Faction-Specific HUD.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bolticus, May 6, 2013.

  1. Bolticus

    It would add a bit more character to the factions.

    NC: A reskin of a Linux OS. They are cheap ***** after all.

    TR: Some militaristic, standard issue HUD. MUST BE RED.

    VS: Some futuristic, alien-tech HUD.

    I have no idea what these HUDs would look like, I'm not very creative.
    They should also allow us to customize our HUDs by moving around windows and bars.
    We should also get a toggleable option to display our suit slot choice with a little icon in the corner.
    Basically more information on the HUD. Like weapon attachments and such.
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  2. FatSheriff

    More options is always a good thing :)
  3. JP_Russell

    I wouldn't be against it. Should definitely make it able to be toggled so that people could continue using one of the two existing HUD designs instead, if they preferred. You could call it the NS HUD, or something.
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  4. haldolium

    Oh my. No.

    That might be an idea if the game would be actually out of beta. Not now.
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  5. NikkoJT

    I'd at least like faction-specific colourtag settings. As TR I'd like to set TR as green or something instead of Frightening Red (while retaining the VS and NC colours), but as it stands that setting would carry over to my NC character and result in a lot of missed shots.
  6. sham

    Gotta be some form of Windows OS and full of adverts. They do work for big corporations after all. Maybe some sort of shopping channel playing constantly in the corner trying to sell them some crap any sane person would neither need nor want. :)
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  7. Bolticus

    Now that certainly suits the NC. The adverts should pop up when they see us in CQC!
    Only a PS2 membership would disable them.....
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  8. Vanudrax

    I would love a HUD more like what is in the Magrider. Some funky alien letters that pop up then transform into english.
  9. Paperlamp

    "Hey you could use a shotgun about right now buddy! CLICK HERE NOW to buy the new Pump Action shotgun to avoid further embarrassing CQC deaths!"
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  10. Bolticus

    That's what would really suit the VS.
    Also no chunky bars or blocks for info. Everyone knows aliens hate edges.
  11. Bolticus

    This thread died quite fast compared to all the whine threads.....
  12. Blarg20011

    everyone knows that whine and troll threads get far more attention than ones that aspire to be constructive.

    Such is life in the PS2 forums.
  13. SenEvason

    Before this, I want to be able to customize the position and size of the modules that we have on our HUD.
  14. Blarg20011

    I personally think the HUD could use a lot of changes. Right now it just looks really artificial, like it is just an overlay to assist you in the game. It would be great if it actually looked like something our ultra-future-zombie-soldiers saw on the inside of their visors/goggles, and I think faction specific HUDs would give this sense.