[Fan Art] My VS Engineer <3 V3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeverWas, May 15, 2013.

  1. NeverWas

    This time, with my favourite hyperion helmet and our beloved beamer <3

    Not sure where to put it though, so might as well paste it everywhere cz i'm an attention *****.


    My Website if anyone is interested : kenken2002.deviantart.com
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  2. CrimsonDaemon

    Trigger discipline. Also, I like your drawing style.
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  3. Chiss

    Was that meant to rhyme, or be some kind of poem?
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  4. LightningWolfTigrBer

    Yes. Yes you are.
    >Eye showing through hair
    Yah, this has DA written all over it.
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  5. Rhaeyn

    I approve.
  6. Jetlag

    I think I broke it!!!
  7. Moukassin

  8. Nocturnal7x

    VS are like the african war lords I see, druggin children and training them to be killing machines. She cannot be a day over 11.
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  9. Beliskner

    VS confirmed for weeaboos
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  10. Lafladitu

    want that battle suite on my VS character!!!:rolleyes:
  11. Cirevam

    More Moka? Okay. I'll give you comments and criticism and shut on your dA page later.
  12. Duvenel

    If she was drawn from the behind I'm afraid someone might have to arrest me... :/
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  13. Liquid23

    what happened to her nose :eek:
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  14. HadesR

    Considering how old she looks I'm sure you would be :p
  15. that_darn_lurker

    VS is run by General Butt Naked.
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  16. Fned

    It looks like it's actually hooked but out of the guard, Ayoob-style...
  17. Fned

    Heh... I wonder who will actually get that...
  18. Zombo

    also everytime VS wins an alarm we need to make the "daddy's little princess" dance, kind of annoying
  19. GSZenith

    this :eek:
  20. Cpu46

    You make my TR heavy sketch sad


    Anyone know how to make the picture smaller? This seems a bit too large.
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