[FAIL] Alerts favor NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MissTiger, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Benton!

    All I hear is WAH WAH WAH

    I hate being the over populated faction, would much rather be the underdog. But I got faction loyalty. But don't worry guys, TR or VS will be the FoTM soon.
  2. Rec0n412

    The problem is going to be the old: the rich get richer.

    Servers with factions that have a population disadvantage will see that smaller faction getting the short end of the stick.
  3. Zaik

    nc 2 op, plox nerf
  4. BigMacDeez

    Yeah....about that...
  5. Vetto

    What he failed to post is later in this fight the NC had cut a huge line into the TR HEX letting the vanu win... cause you know you can never ask the NC to attack the vanu NEVER they only prefer to kill TR.
  6. L3TUC3

    On mattherson we just won the alert with the least pop because we managed to cap a hex in the last 30 seconds. We had 39% of the continent (Amerish).

    Strategy yo, try it sometimes.
  7. Vetto

    No... you won cause the NC cut a huge line into are HEX we were fighting a 3 way war.
  8. Zaik

    imagine how it looked from our side where you were completely ignoring the VS who were capping territory in the north so you could both fight NC.
  9. Vetto

    We weren't I spent most that fight killing vanu watching the NC cut that line into the TR even thou the Vanu had you up against your warp gate and would have been far easier to cut down and actually given the NC a shot to come back. But again NC prefers their targets Red.

    Then again that the normal.
  10. Gavyne

    All 3 factions accuse of others for ignoring certain faction, teaming up, or focusing on their own. Honestly, it's quite funny to see people from all 3 factions say the same things. I guess people haven't realized that most of the times, battles just....happen. People die, people move on from base to base, and quite often there's not a plan to team with one faction and aim for another.
    • Up x 1
  11. xNPCx

    This is why we will never have peace.
  12. Spookydodger

    Maybe on your server.
  13. L3TUC3

    Indeed it was a three way war and it was a fun one too. I chuckled when the NC capped Auraxis Firearms from us and TR flipped the point again so we could keep spawning and give both of you plasma hugs for being such good sports.
  14. Sabreur

    The problem isn't that alerts favor NC, the problem is that alerts favor the faction with the highest population. This makes players swarm to that faction, which makes the population imbalance even worse. Helios is lucky enough that we're roughly even during peak hours, but I'm worried it won't last.
  15. Anantidaephobia


    Haaaaaaa ... thanks for that, really ... :D
  16. L3TUC3

    4th faction is op. Nerf plox.
  17. Gavyne

    I don't see why it won't last, because the OP complained about the imbalance at 2am, 2am! Who expect the servers to be balanced at 2am when most Americans are sleeping?! Everybody knows people who play at those hours are majority foreign gamers and whichever faction they play on is going to be the most populated faction at that time of the hour.

    The true look of things is from 4pm - 10pm. Here's how the 2 alerts looked on Helios during normal play time in the U.S.:

    Cold War on Esamir from 4pm - 6pm:


    Seeing Green on Amerish at 9pm:


    Sure look to be even and balanced. Oh and by the way VS won the first round, TR won the second. I don't get the complaints against NC really, especially at 2am in the morning.

    And the even population caps on Esamir and Amerish never, ever, happen on Helios. So I'd say the devs did a wonderful job adding the alert system. We got to have fun on those 2 continents last night. And due to continent population caps, it doesn't matter how large a faction is world wide, the continent battles are still balanced. That's all that matters.
  18. Vetto

    Ya that been brought up already bub, the fact is these "map" shots hold little ground when you can only show what you want the last 10 mins of that map had NC cutting most of TR Hex. So frankly posting map shots going "SEE!" is fairly pointless as within an hour things changes.
  19. Gavyne

    You're talking about Mattherson, I was responding to OP who plays on Helios.
  20. Smalltown

    Frankly, I fear for Helios after this server merge is suppose to come. The fact that at 2pm, we got the NC outnumbering us and the Vanu by more that 30 percent just pisses me off. We held onto scraps at the end of today's alert, just because of the sheer zerg rush of heavy firepower.

    I've never considered quitting planetside until today's session. It was just....damn, god damn.