Faction Balance On Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. OminousZ

    How has the game performance improved?
  2. Pirbi

    There is always room for improvement but the game has only become more entertaining for me.
  3. OminousZ

    Thanks for all your feedback!! It's refreshing to come on a forum where people could have discussions without being trolled like a joke of the Battlefield forums.
  4. NC_agent00kevin

    Its usually pretty well balanced. TR like to say they are the underdog, VS like to say they are, but in reality, its balanced. There are wild swings at times during alerts as Ive seen all three factions with world populations in the low 20s at times. Ouside of that, during primetime, its typically even across the board. Everyone trades places with the highest pop from one day to the next, and its usually 1 or 2%. Its more balanced now than Ive ever seen it before.
  5. OminousZ

    that's great then. Since i've been gone, i read a lot of different views regarding the optimum in-game menu graphic settings. I have mine all set to Ultra and i get around 70-80 off peak, and around 60 in large battles...is that the best settings for true ultra?