Faction Specific Chat Channel

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, May 2, 2018.

  1. DQCraze

    Any reason why there isnt a channel for each faction to talk to the whole map? Would be helpful in recruiting gunners.
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  2. Sazukata


    Squad leaders tab?

    A chat that everyone on the same continent and faction would be a mess, but it could possibly be useful. Who knows.
  3. FateJH

    Command channel is the closest. Need to cert into it - 100 certs under Squad Leader Certs in the Leadership Tab - and be a squad leader to use it.

    There used to be a good bad bug where you could be squad leader, hand off leadership, and still be in command channel as long as you stay in that same squad. Don't know if that still works.
  4. adamts01

    Yeah. MMOs live and die by their community, and this community really isn't given the tools necessary to thrive. So much needs to be done. My latest idea is an outfit alliance option. Everyone wants their own outfit, but often they only have a handful of members online, and they end up doing combined ops anyway. Fine and dandy during peak times. A great off-peak option would be opting in to an alliance, with an alliance chat and voip option. Just one small change to get people connected. The only current option is trying to remember which friend on your list is who, and they often are on extended breaks or never to be seen again. Every time I come back to this game I need to start over and find new people to group up with. It's a real problem.
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  5. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    The command channels are fine how they are. It's an FPS, not an RPG. If you're reading, you're not playing the game and you're probably getting killed. Having empire chat only for command helps maintain, in the loosest possible way, a chain of command. If you want to talk to a lot of people for advice, find a huge battle and use /re for your empire or /yell to ask everybody. Or talk to your outfit or use a message board.
  6. DQCraze

    It would be just like yell chat only for the faction whats so messy about that?
  7. Doc Jim

    I would prefer any continent wide or planet wide faction chat to be an opt-in or at least opt-out thing, to be activated or deactivated in the settings. I personally have no interest in my chat window being spammed.
  8. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    OP wants continent or planet wide rather than just map hex as /yell operates.
  9. Coliax

    I like that idea

    In my experience, give the community more Tools just make the game die faster, because the community is like 40% idc and just do my own Thing, 10% nice guy and 50% salt
  10. tommyrocket

    I remember there being a [Faction] chat channel back in 2015. It was removed, however, for what is probably obvious reasons.

    Isn't the main chat fraction specific as long as you don't yell?
  12. Coliax

    As far as i know (pls correct me if i'm wrong) there are
    - say
    - tell
    - yell
    - regional
    - order
    - command

    - outfit
    - Squad
    - Platoon

    And None of them is usable for everyone and communicate with the hole fraction at the same time (order doesent Count because you have to be a leader => everyone who is not a leader cant use it)
  13. PlanetBound

    400 people talking at once would be overwhelming.
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  14. Twin Suns

    The Zerg Hotline. :)