunderer beach garages, theirs 3 of them, they lead to mid lakes underwater region.

    Since nobody uses sinking sunderers and nobody uses deploy galaxies, except 4 squad leads out of 48 to 96 players per faction. The only way to get the majority of people to set shop for underwater fights, is to have beach sand sunderer garages that have hackable teleport pods. That lead to underwater spawn rooms.

    The 3 green squares shown at mid lake are underwater spawn rooms.
    So if people want a break from the 3 way empire battle at Pommel Gardens, each faction has their own beach sunderer garage for a faster way for all 3 empires to fight mid lake underwater. &

    If a mid lake defender wants to slow down others from having access to mid lake. He may hack all 3 beach sand garages. To stall the defend. Less you know of some other way for people to fight underwater more often, be my guest, just for sure sunken sunderer's & deploy galaxies won't work for 80% of the playerbase. Alternative solutions.